After the two of them finished talking, they ran away in a panic, leaving Wang Baoqiang in a mess, "I'm going, is there a mistake? I didn't hide from any veteran, and each of you soldiers looks like a lot of farts!".

478. I'm Too Busy (3/5 Please Subscribe!!)

However, although Wang Baoqiang talked about it, he was still a little melancholy watching Wang Zunan and Zhang Xinyi disappear from sight.

"One of the soldiers and one of the elephants are hiding, I think I should go and hide too!"

After talking to himself for a while, Wang Baoqiang also went to find a place to hide.

If Yuan Hong knew that his three pig teammates were abandoning him and going to play peek-a-boo, he might spit out a mouthful of old blood.

at this time.

Yuan Hong and Li Cheng have been tearing for more than ten minutes. Both of them are physically strong, but this kind of high-intensity tearing can't stand it for more than ten minutes.

"Stop, stop! Yuan Hong, aren't you tired?" Li Cheng covered his knees with both hands, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Yuan Hong couldn't pass it on either, "You're talking nonsense, you're so tired, how can I not be tired?"

"You're still tearing up when you're tired?"

"If I don't tear you up, you will tear me up!"

"Okay, then we have reached a gentleman's agreement now, if you don't tear me up, I won't tear you up either!"

After reaching an agreement, both of them sat down on the ground and took a deep breath.Yuan Hong looked suspiciously at the direction where Wang Baoqiang and others were chasing Zeng Xiaoxian just now, "Oh, Baoqiang and the others don't know what's going on?"

Li Cheng laughed happily: "Maybe they have forgotten about you, but they are looking for a place to hide!"

"No, I believe in Baoqiang!"

Li Cheng spread his hands and stopped talking. They are Wang Baoqiang's old teammates. Wang Baoqiang is a thief than anyone else. The last time the running man was Wang Baoqiang who was an undercover agent and tore him up!

Rested for ten minutes.

After resting, the two looked at each other again.

Li Cheng: "What are you looking at~`?"

Yuan Hong: "What are you looking at?"

Li Cheng: "Do you want to keep tearing it up?"

Yuan Hong: "Tear it up!"

The photographers behind the two: "...Are you two shooting a gangster film about northeast wind~love?"


Zeng Xiaoxian slid down from the pillar and began to look for the baby and others.I found baby, Zheng Kai and Deng Chao in a fashion store.

These guys have played a play house, Deng Chao plays the waiter, baby plays the rich woman who comes to shop, and Zheng Kai plays the attendant of the rich woman.

"Welcome to this beautiful lady!" Deng Chao nodded and bowed.

The baby walked in with her head held high and looked arrogant, and began to choose randomly, "Well, this style is too old, and I don't like this fabric! This one is not stylish!"

After a while, the things in Deng Chao's store were said to be worthless.Zheng Kai even continued to compliment her from behind, "Miss baby, you really have vision!"

Deng Chao: "..."

Zeng Xiaoxian watched these funny performances outside the glass door, then knocked on the glass door.

"I said how old are you? Are you still playing house?"

Deng Chao and the others saw Zeng Xiaoxian coming, and walked out with a smile on his face. The baby put his arms around Zeng Xiaoxian's arm with a cute face: "Husband, I'm so bored that I can only bring my servants to go shopping!"

Zheng Kai also showed a full manner, "Master, are you here?"

Deng Chao also teased Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "This gentleman and this baby lady are really a match made in heaven. In this way, our fashion store's newly launched bright and blind couple suit is very suitable for the two of you. Would you like to give it a try?"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

Well, these goods are still addicting!

But a few photographers were crazy.

Several people laughed and laughed, and finally got to the point, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "I have already made famous brands for the other party's identities! Wang Baoqiang is a veteran, Wang Zunan is an elephant! Yuan Hong is a car! Zhang Xinyi is a pawn!"

A few people were talking, when Li Cheng's horrific screams came to mind, "Where are you guys, where are you guys? Huh? Come out, help!"

Several people raised their heads and saw that in the corridor outside, Li Cheng was running away desperately in front, and Yuan Hong was also chasing after him!

It turned out that when Li Cheng and Yuan Hong tore up the nameplate for the second time, Li Cheng was superior and tore off Yuan Hong's nameplate. When he saw that there was a car under Yuan Hong's nameplate, Li Cheng lost his mind, and he was just a pawn. Even if a high-level one dies, it will be useless. It's a pity that he has been tearing it up for so long.

Knowing that Yuan Hong was the car, Li Cheng didn't stop, just ran away. According to the rules of the game, he only had three seconds to escape, and if Yuan Hong caught him again, he would definitely tear him apart!

".ˇLi Cheng, this way!" Deng Chao rushed out and waved to Li Cheng, which scared Yuan Hong to the ground.Ordinary fell down and ate shit, then got up and ran away!

(Li Lihao) Everyone: "..."

Li Cheng's T-shirt was covered with sweat, and he ran in front of everyone and lay down on the ground, "I'm going, I'm exhausted, but it's worth it, I have important information to tell you! Yuan Hong is the car!"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, he said insincerely: "Hehe, it's important, this news is really important!"

Li Cheng lay on the ground and saw a few people with fake expressions on their faces that could no longer be fake. He thought of something in his mind and stared at him, "I'll go, you guys would have known about it long ago, right?"

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