There was still half a bucket of sand left, and it all flowed down Deng Chao's forehead, all over his body and face.

"I'll go for it!"

Deng Chao patted the sand on his head indiscriminately, and roared towards the bridge, "Your uncle, who is under the bridge, did it on purpose? Brother even fell and kicked?"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng stopped kicking and didn't speak, they just held back their laughter.

Deng Chao is not stupid, who else can have such good physical strength besides Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng?

"Xiaoxian, Li Cheng, you two are cheating, don't think I'm not here for you〃`!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng still kept their mouths shut, they refused to admit it anyway.

When the onlookers saw Deng Chao's comical embarrassment, they couldn't help laughing.The celebrities here are joking, and the communication effect must be very good.Audience members with friends nearby immediately pulled out their phones.

"Hey, Ade, come quickly, Deng Chao is here! There are also baby and Wang Baoqiang! Come and see!"

"Xiaoxue, don't you like baby the most? Baby is here now, come quickly, I will send you the location!"


As phone calls and text messages were sent out, more and more people came here.

Old and young, men and women, are all flocking here.

Running man, the game continues.

Wang Baoqiang had practiced in Shaolin Temple when he was a child, and he was very good at playing the game. In addition, he was short and dexterous. When the time expired, he had filled half of his glass container in total.

"Haha, this is not bad!" Deng Chao came to the side of the glass container and looked at it, laughing.

Wang Baoqiang was terribly tired, but Deng Chao didn't even have a drop of sweat on his forehead, which made the baby feel a little bit sorry for Wang Baoqiang.

"Brother Chao, look at Wang Baoqiang, who is so tired, you didn't even manage to transport a bucket of sand."

Hearing this, Deng Chao blushed, just as the baby said, all the sand in this half glass container was transported by Wang Baoqiang alone.

At the beginning of the Deng Dynasty, he also wanted to transport sand conscientiously, but Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng made troubles below, which made him fail three times in a row. He is an optimistic and open-minded person by nature. Seeing this, he simply gave up the idea of ​​​​serious sand transport. .Every time I go to the bridge, it's like twisting Yangko. I have a lot of fun and make the onlookers laugh.

But the end result of doing so was that he didn't even transport a bucket of sand.

Deng Chao also felt that he was a bit too much, no, he must throw the pot away quickly!

"Xiaoxian, Li Cheng, you guys come out!" Deng Chao put his hands on his hips and yelled towards the bottom of the bridge like a shrew who scolded the street.

The onlookers were stupefied.

"What, there are people under the bridge?"

"It turns out that the undulating effect on the bridge surface was caused by the people under the bridge?"

"Deng Chao called Xiaoxian Li Cheng just now? Is Li Cheng the star Li Cheng?"

"Probably nine out of ten, they should be filming a variety show for a celebrity reality show, and the participants must be celebrities!"

"Then who is the Xiaoxian he called just now?"

"Yes, who is Xiaoxian? Is there a celebrity named Xiaoxian?"

"It should be the first name. The surname should have been omitted by Deng Chao. Isn't that what you usually call it to show kindness?"

"Is there any celebrity called Xiaoxian?" An aunt who was onlooker subconsciously asked, even if she had never heard of Zeng Xiaoxian's name, but the young man wearing sunglasses standing next to her The girl was taken aback for a moment, and surprise was written all over her face.

"Could it be... the male god, Zeng Xiaoxian?"

And this kind of situation happened one after another in the crowd. Often some middle-aged and elderly women had never heard of Zeng Xiaoxian's name, and they asked others in a daze, but young girls in their twenties and thirties never heard of Zeng Xiaoxian. The word "Xiaoxian" suddenly lit up as if two candles were lit in his eyes.

"Ahh, male god, is male god here too?"

"The Xiaoxian that Deng Chao called out just now must be our male god!"

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet a male god during a trip, so happy!".

433. There are still bugs? (5/8 for subscription!!)

Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng were also choked up at the bottom of the bridge, and they all crawled out.

When the fans saw that it was really Zeng Xiaoxian, they all went crazy.

"Male god, ahh, what a male god!"

"Male god, I love you to death!"

"Long live the male god!"

The fans shouted excitedly, Zeng Xiaoxian was also taken aback, he didn't expect to be discovered by the fans here.

He took off his hat and waved to the fans, "How are you!"

Before Zeng Xiaoxian came out, Deng Chao seemed to be very popular, but as soon as Zeng Xiaoxian came out, Deng Chao was left alone.

Deng Chao's eyes were about to burst into flames, "Xiaoxian, you bastard, not only did you play tricks under the bridge, but now you come out and grab my fans!"

Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands, "I didn't do anything!"

Deng Chao almost fell to the ground, Zeng Xiaoxian really didn't do anything at 590, the fans are so crazy, anyway, he also has nearly [-] million Weibo fans, why is it so shabby in comparison?

"Where are my fans?" Deng Chao made a possession, and the crowd burst into cheers, but they were all male tourists or women in their thirties.

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