Led by Wang Dong, Zeng Xiaoxian came to the SOHO hall. The hall was big enough to accommodate one or two thousand people. At this time, the whole hall was decorated with a new look. There were colorful balloons and lanterns hanging everywhere inside, giving it a festive atmosphere. Propaganda posters with Zeng Xiaoxian's face were hung at several corners and conspicuous places in the aisles.

At this time, a long dragon had already been set up in the hall, and it was obvious that they had arrived long ago.

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback, he got up at five o'clock in the morning and rushed here, but these fans were 507 earlier than him, so they came here in the middle of the night?

"Huh, that's the male god? The male god is here!" A little girl in the front row had sharp eyes and immediately saw Zeng Xiaoxian, and then she shouted in surprise.

When other fans heard the words, they quickly looked over here, and they were overjoyed to see that it was indeed Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Ah, what a god!"

"The male god is really handsome in a suit of clothes!"

"Male god, he is really God's favorite. He is so good at everything, but I heard that the movie made by the male god will be released soon!"

"That's right, soon, in the last one or two months!"

"Male god, male god, this way!!"

"Male God I love you!"

Some enthusiastic female fans could no longer hold back, jumping and screaming, and the whole hall was noisy for a while.

Zeng Xiaoxian also raised his hand to greet the fans, "How are you!"

"Hello man!".

451. The Little Earthworm and Guan Guan Are Here (7/8 Please Subscribe!!)

After greeting the fans, Zeng Xiaoxian came to the back lounge, where Liu Yong was directing.He needs to gather all the books here first, and when the signing session starts, the distance to the front is relatively short and easy to move.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian coming, Liu Yong turned around and cheered at him, "Xiaoxian, have you seen the outside? There are so many people, it looks like you are going to suffer a lot today!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled indifferently, "It's nothing, it's because of fans that I'm popular, and I should be a little tired for them."

Liu Yong gave a thumbs up. Nowadays, some celebrities, especially some fresh meats, once they become famous, they start not to take their fans seriously, and some even beat their fans with their hands. Liu Yong can't get used to these things.But my boss is also a handsome little fresh meat, much more talented than those so-called young fresh meat, and Liu Yong is very pleased and happy to be able to say such words!

"Xiaoxian, sit there and rest for a while, I will instruct them to move the things first."

"Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian responded and sat down on the sofa next to him to rest. The young people who moved the books were hired young people, so he didn't need to do anything.

An hour later, the signing session was just beginning. Zeng Xiaoxian came to the front desk, which immediately caused another burst of cheers from the fans.

Sitting on the chair, looking at the two thick stacks of books in front of him, Zeng Xiaoxian nodded to Liu Yong who was in front, and the latter signaled to the security guard to remove the chains blocking the flow of people, and the flow of people rushed in immediately.

The first one was a girl, "Teacher Zeng, I have been your loyal fan since you presided over your moon and my heart. I am so happy to see you in person today¨〃!"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian was also taken aback, subconsciously looking like a girl.

The girl looks young, wearing a floral dress, short hair and fair skin, although she is not very beautiful, but she is quite pretty, especially when she smiles, there are two light spots on her cheeks. Shallow dimples, very cute.

"You have followed me since I hosted Your Moon My Heart?" Zeng Xiaoxian was also taken aback. Most of his fans are accumulated from books and music, and he probably came from the radio station hosting Your Moon My Heart Should be very few.The main reason is that his show is a real estate emotional show, usually watched by drivers in their [-]s and [-]s and some night shift drivers. The girl in front of me is probably not yet [-] years old, and she should still be studying!

Sure enough, the girl nodded happily when Zeng Xiaoxian asked her, and explained: "I was very nervous at the time of the college entrance examination, and my sleep quality was extremely poor at night. After listening to your program, my sleep quality improved!"

Zeng Xiaoxian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, did this co-author use his own show as a lullaby?

The girl also saw the change in Zeng Xiaoxian's expression, and immediately understood that Zeng Xiaoxian had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Mr. Zeng, please don't get me wrong. The reason why I sleep better after listening to your program is because you The stories told in the show when helping other people solve their emotional problems are very heartwarming, which made me feel relaxed and able to fall asleep!"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled, it seems that the program he hosted back then had a lot of positive effects, at least the little girl in front of him felt that he hosted it very well!

Zeng Xiaoxian was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Are you still studying?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah, I'm in my sophomore year, and I asked for leave today to rush here!"

Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while, and wrote a paragraph of encouraging words.

The girl was very happy, thanked her repeatedly, and then ran away.

Signing will continue.

Zeng Xiaoxian will chat with some interesting people a few more times, usually just a greeting and sign his name.

In a blink of an eye, it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and Zeng Xiaoxian had already signed the two piles of books piled up in front of him.After signing for such a long time, my hands are sore.He went to the toilet, smoked a cigarette and took a break before going back to sign.

".ˇHaha, male god, look at who I am?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was signing with his head down, when a familiar voice sounded in front of Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian subconsciously raised his head and smiled, isn't this the little earthworm and Guan Guan from Ode to Joy Community?

"Why are you here? (Hi Wang)" Zeng Xiaoxian said in surprise.

The little earthworm looked very lively, and pouted at Zeng Xiaoxian, "Doesn't the male god welcome us?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and waved his hands, "How can I, I'm too happy!"

The little earthworm and Guan Guan both smiled happily. Guan Guan is a lady and usually doesn’t talk much, but today she saw Zeng Xiaoxian much more rarely and she said a few words, “Male god, you haven’t been to our Ode to Joy community for a long time. It's a guest!"

The little earthworm also nodded, "Yes, yes, you must go to our place to have fun some other day, and Guan Guan and I will cook special dishes for you!"

"Okay, I will definitely be a guest when I have time!".

452. The Expert in the Community (8/8 Begging for Subscription!!)

It was already [-] o'clock in the evening when the signing event ended. Although there were still a steady stream of fans coming, Zeng Xiaoxian was already exhausted. After writing for a whole day, his hands were sore.Liu Yong also knew that Zeng Xiaoxian would really be overwhelmed in this situation. Although Zeng Xiaoxian said that he could go ahead for an hour or two, Liu Yong still decisively announced that today's signing will be over.

When they learned that Zeng Xiaoxian was exhausted, the fans were also very understanding, they didn't get angry or make trouble, instead they told Zeng Xiaoxian to pay attention to rest.

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