Deng Chao is a banker.

baby is the most popular card in baccarat.

Wang Baoqiang is a tailor in a tailor shop next to Baccarat.

Zeng Xiaoxian is the boss of a department store.

Li Cheng is the rickshaw driver.

"Hey, I said director, why am I a rickshaw driver? Isn't that a little unreasonable?" Li Cheng immediately quit his role when he learned about it. "Director, look at my temperament and body, like a rickshaw driver?"

"Well, it's!" Lu Hao also learned how to be funny.


Everyone leaned forward and back together with joy, but immediately agreed.

Just kidding, if Li Cheng doesn't play the rickshaw driver, then one of them will take the role. None of them is a fool.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't forget to add a knife, "Li Cheng, with your body, it's really a pity not to pull a rickshaw."

"You...You guys, my stomach hurts!" Li Cheng covered his heart with an exaggerated expression.

The baby was overjoyed, "Li Cheng, the place you are covering is not the stomach."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Li Cheng was almost fainted by these cheating teammates.

Realm This is the outline of the story. The story is about the period of the Republic of China, when baby was the most popular brand of Paramount, but her background was very bad, she was a rural girl.And she fell in love with Zeng Xiaoxian's rich family, and was strongly opposed by the elders of Zeng Xiaoxian's family. Then Zeng Xiaoxian stole his family's heirloom, a sapphire necklace called the heart of the ocean, and gave it to the baby.The story unfolds from here.

At this time, Lu Hao put a wooden box on the stage.

"This is the sapphire necklace, Heart of the Ocean!" Then he lifted the lid.

Seeing the necklace in the box, Zeng Xiaoxian laughed out loud, "Director, where did you get such a piece of glass?"

"I'll go, pay attention to your words, this is a sapphire, and its name is the heart of the ocean!" Lu Hao said with a serious face.

"Director, come on, this is obviously glass!" Deng Chao also saw it.

The baby is a girl, and she knows more about jewelry, so she understood it at a glance, and joked with a smile: "The director should be very expensive, I guess I can't get it if it's less than [-] yuan!"

Lu Hao was stunned, how do these monkey cubs know so much about jewelry?He bought this necklace after going to many street stalls. He could have bluffed them, but he didn't expect to be recognized with a single gesture.

Lu Hao couldn't pretend anymore, his old face blushed, and he admitted, "Well, this is indeed a piece of glass, but what I want to say is that it is a good piece of glass!"

This time, even the photographers of the program group couldn't hold back.

How about glass?

The director is really getting more and more funny!


After changing into costumes, the baby put the... um... glass around his neck, and the shooting started.

In the setting of the plot, Ocean Star is not only a priceless gem, but also has magical powers and can travel through time and space. The characters played by Deng Chao and others want to steal this gem because they covet it. , were finally transported to the modern world by gems.

Shang Hai in 2014.

This section is very simple, and several people are veterans in acting, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. During the process, they did not forget to play funny and funny freely, and the filming went very smoothly.Two hours later, the filming was complete.


Wang Zunan appeared on the glass floor of the highest floor of the Oriental Pearl Tower, and when he looked down, he could see the ground hundreds of meters away.

Wang Zunan's sweat came out.

He didn't pay attention to it before, but now standing at such a high place and looking down, his mind suddenly became dizzy, "Ahhhhh! Oh my god, it's so scary!!" Wang Zunan almost peed in fear and started yelling .

He now feels that he may actually have a fear of heights.

Lu Hao stood by and watched the photographer driving the camera to take pictures.With a satisfied look on his face, he was thinking in his heart that Wang Zunan is good at acting, it's just as real.

"Okay, Zu Nan's acting is great!" Lu Hao clapped his hands.

"I'll play your sister!" Wang Zunan wanted to scold his mother, he was really afraid!Those who just came up just now felt the novelty and didn't look down, but now when they look down, their legs immediately go limp.

At the same time, several other running men's team brothers were also teleported to different places.

The baby was teleported to the vegetable market. It happened that Zheng Kai was also nearby, and the two met by chance.


"Zheng Kai?"

When the two met, it really felt like they met across another world, but the more realistic the performance of the two, the more amusing the onlookers felt.If it wasn't for a photographer nearby, someone would call 110 or 120.

After the two greeted each other, the program team sent a card, and the baby was dumbfounded when he saw it.

"I want to eat again? I'm going to gain another three catties after filming Running Man like this!" Baby raised his hands in protest.

But Zheng Kai didn't care, "Just eat it, I won't get fat anyway."

This sentence caused 10000 points of damage to the baby, and couldn't help but glared at Zheng Kai.

At this time, the staff of the program group moved a large table with two large watermelons on it, each weighing a full ten catties.

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