The women of Zeng's Book Company went to the opening last time, so they also knew Liu Yong, and Liu Yong also knew the landline number of Zeng Xiaoxian's home, so he called home.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's unhappy face, Chen Meijia quickly ran over and grabbed Zeng Xiaoxian's arm, "Honey, are you not angry?"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed, he was just making a joke with the girls, how could he be angry over such a trivial matter.

At this moment, Andy asked: "Xiaoxian, what is Liu Yong looking for from you?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "It's something in the company, we will organize a book signing in three days."

"Book signing?" Andy smiled. "Tell me the time and address when the time comes. Several female employees in our company are obsessed with your ghost blowing lights, and they are looking for your autograph."

Qu Xiaoxiao was a ghost, seeing what Andy said, she quickly touched her with her arm, "Sister Andy, why did you tell them this, when the time comes, my husband will fall in love with her, but there will be another competitor!"

Hearing this, Andy spread his hands, "Don't worry, do I look like such a brainless person? Those female employees are not good-looking, and they are also fat. Even if I give it to my husband, he probably won't want it!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was speechless for a while, thinking to himself that you guard me like you are guarding against thieves!

After washing up, he relieved the fatigue on the plane, and changed his clothes again. Zeng Xiaoxian came to the living room again, "It's almost noon, let's go out for dinner?"

Tang Youyou said: "No need husband, we bought some food, we will eat at home at noon today."

After a pause, he said again: "Husband, you cook, let's do it!"

Others also booed, "Yes, husband, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time, I'm hungry!"

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes. He was sure that these guys must have heard that Ouyang Nana said that he cooked for her, so they bought vegetables and asked him to cook them.After taking a look at Ouyang, it turned out that the girl blushed and lowered her head.

But Zeng Xiaoxian didn't say anything, as a husband, it's a sense of accomplishment to serve a table of delicious food for his woman.

He rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen.

"I'll kill the fish!"

"I'll choose the dishes!"

"Let me peel the garlic!"


The girls began to distribute the work of helpers, but the kitchen was too small to support so many people. In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian was thrown out, leaving Hu Yifei and Andy as helpers.

The others were also happy to relax, and they all went to the living room to watch TV and chat.

An hour later, a table of sumptuous home-cooked dishes was served, golden braised prawns in oil, green vegetables with garlic, large chunks of prunes and pickled pork... A total of eight dishes and one soup, served with a plate of fruit salad .

Work hard!

"Wow, it smells like an appetite!" Chen Meijia was like a greedy cat, and Xiao Qiong's nose shrugged.

"It looks good, too!" Lin Wanyu's big eyes were shining, and now he only had food in his eyes.

"It's really delicious in color and flavor, I really want to eat it!" Although Ouyang Nana just ate it a few days ago, she was still very hungry.

"Go and wash your hands!" Zeng Xiaoxian sneered and cursed as he knocked off the little dirty hands of the few people who wanted to steal something with his chopsticks.

The latter pouted and ran to wash his hands.


The meal was very full, and the women rubbed their bulging bellies with expressions of enjoyment.

"Wow, I haven't eaten so full for a long time!"

"I'm well fed too!"

"Well, the dishes my husband cooks are delicious, ten times better than those in big restaurants!"

Seeing the satisfied expressions of the girls, Zeng Xiaoxian also smiled.He didn't rest well while waiting for the plane last night, chatted with the girls for a while, and then came to the bedroom to go back to sleep, but at this time the phone rang, and it was Liu Yong who called.

After Liu Yong went back, he started to arrange the signing event. Now the time and place have been preliminarily determined, and a promotional poster has been rushed out!

No, he called Zeng Xiaoxian immediately.

"Xiaoxian, I've made a decision here, three days later at nine o'clock in the morning, in the lobby on the first floor of Shanghai SOHO." After speaking, he sent the electronic version of the newly completed poster to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian opened it to take a look, the poster was quite innovative, with a photo of Zeng Xiaoxian on it, and the background revealed a hint of fantasy.

Zeng Xiaoxian copied the poster, reduced the size, and posted a Weibo with a sentence below: Three days later at nine o'clock in the morning, Xiaoxian will be waiting for you at SOHO Building to sign books!

After posting this Weibo, Zeng Xiaoxian searched for relevant news again. I have to say that Liu Yong is still very reliable in his work. The latest reports about this signing event have appeared on the homepages of major portal websites.

——The first book signing of the male god of the whole people, the excitement is not to be missed!

——"Tomb Raiders Notes" book signing will start in three days, fans are blessed!

——The owner and author of Zeng's Books will sign a book in three days!

The titles of each website are different, but the content is almost the same. They are all talking about Zeng Xiaoxian's signing event three days later, introducing Zeng Xiaoxian's glorious deeds by the way, and then touting them.

Reporters are all test pens for food, if they want to brag about you, they can blow you up to the sky, if they want to make you dirty, they can demote you into shit.Now Zeng Xiaoxian felt the feeling of being blown to the sky!

What a rare genius in China for hundreds of years!

What a master who leads the trend of a generation of popular literature!

To be honest, it was too much, and Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little panicked, but even though he said so, it was still very refreshing.

After watching it for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian put down his phone happily. He was sleepy and was going to sleep.

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