This man is a soldier!

And also killed people!

Zeng Xiaoxian came to this conclusion, and Ye Cunxin also came to the same conclusion. They looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

Is this Qingshan Psychiatric Hospital just a superficial disguise?Is it actually a secret facility set up by the state somewhere?

And Xia Rutie and Banyan Ari also looked over with a half-smile.

"Well? Now you believe it?"

After finishing speaking, Yan Huaili stepped forward and said to the security guard, "Is the pervert here?"

"Report to Elder Yan, here we are!"


Yan Huaili nodded, didn't say any more, turned around and waved at a few people, and led them in.

This hospital has obviously been established for a long time, and the facilities inside are dilapidated. If there is not this security guard at the door, even if someone passes by, they will think it is an abandoned facility.

Yan Huai, Li Lin and the others turned around in the hospital, but they never found the old pervert he was talking about.Yan Huaili slapped his forehead, "Oh, look at my brain, it's time for cooking in the cafeteria, the old pervert must be in the cafeteria!"

As he spoke, he led them to a small auditorium-like building in the middle of nowhere.

This is the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is not big, it can accommodate about [-] or [-] people, but there is no one in it at this time.Yan Huai and Li Qing were familiar with the road, followed a small door to the back kitchen, and then they saw a funny scene.

I saw a slovenly old man, about seventy years old, wearing a washed and yellowed white sweater with countless holes in it.

He was wearing a pair of dilapidated underpants on his lower body, and a pair of flip-flops with holes in the soles on his feet.

The hair on the old man's head has almost fallen out, only a few sparse ones at the back of his head.

But at this moment, he was tiptoeing towards the pot, where a fat lady weighing three hundred catties was cooking with a spatula.

Seeing Yan Huai Li, the old man didn't come over immediately, but gestured "shh" with his fingers, and when he got close to the fat aunt, he stretched out his salty pig's hand with a squinting face, and wiped the fat aunt's ass go. ......


The fat aunt jumped up, without saying a word, picked up the kitchen knife on the pot and chased it out, while the old man turned his head and ran, yelling at Yan Huai and Li while running: "Old Yan, what are you doing?" I stop her!"

However, when he saw Zeng Xiaoxian, he was stunned for a moment, his legs were fixed, and he stopped all of a sudden, but he stopped, and the fat aunt's kitchen knife didn't stop, and with a bang, the kitchen knife hit the old man's head on.

Immediately, peach blossoms bloomed all over his face!

"Hmph, I'm telling you to take advantage of my old lady again!" The fat aunt was also calm, said something harshly, and went back to continue cooking with a kitchen knife.

What surprised Zeng Xiaoxian was that the old man was calmer than the fat aunt, and he didn't care about the blood on his forehead, and he circled Zeng Xiaoxian, tsk-tsk while turning.

Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little nervous, and pointed to the old man's head, "I said, sir, you seem to be bleeding!"

"Ah, oh!" The old man seemed to realize that he was bleeding. He took out a 0.2 black pill from his pants pocket, threw it into his mouth, and said cheerfully, "It doesn't matter if you bleed a little. I have golden sore medicine. Just eat it!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Ye Cunxin were stunned for a moment, is this okay?

But the next moment, Zeng Xiaoxian and Ye Cunxin were stunned. The moment the old man swallowed the sore medicine, the blood trickling from his head stopped!

The old man was obviously very interested in Zeng Xiaoxian, and after swallowing the golden sore medicine, he started wandering around Zeng Xiaoxian again.

"Well, not bad, not bad, with your roots, you should be able to withstand my marrow washing soup!".

499. Marrow Cleansing Soup, Strong Wine (Fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian was a little confused, "What marrow washing soup?"

The old man did not answer the conversation, but chatted with Xia Rutie and Yan Huaili about the daily life. After a while, Xia Rutie said: "Xiao Xian, because we are facing an Indian Brahman master this time. Practicing the ancient yoga secrets taught by Brahmans has a strong physical fitness, so we also need to strengthen your physical fitness before performing this mission!"

"Strengthen his physique?" Zeng Xiaoxian finally understood why Xia Rutie and Yan Huaili took him to the Qingshan Psychiatric Hospital first. It turned out that they were going to use this weird old man's marrow washing soup to strengthen his physique!

Yan Huaili explained with a big bad wolf smile on his face: "That's right, the marrow washing soup cooked by the old pervert is a rare tonic in the world. As long as you soak in it for a day, it will not only greatly enhance your physical fitness, but also improve your health." It can keep your golden spear from falling!"

16 Speaking of the old glass, he looked at Ye Cunxin wretchedly, making the latter want to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Zeng Xiaoxian is not so deceitful, he gave Yan Huaili a white look, "Since the marrow washing soup is so good, why don't you drink it first?"

"This..." Old Yan Huai Li's face twitched, and he stopped talking.

Xia Rutie laughed and said: "Old Ghost Yan probably won't have a chance to enjoy this marrow-washing soup. Although this marrow-washing soup is good, not everyone can make it. Just his old bones are not enough to make up for it. In less than an hour and three quarters, he was dead!"

Hearing this, Ye Cunxin was not calm anymore, "Is there any side effect of this marrow washing soup?"

The strange old man said: "This marrow washing soup is a life-threatening talisman for ordinary people, but it is the best tonic in the world for this little~brother~brother. I can guarantee that if you pledge it for one day, this little~brother~brother will not lose weight at the moment. It can break through to the level of dark energy smoothly, which is something that martial arts practitioners dream of!"

Yan Huaili licked his lips when he heard it, and said, "Hey, boy, if I had a physique like yours that is naturally suitable for martial arts, I would go in for a dip even if I was kneeling and begging, how could I ask you?" You, hesitate!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's gaze changed. If he had done it before, he would never have tried Nao Shizi's marrow washing soup, but today is different. Yan Huai and Li stretching out his hand in front of him are no less than himself, and the guy behind Abani seems to be Stronger!

It can be said that his world view has changed today. The world is no longer what he saw before, and there are still different existences in places that many people can't see.

And in this way, if you can improve your strength to a higher level, it will obviously be of great benefit!

But even though he thought so, he didn't express his opinion immediately.

The strange old man was obviously impatient, seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian didn't speak, he continued: "You kid, you drank my energy drink, and you are destined to be with me, can I still harm you?"

"Strengthening wine?"

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