"Haha, have fun!"

Zeng Xiaoxian quickly manipulated it with his hands, and at the same time he burst out laughing, this Bei Weiwei's marksmanship is not inferior to Miss, and he is a good opponent.

Immediately, he also started blindly sniping while walking.




The sound of sniper guns hit each other one after another, but both of them escaped the opponent's deadly sniper by relying on their coquettish movements.

"Wow, this is too exciting!"

"The sniper on the opposite side is also a master!"

"It's not just a master, it's simply a master of masters!"

"That's right, that's right, you can't beat Sister Weiwei! And they're all blind!"

The three elementary school students behind Bei Weiwei were stunned. Although they usually love to play Crossfire, they have never seen a real Crossfire professional game, and now Bei Weiwei and Zeng Xiaonian's confrontation between snipers is even better than professional games. How could they not be fascinated by the wonderful sniper battle?

At the same time, Lu Ziqiao and the three behind Zeng Xiaoxian also looked at him with splendor. Lu Ziqiao, who was the most opposed just now, slapped his thigh, "Wonderful!"

Before the start of the sniper battle, both of them had just replaced a bunch of bullets, and now they were all gone after some sniping.

"Haha, your marksmanship is great, and your positioning is also very professional, not inferior to those top professional players who graduated!"

Zeng Xiaoxian did not continue to reload after firing a shuttle, because he knew that the game was coming to an end.

"You are also very good, alas, but we still lost this round, but I am convinced that I lost!" Bei Weiwei didn't load the bullet, but added a line of text.

At this time, there was a rush of beeping sounds, and the next moment the bomb exploded successfully. Because the policeman Bei Weiwei chose was not able to dismantle the bomb in time, Zeng Xiaoxian won the round.

Afterwards, the two sides played a few more rounds, each winning and losing, but on the whole, the elementary school team led by Bei Weiwei lost more.

But this time the primary school students were convinced by Zeng Xiaoxian, not only stopped shouting loudly, but would send messages from time to time to get close to Zeng Xiaoxian.

After the game, Bei Weiwei sent a private message.

"Aside from playing Crossfire, do you also play villa games?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled slightly and resumed: "I still play A Chinese Ghost Story."

"Huh?" Bei Weiwei looked obviously surprised, and immediately sent another private message, "What a coincidence, I also play A Chinese Ghost Story!"

"Haha, I know." Zeng Xiaoxian deliberately teased her, "Is your nickname in A Chinese Story called Lu Weiwei?"

"How do you know?" Bei Weiwei's eyes widened at this time, with a look of hell on his face, did the other party know her?

"Who are you?" Bei Weiwei thought for a while and typed a line.

"Zeng Xiao Xian!"

Seeing the words Zeng Xiaoxian, Bei Weiwei unconsciously covered her mouth with both hands, she was too surprised and excited, it turned out to be a male god playing games with her?

Zeng Xiaoxian has more than [-] million followers on Weibo, including a few people from Beiwei Weiwei's dormitory. They all bought tickets to watch Zeng Xiaoxian's concert in Shanghai last time, but because they are students, they themselves Their economic strength is limited, so they bought standing tickets, and they were at the back of the gymnasium, so naturally they did not attract the attention of Zeng Xiaoxian and others.

I thought that the chances of meeting male gods would be less and less in the future, but I didn't expect to meet them in a game today?

"Are you really a male god?" Bei Weiwei obviously couldn't believe it.

But the next moment, she dispelled her doubts, because Zeng Xiaoxian had already sent a video request. .

404. Forming a Clan (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's handsome face, Bei Weiwei immediately turned into a nympho, "Haha, god, you are getting more and more handsome!"

"You're beautiful too!" Zeng Xiaoxian also praised, and then said, "Why do you play games with a group of elementary school students?"

Bei Weiwei said: "I use my spare time to tutor them, and play games with them after studying."

"Oh." Zeng Xiaoxian understood.

At this time, several little heads of eight or nine years old also appeared on the computer screen, smiling.

"Are you the sniper?"

"He's pretty handsome, about the same as me."

"Well, worse than me."

Zeng Xiaoxian was amused by several people, the elementary school students nowadays are really narcissistic.

Several people chatted cheerfully for a while, and suddenly a dialogue window popped up in the CrossFire game.

"The [-]rd CrossFire National League is on fire~ hot registration, there are generous rewards, all talented people, come and sign up? Those with excellent results can also represent China in the CrossFire World Competition held in the United States, competing for [-] million Big prize in dollars!"

Crossfire is a gun game that is popular all over the world. Leagues are held in various countries every year, and the winners will represent their countries in the World Series.

However, in the last two leagues held before, the South Korean and American teams were the last to reach the top respectively. Huaxia's results were not satisfactory. For this reason, the Chinese team was ridiculed by Bang Zi as amateur players.

Bei Weiwei is also a game fan, and has been paying close attention to this kind of worldwide competition. She has heard about Huaxia being ridiculed by Bangzi before. To be honest, she has been holding back her anger.

Now seeing this pop-up dialog box, my heart immediately moves.

"God, do you want to play in the league?"

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