When Wang Lin joined the army, Yan Huai and Li were still young, and they worked at the grassroots level. They were Wang Lin's instructors. I have always respected Yan Huaili in my heart, but I have no other, because Yan Huaili is considered the most important enlightenment figure in his life.

Yan Huai and Li also turned their heads, and when they saw Wang Lin, they were taken aback, "Xiao Linzi? Why, so the boss of Wanda would like you?"

Wang Lin is also a bit imbecile. Yan Huai Li is notoriously violent in the army. I think my own farts have suffered a lot back then. Now that he looks at him with a displeased face, I feel like I want to run away. .

"Instructor, why didn't you tell me to watch the movie earlier, I'll let someone arrange it for you!" After speaking, Wang Lin turned his head and gave Lao Liu a look, "Hurry up and make arrangements, follow the instructor's request!"

The sixth child also looked dumbfounded, but he was not stupid either. Seeing his own president, he was submissive when he saw the visitor, which showed how powerful the visitor was. Thinking of this, he ran away in a hurry. .

495. I Need Something to See You (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Hall [-] of Wanda Cinemas.

Yan Huai, Li, Xia Rutie and others walked in, and Wang Lin also cautiously accompanied him, while the sixth son went to discuss the movie screening.

After a while, Ye Wen started.

"Fast forward, fast forward!" Yan Huai and Li were not in the mood to watch a movie, what he wanted to watch was the fighting scene of Zeng Xiaoxian.

Wang Lin next to him had a dark face, thinking that his instructor was still so short-tempered, he had to fast-forward when he went to the cinema to watch a movie.Quickly told the sixth child to move on quickly.

Several projectionists in the movie screening room were manipulating the machine when Lao Liu suddenly ran in.


Several young men hurriedly greeted each other.

The sixth child waved his hand and went straight to the console, "Fast forward to the fight scene of Ip Man in the movie in auditorium No. [-]!"

Several projectionists were a little confused, "Huh?"

They also heard for the first time that they had to fast-forward when they went to the cinema to watch movies.

"Ah, what? Do as I say!"

Although several projectionists were puzzled, they didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly followed suit.

In the No. [-] screening hall, the movie was fast-forwarded to a fighting scene.Then play it over and over there.And Yan Huaili stared at the movie screen intently, his eyes widening.

Seeing this expression, Xia Rutie and Ye Cunxin already knew it in their hearts, they looked at each other, Xia Rutie said: "Old ghost Yan, how are you?"

Yan Huaili ignored him, and after more than ten minutes, he finally turned his head and looked at Xia Rutie, "Is this person in the imperial capital now?"

Seeing Xia Rutie nodding, the latter stood up directly, "Go, take me to see him~`!"

After talking, several people got up and walked around, Wang Lin hurriedly said: "Instructor, I have reserved a private room at the Golden Dragon Hotel, shall we leave after dinner?"

Yan Huaili waved his hand, "No time!"

Wang Lin: "..."


Two hours later, Ip Man's premiere ceremony finally came to an end, and within just two hours, Ip Man's box office had broken through the first-day box office record predicted by Abani.

"Hehe, Xiaoxian, it's amazing, this movie is destined to create the myth of Chinese-language movies!" Zheng Zidan came up to congratulate with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Xiaoxian, I just want you to do it!" Wang Wenwen happily ran up and hugged Zeng Xiaoxian's arm, and said with a smile.

But seeing this scene, the baby became a little upset, and gave Zeng Xiaoxian a sneaky look, who quickly pulled his arm back.

A group of people came out of the Grand Theater, Wang Dajun said: "Xiaoxian, this premiere was very successful, how about, let's go have a drink?"

Just as Zeng Xiaoxian was about to agree, he saw a black car stopped not far from the door and got off an immigrant woman in a windbreaker.

"Ye Cunxin, why are you here?"

It was Ye Cunxin who came down from Cheshan!

The tips of Ye Cunxin's hair were gently blown by the wind, making her look even more heroic in her beauty.

"I have something to do with you!"

"What's the matter, let's talk about it here." Zeng Xiaoxian was at a loss.

Ye Cunxin looked at the people next to him, and said, "No, I have a room in the hotel next door, let's go there and talk!"

Hearing this, the men all showed a knowing smile, and Fan Binbin also looked at Zeng Xiaoxian playfully, Xiaoxian's popularity with women is good enough!

But the baby is depressed. I have something to do with Zeng Xiaoxian, and I have opened a room in the nearby hotel?You are too unscrupulous!

Although I am not Zeng Xiaoxian's real girlfriend, but at least she is a quasi-real girlfriend. Is there a first-come, first-served one?ah?

She looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, then at Ye Cunxin, "Xiaoxian, since I have something to do with you, then you can go, it happens that I am also a little tired, I will go with you, and take a rest in this girl's room , Hehe, won’t disturb your good business, will you?”

Wang Wenwen also pouted Xiao~ very long, looked at Ye Cunxin with a displeased face, rolled her eyes when she saw that the baby was going together, and booed: "That's right, that's right, why don't we all go together, anyway Everyone is a little tired!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled slyly at the baby, the two of them were jealous just now, but now with Ye Cunxin's appearance, the two of them immediately became a united front, unanimously speaking.

Ye Cunxin has black lines all over her head, she is not stupid, these two guys are obviously drinking her own vinegar, thinking that she has an affair with Zeng Xiaoxian!

Thinking of this, she blushed for no reason, and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I really have something to do with Zeng Xiaoxian!"

Really something?Ghosts believe it!

Seeing Ye Cun's (mo Qian's) heart blushing, the others felt that something was going on between the two of them, baby and Wang Wenwen looked at Ye Cunxin with the eyes of a vixen.

"Hehe, we are really tired too!"

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