Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao deliberately made fun of it, pulling them along but not letting them go.


Several people had a quarrel for a while, and Zhang Xinyi and the others formally returned to the team. At this time, Lu Hao said: "Welcome everyone to Wuhan. The street you are on is called Han Street, and the river next to you is called Chu River! What we are going to do today is The battle between Chu and Han! Now Deng Chao's team is the Chu team, and Wang Baoqiang's team is the Han team!"

When Wang Baoqiang heard that his team was the Han team, he danced happily, "Historically, the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony was won by the Han. Doesn't this mean that our Han team will win today?"

Zeng Xiaoxian deliberately teased him, "Bao Qiang, are you sure that Han won the final victory in history?"

When Wang Baoqiang was asked this way, he felt a little confused, "Isn't it... isn't it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian: "Of course not!"

Wang Baoqiang looked at director Lu Hao: "Director, we want to be Team Chu!"



Everyone was amused by Wang Baoqiang's lack of historical knowledge. Wang Baoqiang also realized that Zeng Xiaoxian was teasing him. His small eyes were full of innocence, "Xiaoxian, you villain!"

Next, Lu Hao began to explain the specific rules.

There are five chess pieces on both sides. Each player draws one of them, but he cannot see it. In the next game, the winning side will have the opportunity to check the opponent's pieces and exchange them.The size of the identity of the chess pieces will determine whether the players have an advantage and win the opponent.

"Next you draw your pieces from the box."

Following Lu Hao's order, the players of the two teams each drew a chess piece.

Then the first round of the game began.

The location of the first round of the game was on a long street, which was not far from here, so the players of both teams ran over.

Wang Baoqiang's team arrived first, and almost fell to the ground when he saw the acupressure board on the ground that could not be seen as far as the eye could see.

"Damn it, it's the fingerboard again?!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao's team also came to Changjie, seeing the acupressure boards all over the floor, they were also dizzy.

Zeng Xiaoxian took a glance, "I'll go, the shiatsu board this time seems to be longer than the first one!"

Deng Chao: "What does the director want to do?"

However, Zhang Xinyi and others really saw the finger press board for the first time, and they didn't know its power at all.

Yuan Hong was dumbfounded, "What's the use of the shiatsu board?"

Zhang Xinyi was also a little uncertain: "Did you massage the soles of your feet?"

Guo Jingfei looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and the others, then at Wang Baoqiang, "I don't think it's that simple, you can tell by their frightened expressions!"

Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled, "Feifei, you misunderstood, what kind of frightened expression do we have, it's clearly an expression of surprise!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Deng Chao also said: "Three guests, do you want to give it a try? It's fun!"

The baby looked like a big bad wolf seducing a little lamb, "That's right, it's very cool and exciting!"

Zhang Xinyi waved his hands repeatedly with an expression of believing you.

At this time, the program team handed over a task card, Zeng Xiaoxian took it, and read aloud: "Work together to complete the relay race, all friends on the street, complete the corresponding mini-games in order, and the team with the shortest time wins!"The winning team can check any piece of their own or the opponent's chess piece, and can exchange it with another person!


The first player to play was Guo Jingfei of Wang Baoqiang's team. The game props were a ladder made of foam, and Guo Jingfei had to turn five times in place as required.But I didn't expect this guy to be indistinguishable from left to right. After searching for a long time, I didn't know which one was the right hand.

Zeng Xiaoxian and the others laughed and raised their eyebrows at Wang Baoqiang, "Baoqiang, Zu Nan, is this your powerful teammate?"

With everyone's help, Guo Jingfei finally found the right hand. Next, he kicked the shoes into the wastebasket and so on. Because he was already dizzy after spinning around in place, it was extremely difficult to complete.

The next step is the acupressure board. It is required to put ten ping-pong balls on the smooth glass tube, and two people walk from the acupressure board to the head, but all ten ping-pong balls must not be dropped.

This time it was Zhang Xinyi who cooperated with Guo Jingfei. It was the first time for the two to play the shiatsu board, and they had no defense at all. As soon as they stepped on it, there were two screams, and all the ping pong balls in the glass tube had fallen out!

"Wahhahaha, isn't it great?" Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were waiting for this scene, and now seeing the painful and distorted expressions of the two, they immediately collapsed into laughter! .

472. Tell You a Joke (7/7 Please Subscribe!!)

Both Zhang Xinyi and Guo Jingfei experienced this sour feeling for the first time, and they lost all their ping pong balls as soon as they came up.

The two jumped off the shiatsu board directly.

"I'm going to direct, isn't this thing too perverted?"

Zhang Xinyi clutched the soles of her feet pitifully, "Wow, my feet hurt so much!"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed loudly, "We have to accept this kind of hell-like baptism every now and then. You only have to experience it once, so be content!"

Zhang Xinyi gave him a blank look, and then suddenly thought of something, "Does it mean that you have experienced this often, that you have a certain immunity to the acupressure board?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback, and he and Deng Chao looked at each other, "That's right, the pain caused by the "[-]" acupressure board is indeed less than before!"

Guo Jingfei quit, "Director, it's not fair, they are all immune!"

Lu Hao looked at his watch with a dark face, "Well, three minutes have passed, if you are still chatting with them, you may be called a loser."

The two were stunned, it turned out that Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao came here to make trouble on purpose!

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