Hearing Deng Chaoao's voice, Pi Gu, who was riding on the pommel horse just now, jumped up from the pommel horse with a jerk, clutching his crotch and squatting beside him without speaking, as if a spring had been installed.

Li Cheng and the others also chased after them. Seeing Deng Chao's painful expression, they also looked bewildered.

But then Xie Yiling's true nature was exposed, and she said: "Deng Chao, is this a bitch?"



Everyone was rolling with laughter. .

426. The Oriole is Behind (6/8 Subscription!!)

Deng Chao squatted on the ground for a while before getting up, but then he heard a stabbing sound, and the name tag behind the baby had been torn off.

"What?" Deng Chao was about to go crazy, looking at the name tag in Li Cheng's hand, "Li Cheng, it's too rude, I was injured just now!"

Li Cheng shrugged, "I know, but are you okay now?"

"Pfft!" Deng Chao was about to vomit blood.

"Team Xie Yiling won this game!" With director Lu Hao's final word, the second game officially started.

"Come on!"


In this round, Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng faced each other head-on, and the outcome was as expected, Li Cheng lost.

Zeng Xiaoxian won once, Li Cheng also won once, the two teams were tied, and as long as one of these two pairs wins the next round, they will win this round of the game.

The two teams are now at daggers drawn.

Li Cheng: "Hey, the winner of Xiaoxian 16's game must be me!"

Zheng Kai said hehe, "It seems that we just tore you up just now, how dare you shout in front of us?"

Xiong Dailin waved his small fist, "Yes, victory belongs to us!"

Xie Yiling started to show her domineering side again, and pinched her waist with both hands, "We must win this game! No one can compete with us!"

Deng Chao watched the two couples tearing apart from the side, and now he came up to make up for it, "Hehe, Xie Yiling, you can't beat Xiaoxian and the others at all, how did you win?"

Xie Yiling looked at Deng Chao, and suddenly smiled strangely, "Have you ever heard of an idiom, avoid the serious and take the light!"

Wang Baoqiang's cultural level is not high, "What do you mean by avoiding the important and taking the light?"

Deng Chao was also a little confused, "Avoiding the most important thing and taking the lightest step is to avoid the unmanageable, and rush towards the one that can be dealt with...?"

The three looked at each other.

"I'll go, you guys are too insidious, you can't tear up Xiaoxian and they come to tear us up?" Baby was depressed and didn't want to.

Wang Baoqiang also said: "Hey, you are not authentic, we didn't mess with you, why do you keep chasing us and tearing it up?"

"That's right, who did we mess with?" Deng Chao asked.

Li Cheng and Wang Zunan also had silver smiles on their faces, "You didn't find anyone to provoke anyone. If you want to blame, blame you for being the weakest of the three teams. Who are you tearing up if you don't die?"

Deng Chao, Wang Baoqiang, and Baby were very angry, and they were also angry.

"Okay, just tear it up, let's fight for the next game!"

Zeng Xiaoxian watched the two teams start to tear up again, and was happy to watch the fire from the other side. At this time, Xiong Dailin asked: "Xiaoxian, what should we do next?"

Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while, "Let's relax, if no one tears us up, we will follow the established rhythm, if someone comes to tear us up, then we will fight against them!"

Xiong Dailin was a little confused, "In that case, if Li Cheng and the others tear up the baby later, wouldn't they win?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled, "So although we won't take the initiative to tear people apart later, we must keep a distance from Li Cheng and the others. As soon as they fight with Baby's team, we will start immediately!"

"Understood!" Xiong Dailin grinned.

The third game officially begins.

It has to be said that Xie Yiling is still very thieves, when he caught sight of Deng Chao and the three of them getting into the big net, he rushed up and directly pinned the three of Deng Chao into the net.

"Hahaha, catch them all!" Li Cheng laughed wildly and began to tear off the baby's name tag.

Baby is very smart. Although the three members of her team are inconvenient to move in the net, she can stick the name tag to the ground, which makes it difficult for the opponent to tear it off.

The baby scratched with both hands in front of him with his eyes closed, and didn't care about him.Under the tactics of the baby's rabbit kicking the eagle, although Li Cheng and others took the absolute initiative, they still suffered a lot temporarily.

"Oh, I'll go, baby, don't hit me in the face!" Li Cheng.

"Let go baby, why are you picking my nostrils, what a fool, you even wiped booger on my face!" Wang Zunan.

"Ouch!" Xie Yiling was tearing up the baby with all her strength and almost vomited it out, it was so disgusting.

Zeng Xiaoxian also saw that the two teams were torn apart.

"The mantis, the cicada, and the oriole are behind, get on!" Zeng Xiaoxian ordered, and the three of them suddenly accelerated.Zeng Xiaoxian is the fastest in the men's running team. Zheng Kai is called the little cheetah, and is the second existence of the men's running team with a medium speed of 683 degrees. Only Xiong Dailin, she is a girl, and her health is not very good. He got up a little stumbling.

But at this moment, there was no need for her to run away at all, Zeng Xiaoxian turned around and gave Xiong Dailin a princess hug, and then ran wildly towards the battlefield.

Li Cheng, Deng Chao and others were tearing apart, when they suddenly felt a burst of smoke.

Then, only a thud was heard.

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