Wang Baoqiang: "Xiaoxian, you are dead!"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

Zeng Xiaoxian has a thick skin, which is fine, but Xiong Dailin is not good, she is thin-skinned, being teased by everyone like this, she blushes like a burning cloud in the sky, wishing to find a crack to get in.

"Oh, I'm so ashamed!"

The baby watched from the side, although she felt a little sour in her heart, but Xiao Xiong was her best friend after all, and they basically talked about Zeng Xiaoxian's things that should be talked about, and there would be no misunderstanding because of some things.

Along the way, everyone talked, laughed, and played around, and finally arrived at the location of the second game.

"Damn it, what is that?" Zheng Kai looked at a giant in front of him and asked in a daze.

Wang Zunan looked at it, "Could it be a big drum?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was delighted, "Where is this big drum? Does your sister see holes in it?"

Deng Chao started to be funny again, "Xiaoxian, I've been reminded so much by you, I know what this is!"

"What?" Everyone asked curiously.

The old god Deng Chao was there, and after a while, he paused word by word: "This is, a big drum with a hole in it!"

"I'll fuck you!" Everyone rolled their eyes in unison. .

429. Whack-a-mole (1/8 Subscribe!!)

When he came close, Zeng Xiaoxian saw what was in front of him, and suddenly thought of a small computer game - whack-a-mole.

"This game is whack-a-mole, right?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Hao and asked doubtfully.

Lu Hao was stunned for a moment, and gave this guy a blank look, "You guessed it right again, yes, this time the game is ~ whack-a-mole!"

"Whack-a-mole? Haha, I'm good at it! I think I broke the record playing this game back then!" Deng Chao burst into laughter when he heard it was whack-a-mole.

At this moment, Lu Hao continued: "Next, we will put some corn on the top, and each princess will stand in the middle of the corn, and hit the gophers with a generously gifted inflatable hammer to prevent the gophers from stealing your corn, and the one with the most corn will be left in the end." One team is the winning team!"

"Director, where is the gopher?" Wang Baoqiang asked.

Lu Hao chuckled and pointed to everyone, "You all have the opportunity to be gophers!"


Li Cheng held Deng Chao's arm, "Haha, Brother Chao, it's useless no matter how hard you beat a gopher, you're just a gopher!"

Deng Chao: "..."

After announcing the rules of the game, Xie Yiling, the first team, officially entered the field.

Xie Yiling was wearing a blue T-shirt, holding an inflatable hammer in his hand, standing in the middle of the corn like a goddess of war, showing off his might.

"Wow! Gophers are coming to die, I am the cat princess! Meow!"

Zeng Xiaoxian frowned slightly, Xie Yiling was very athletic, stronger than Baby and Xiong Dailin, this competition was obviously the most beneficial for Xie Yiling.

Zheng Kai also saw this, and leaned close to Zeng Xiaoxian and whispered, "Xie Yiling has an advantage in this round of games."

"Yes." Zeng Xiaoxian waited, "But we can find a way to eliminate her advantage."

Zheng Kai was stunned when he heard this, "How to resolve it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and pointed to the circle of corn under Xie Yiling's feet, "We will definitely be the two teams to be gophers together, as long as we can get as much corn as possible, then Xie Yiling's advantage will be offset Yet?"

Zheng Kai agreed deeply and nodded.

"Everyone is in your place!"

After Lu Hao gave an order, everyone started to enter the gopher hole.

"Two minutes, start the timer!" Even though it started, there was still a burst of music that sounded in sync.

The whack-a-mole game has officially begun.

Xie Yiling swung the inflatable hammer in a circle, and Zheng Kai just showed his head when he was hit in the face with the hammer.

"I'm a mother!" Zheng Kai covered his mouth~ his mouth shrank back again.

Zeng Xiaoxian was fast, while Xie Yiling was concentrating on other places, he reached out out of nowhere and scooped up some corn.

There was almost no chance of the baby over there, but they played a role in helping Zeng Xiaoxian distract Xie Yiling's attention. In a short period of time, Zeng Xiaoxian had already obtained more than a dozen corns.

Deng Chao and Wang Zunan stood outside to watch the battle, seeing that the corn in Zeng Xiaoxian's direction was about to be taken by Zeng Xiaoxian.The wah-wah of the two-person machine yelled.

"Yi Ling, pay attention to Xiao Xian's direction, keep an eye on it, this guy is too thieves!"

As soon as Xie Yiling reminded him, he immediately lowered his head and glanced in Zeng Xiaoxian's direction. The next moment, he found that all the corn cobs over there had been stolen, and now there were only three or two big cats and kittens left.

Xie Yiling became angry, "Ahhh, Xiaoxian, I hate you!"

In the end, Xie Yiling saved [-] corns, but because Li Cheng in the baby team fouled once and played three corns, Xie Yiling's total score was [-] corns.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

The second one to play is baby. Just now I saw Xie Yiling knocking on it very coolly. Now the baby is showing off his power as soon as he gets the inflatable hammer, and he hums Zeng Xiaoxian's Divine Comedy directly.

"You are my little gopher, come and be beaten by me..."

Li Cheng also enjoyed watching Xie Yiling's swing just now.I also wanted to go up and swing a few times, and turned to the director and shouted: "Director, can I replace baby?"

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