But the next moment, several people collectively lost their voices.

"Hehe, it's baby, I'm so happy!"

A few funny and exaggerated acting skills directly made the whole crew laugh. .

423. I Miss You (3/8 Please Subscribe!!)

The baby got off the white car, wearing a yellow coat, and walked over with a charming catwalk.

Deng Chao and the others cheered absent-mindedly, but they looked into the distance to see if there were other princesses coming.

When he came in front of the crowd, the baby's beautiful eyes turned back and forth a few times on the crowd.

"Hey, what do you mean? I'm a beautiful woman standing in front of you. Why do you all look away when you don't look at me?"

Deng Chao came to his senses, "Baby, where are the other princesses?"

Wang Baoqiang also yelled anxiously, "That's right, baby, why haven't the other princesses come yet?"

The baby looked innocent, "Are there any other princesses? Why don't I know? The director told me that I am the only princess!"


A few bosses who are funny and glaring, could it be that there are more wolves and less meat?

Zeng Xiaoxian looked behind with a smile on his hands, when there was a noise from behind, he looked over subconsciously, and there was another white car parked somewhere where the baby got off just now.

Along the car window, you can see a slim beauty sitting in the back photo.Flaxen curly hair, long neck, orange skirt.

"Hey, another beautiful woman is here!" Wang Baoqiang also saw it, and shouted quickly, and everyone else wanted to look over there.

"Hey, baby, you lied to us!"

"Haha, this beauty looks very tall!"

While everyone was chattering, the baby quietly came to Zeng Xiaoxian's side, and seeing Zeng Xiaoxian staring at the white car in the distance without taking his eyes off him, he didn't even notice that he was in front of him, which made the baby a little unhappy, and then she With a sly smile, he stretched out a hand towards Zeng Xiaoxian's earlobe.

Zeng Xiaoxian was also quite curious about the beauties in the car, as he was watching, he suddenly felt his ears being grabbed.

"Hey, who is this~¨?"

Zeng Xiaoxian's scream immediately caught everyone's attention, and he quickly turned his head to look at this side, and the next moment everyone burst out laughing.

Deng Chao gloated and said, "Hahaha, you also said that I am a married person, Xiaoxian, you are even more married than a married person, because your whore is watching you by your side!"

Wang Baoqiang was also happy, "Xiaoxian, so you are still a strict wife!"

Among the running boys, only Wang Baoqiang could be said to be strict with his wife, but now that there is another Xiaoxian, Wang Baoqiang feels like he has found an organization.

Being regarded as Zeng Xiaoxian's other half by everyone, the baby's pretty face couldn't help but blush, but he still didn't let go, "Hehe, Xiaoxian, you looked at it seriously just now!"

"Just take a look, let go!"

"You can let go, but you are not allowed to look over there, you have to turn your back to this side, only look at me!" The baby refused to let go.

Zeng Xiaoxian had nothing to do, so he had no choice but to admit cowardice for the time being, but he was thinking in his heart when he would push the baby. The actual combat experience told him that women always push their feet, and only when they are pushed can they be honest.

Just like Hu Yifei from iPartment, how arrogant she was before, what happened after being pushed?Now behave like a bunny!

The door of the second white sedan opened.

Still the same as before, the first thing that appeared in everyone's sight was a beautiful leg.

This beautiful leg is more slender and wears high heels.

That's called raising an eye!

That's a sex feeling!


Everyone let out an exclamation in unison, and they almost cried out together.

But now Zeng Xiaoxian is a bit forced, the back of his head is facing that direction, but he can't look back if he wants to, because the baby is staring at him like a Hedong lion!

The beautiful woman in the car revealed her true face little by little, and everyone immediately cried out in surprise.

"Wow, it turned out to be..."

"Don't say her name!" The baby's fighting power is so strong now, when Deng Chao was about to call out her name, she yelled at her, and swallowed the words that came to her mouth in a daze.

".So it's...she?" Wang Zunan shivered.

Zeng Xiaoxian became even more curious, "Hey, who the hell are you talking about?"

"Do not say!"

"Yes, you can't say it, if you say baby, you will hit me!"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

Time passed by second by second, and the footsteps of the second princess were getting closer.

"Da da da!"

High heels, and they are sky high!

"Xiaoxian, long time no see?" Just when Zeng Xiaoxian was full of doubts, a familiar greeting sounded behind him.

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