"Is everyone ready?" Lu Hao said, and the staff brought three pairs of blindfolds.

"Why is this thing used?" Deng Chao asked suspiciously.

Lu Hao said: "The rules of the game I told you this morning are not complete enough, and lack the core part, that is, each of you knights must cover your eyes when fighting with the princess on your back."



Now everyone was stunned, it was too difficult to cover their eyes in such a small arena.

But the rules are so, and everyone has nothing to say. The first knights of the three teams are Zheng Kai, Wang Baoqiang, and Wang Zunan. The three put on blindfolds respectively, and the game officially started.

Since every knight is blindfolded, he can't see anything at all, so he can only guide them through the princess on his back.

"Go forward, go left, yes yes yes!"

"Go forward, hurry up, it's not good that they are coming, run away!"

When the princesses came to an emergency, they didn't care whether they were right or not, they just started talking nonsense, going forward, backward, and left.It made several knights sweat, but the tragedy is that the three teams have not met each other so far.

"You are my eyes, show me the changes of the four seasons, you are my eyes, take me through the crowded crowd..." Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the people on the ring, it was so funny, he couldn't help singing A very famous song "You Are My Eyes" in my previous life.

However, as soon as he sang these two climax parts, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The three knights on the ring stopped, and the baby on Wang Baoqiang's back frowned, "Xiaoxian, what song are you singing?"

Deng Chao and Li Cheng also looked at Zeng Xiaoxian suspiciously. This song is very nice, but they have never heard it before. Could it be Zeng Xiaoxian's new song?

Even Lu Hao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in surprise, "Xiaoxian, why haven't I heard your song before?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was embarrassed. He was too absorbed in watching it just now. He felt that this song was suitable for the occasion, so he sang it out of his mouth. He didn't even pay attention to whether there was such a song in this world.

Coincidentally, this world does not have this song.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian's reputation as a genius original singer has already been established, and he can lie without blushing without heartbeat, and no one will doubt it.

"Hehe, this is a new song I wrote. I just hummed it out because it felt more appropriate to the occasion."

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian said this, Deng Chao immediately became interested, "Xiaoxian, this song is not bad, let's sing it once and listen to it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian just hummed a few lines casually just now. In fact, if he didn't use the system, he would still remember these two climax lines, and the others would have been forgotten long ago.Now that Deng Chao doesn't open any pots, Zeng Xiaoxian gave him a white look, "Now is the time for the brand-tearing competition in the ring, so it's not suitable for other things, right?"

Hearing this, Deng Chao blushed, "That's right."

The game continued. After the panic at the beginning, everyone gradually calmed down. The command of the princesses became effective, and the knights also made auxiliary judgments through their ears. So after a while, Xie Yiling and Baby, the two teams met on a narrow road.

"Haha, I want to tear it! I want to tear it!" The baby directly raised his arms and tore at Xie Yiling with claws and teeth.

Xie Yiling is not someone to wait for nothing, she also grabbed the baby without hesitation, "baby, you were the one who tore me up last time, this time I will tear you up!"

When Xie Yiling participated in running men for the first time, when he tore off the name tag at the end, he also met the baby on a narrow road. I want to avenge my shame.

"It's stabbed!" Not long after, a voice like a tearing silk sounded, and Xie Yiling was once again succeeded by the baby.

"Wang Zunan, out!!"

"Wang Zunan, out!!"

This time Xie Yiling posted Wang Zunan's name tag, so Wang Zunan was eliminated when the name tag was torn off, and Xie Yiling still had two lives left. .

437. Unexpected out (1/8 begging for subscription!!)

Then, Xie Yiling showed great power and tore off the name tags of Baby and Xiong Dailin in succession.

"Wang Baoqiang, out!!"

"Wang Baoqiang, out!!"

"Zheng Kai is out!!"

"Zheng Kai is out!!"

Seeing Xie Yiling's vigor, the people watching from the sidelines were stunned.

"Xie Yiling is indeed a woman!" Li Cheng said with emotion.

"Xiaoxian, you guys are dangerous!" Wang Zunan also joked with a smile.

Deng Chao also laughed and said: "Xiaoxian, although your personal ability is very strong, you can't use your strength in this round, and among the several princesses, only our Xie Yiling is the most vigorous!"

Zeng Xiaoxian shrugged and laughed at Deng Chao and the others, "That's not necessarily true?"

As soon as the words fell, the baby on the field said: "How about Dai Lin and our alliance?"

Deng Chao was taken aback when he heard this, how could he still play like this?

Xie Yiling was also surprised, and then she also ran over, "Dai Lin and I form an alliance, okay? Okay?"

Xie Yiling changed from a female man to a cute girl in a second.

However, I am not afraid of Xie 763 Yiling's coquettish and cute baby, "Yi Ling, you should die, haha, Dai Lin and I are good sisters who have known each other for eight years, she will not form an alliance with you! "

Xie Yiling was depressed for a while, "Dai Lin, what age is it now, sisterhood is useless, so, you form an alliance with me, and I will give you two million in your account later."


Xiong Dailin was amused, and the others were also amused. I have to say that Xie Yiling's sense of variety is still great.

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