baby: "Little Bear, you have to be careful! I won't show mercy!"

"I won't show mercy either!" Xiong Dailin was also full of fighting spirit.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng didn't care about these things, what they cared about was whether they could be beaten less.

Just now, Deng Chao and Li Cheng were often beaten in the face by the two princesses on their backs, and the beatings were so ruthless that now Li Cheng still has lingering fears.

"I said, two princesses, our camels also have dignity. If you tear up the name tag, you should tear up the name tag. Don't use violence against our camels!"

Deng "[-]" Chao also felt the same way, subconsciously touching his face, "My face still hurts!"

Zeng Xiaoxian saw what happened to Li Cheng and Deng Chao just now, and directly shouted at the director: "Director, do you have a helmet?"

"Hey, that's right, why didn't I think of that? The director brought us two sets of helmets!" Li Cheng very much agreed with Zeng Xiaoxian's suggestion.

Lu Hao stood beside him with a loudspeaker, as if nothing happened, "Bring them two helmets!"

The staff of the program group were stunned, "Director, you drink too much, how can we have a helmet?"

Lu Hao pointed to a basket not far away, "Isn't that?"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng looked along, and immediately wanted to curse, what kind of helmets are there? The ones in the basket were clearly the hats that the gophers wore when they played whack-a-mole.

"Director, you're so funny. Does your helmet look like this?"

"Director, what we want is a helmet, not a hat!"

Lu Hao spread his hands, "That can't be helped, the crew only has this now, don't pull it down. Take a break and prepare for the final battle!"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

Li Cheng: "..."

Just now Li Cheng and Zeng Xiaoxian have already played several games together, Zeng Xiaoxian is better, after all, he has not gone through fierce fighting, but Li Cheng is different, every game is fierce fighting, if he joins the game now, his body will not be able to bear it .

The baby sat down on the ground, Wang Baoqiang sneaked up, lay next to the baby and whispered, not knowing what he was talking about.

Li Cheng was curious and moved over.

Deng Chao, who had become an audience, also moved closer, closer, closer.

Then, Zheng Kai and Wang Zunan also approached.

However, when the crowd approached, Wang Baoqiang laughed and ran away.

It made everyone dumbfounded.

Zeng Xiaoxian joked: "Baoqiang, you didn't take your medicine this morning, did you?"

Deng Chao followed suit, "I seemed to see a psychopath running over just now?"

Li Cheng also looked depressed, Wang Baoqiang didn't say anything just now, he was just messing around!

After a short rest, Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Chengcheng put on blindfolds, and the final decisive battle began!

The baby on Li Cheng's back suddenly looked at Xiong Dailin, "Xiong, are you wearing clothes?"

Xiong Dailin subconsciously said: "I'm wearing suspenders." But then she felt something was wrong.

"You damn baby, why are you asking this? You don't want to private my clothes, do you?"

Xiong Dailin looked nervous, but the baby was full of smiles, "Hey, you have to be careful!"

The crowd of onlookers boiled.

Deng Chao: "Haha, tear up clothes, is this an upgraded version of tearing up famous brands?"

Wang Baoqiang: "I'm so nervous, I'm still a baby!"

"I don't want to look, I don't want to look!" Xie Yiling had an exaggerated expression on his face, covering his eyes with both hands, but the slits between his fingers were wide open...

Zeng Xiaoxian was amused by Xie Yiling, "Xie Yiling, you are a girl, what are you afraid of?"

Xie Yiling looked confused, "Ah? Am I a girl? I thought I was a boy!"



Amidst the laughter of the crowd, the baby and Xiong Dailin were finally torn together.

Although baby is stronger, her physique is relatively petite~small, while Xiong Dailin is weaker, but her bones are big, and her two arms are long. Often she can easily stretch her arms behind baby, but baby is still a little short Big cut.

Xiong Dailin's height advantage was immediately revealed.

But the baby is not jealous either, she is an athletic girl with great strength, Xiong Dailin stretched her arm behind her several times, but she maneuvered on Li Cheng's back to escape the danger.

Fortunately, with Li Cheng's physique, if it was Deng Chao and the others, the baby might not be able to hold on long ago tossing and turning on their backs.

The two were tearing up in full swing, and Li Cheng and Zeng Xiaoxian started head to head 4.4 again. With the grief, the two tore with all their strength, Zeng Xiaoxian and Li Cheng had to go around in circles.

The surrounding crowd laughed like crazy, and Deng Chao directly picked up a ballpoint pen as a microphone, "Everyone, please see, the theme of this issue's famous brand tearing is called the spinning camel!"

Wang Zunan also leaned forward and back together happily, "I have only heard of spinning tops."

As Xiong Dailin's innate advantage of relatively long arms repeatedly caused danger to the baby, the baby smiled and reached out to grab the collar of Xiong Dailin's T-shirt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" .

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