"I want to ask Mr. Wang a few questions!"

"Well, what about Mr. Chen's interview?"


The scene suddenly became a mess, and Liu Yong hurried out to maintain order.

"Everyone, don't worry, don't worry, we will give you time for everyone to interview, but we haven't eaten yet, so everyone has one question, only one!"

After Liu Yong finished speaking, everyone started to fight again.

"I'll come first!"

"I go first!"

In the end, a reporter from Shanghai Metropolis Daily grabbed the first opportunity.

The reporter from Shanghai Metropolis Daily is a beautiful woman with long hair and a pretty smile, "Hello, Mr. Zeng, as we all know, you are one of the most promising newcomers in the entertainment industry, but at this time you are starting After joining such a book company, do you intend to quit the entertainment circle?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was directly amused by the female reporter's imagination, and said with a smile: "This reporter is very beautiful and has a lot of imagination."

There was a burst of laughter all around.

"However, to be honest, this question is a bit ridiculous. As the saying goes, literature and art are not separated. We started this book company just to better share the stories and feelings in our hearts with everyone. But at the same time, I am interested in film and television and pop music. I won’t relax either, some time ago I just held the first tour concert in Shanghai, thanks to everyone’s support, this concert was very successful, and I will go to the Imperial City to hold the second concert in the near future!”

"In addition, the film I made has entered the final stage of promotion and will be released soon. Of course, the various film and television dramas I will participate in and some of my characters will be released continuously."

"So I'm a little confused, how did this lady reporter deduce that I'm going to quit the entertainment industry?"

After finishing speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands and smiled, expressing his innocence.

The female reporter also felt a little embarrassed and wanted to ask another question, but Liu Yong had already called someone else to ask.

This time it was a male reporter.

"Hi everyone, I want to ask Mr. Wang." The male reporter nodded to Mr. Wang (bgbb) with a smile, and said, "Everyone knows that Mr. Wang's Huayi Entertainment is in the imperial capital. Did you come here specially for the opening ceremony of Mr. Zeng's store?"

"Um...well, after all, Xiaoxian is our Huayi's partner and hasn't moved around for a long time. It's normal for me to come and see him."



Next, the reporters also asked questions one after another. Everyone seemed to dig out some valuable information from the mouths of several people, so the six people were bombarded in turn on the stage. It was not until an hour passed that everything returned to calm.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were so hungry that they were about to go eat. My good fellow, a large group of fans also rushed over.There are fans of Zeng Xiaoxian, fans of Liu Huan and Princess Wang, and some who came here to see Chen Du, Wang Dajun, and Liu Bing.

In short, I wanted to leave but couldn't. A large group of fans wanted to autograph or something, so I had to give it up, so I was delayed for half an hour.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when everyone arrived at the hotel.Fortunately, Wang Dajun, Chen Du and others are good friends of Zeng Xiaoxian, regardless of these, even if the others have some complaints in their hearts, they dare not say anything.

After a meal, the sun was already setting, and everyone else had already left. Only Wang Dajun and Chen Du hadn't left yet, and they chatted for more than an hour.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian is still the subordinate of the two in name, neither Chen Du nor Wang Dajun have the slightest intention to treat Zeng Xiaoxian as a subordinate. Instead, they are close with a little respect.

Several people chatted about some plans for the future, and then dispersed in the evening.

Zeng Xiaoxian drank alright, and drank sober tea all afternoon. He had already sobered up most of the wine, so he drove back to the love apartment by himself.

After lunch, iPartment went to buy bags. After shopping all afternoon, I just came back, and I was playing with the newly bought bags.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian come back, all the girls smiled and brought the bag to Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes.

"Honey, isn't she pretty?"

"I'm cute in pink, right?"

"Well, cute, beautiful, just like you!" Zeng Xiaoxian put all the girls in his arms and kissed each of them. .

421 Xiaoxian, You Are So Evil! (1/8 begging for subscription!!)

In the next few days, Zeng Xiaoxian spent nothing to do with the girls shopping and eating, and took time to visit Ouyang Nana.

Ouyang Nana has now become a hot little actress. Not only has she received several advertising endorsement contracts, but she has also participated in a movie.Although it is not made by a big director, at least it can hone your acting skills and accumulate popularity.

Ouyang Nana has moved from the previous small apartment to a bigger house. Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, tears flashed in Ouyang Nana's eyes.

"Little fool, why are you crying, aren't you happy to see me?" Zeng Xiaoxian patted his head and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ouyang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes "Eight Nine Seven", "I hate it, people cry when they are happy!"

As he spoke, he took the bouquet and took a few sips, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked into the room, two boxes of instant noodles were placed on the table, Zeng Xiaoxian frowned, "Why do you eat so many instant noodles?"

"I've been so busy these days that I don't have time to cook." Ouyang Nana wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose and said with a cute face.

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head helplessly, put the instant noodle box on the table into the trash can, rolled up his sleeves, and walked into the kitchen.Ouyang Nana followed like a little girl.

"I'll choose the vegetables, you help me peel two heads of garlic!"


The two of them got busy in the kitchen methodically like a young couple, and three dishes and one soup were put on the table after a while.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious meal, hee hee, it's great to have my husband here!" Seeing the fragrant home-cooked dishes, Ouyang Na's eyes sparkled.

On the way back from where Ouyang Nana lived, he received a call from Director Lu Hao. A new episode of Running Man was about to start again, and the location was still the Northwest Desert.

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