Ye Cunxin stood by the side laughing bitterly, almost internally hurt elsewhere, and now she couldn't bear it any longer when she heard Mr. Xia's words, "Don't worry, Mr. Xia, I didn't see anything, hahaha...".

501. Six Dead (Seventh Update, Please Subscribe!!)

The entrance opened, and a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine wafted into the nostrils. Several people followed the strange old man and entered the secret room.

The furnishing of the secret room is very simple, on top of a cauldron is a large vat, inside the vat is a rich decoction, showing a coquettish green color, and the fragrance of the medicine comes from it.

Blame the old man, came to the cauldron, lit the fire, pulled the bellows, and after a while, the emerald green concoction in the outline began to roll.

"Okay, boy, let's go in?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was also unambiguous, took off his clothes and got in.

Although the green medicinal soup looks like it is boiling in the cat's bubble, the actual temperature is not high. Sitting in it, the citrus medicinal soup flows and rolls around his body, Zeng Xiaoxian feels extremely comfortable, a bit like the feeling of a jacuzzi.

"Haha, old man, I didn't expect this marrow washing soup to be quite comfortable!"

The strange old man sneered, "Don't worry, you need to soak in it for twelve hours, which means twenty-four hours!"

After speaking, the strange old man walked to a 407 wall, pressed a switch on the wall, and a cage made of King Kong fell down with a bang, just covering Zeng Xiaoxian's big tank inside.

Seeing the action of the old man, Zeng Xiaoxian understood that the marrow washing soup might not be that simple, but since he had already entered, he was not prepared to back down, so he simply closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

The strange old man beckoned, and came to the basement with a few people. Next to the basement was a big millstone, weighing four to five hundred catties, but the old man seemed to be playing, with a tap of his toe, the millstone would seal the entrance!

Seeing the old man's actions, Yan Huaili and Xia Rutie looked at each other, and then Yan Huaili jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"You wife criticizes, you can handle the mud seal just now, but you just made us look ugly, please be sincere!"

Xia Rutie looked at the strange old man with burning eyes, "Old pervert, you have already broken through Huajin, haven't you?" (bgcd)

Practitioners of ancient Chinese martial arts are used to dividing the realm into whole strength, dark strength, and transformation strength. Among them, whole strength is the entry level of ancient martial arts cultivation, and transformation strength is already the highest state of secular ancient martial arts. As for the later realms such as Chengdan , it is too far away from the general ancient martial arts practice, and it is even considered a legendary realm.

Hearing this, Yan Huaili also came to his senses, and looked at the strange old man coldly, "Old pervert, you won't really break through Huajin, will you?"

The strange old man waved his hand, "Hehe, Hua Jin is not so easy to break through. At best, I am just perfecting the dark energy now, and I am still far away from Hua Jin. I'm afraid I won't even think about it in this lifetime!"

Immediately, he turned his eyes and looked at the sealed entrance, "But, the little~brother~brother you brought here is very likely to reach it!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people were all stunned on the spot. Although Xia Rutie and Yan Huaili felt that Zeng Xiaoxian's body was very suitable for martial arts training, at best, it would be great if he could reach the late stage of dark energy. Zeng Xiaoxian's expectations were even higher, and he actually thought that he could break through to the level of Huajin!

Seeing the expressions of several people, the strange old man chuckled, and continued: "The Hua Jin is just my conservative estimate. If this son can seize the opportunity and devote himself to the ancient martial arts, he may go further!"


Yan Huai, Li and Xia Rutie's shock couldn't be more shocking, Hua Jin was already the highest cultivation ancient warrior they had ever seen in their life, above Hua Jin, wouldn't that be the legendary realm?

Ye Cunxin couldn't understand the shock of Yan Huai, Li and Xia Rutie. After all, she knew only a little about Gu Wu's journey, and she didn't know what Huajin or even the legendary realm meant.

At this time, she was most worried about Zeng Xiaoxian's safety.

"Old man, you have sealed the entrance, is it dangerous for Xiao Xian to be inside?"

The strange old man looked at Ye Cunxin with deep meaning, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Why, little girl, is he your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Ye Cunxin quickly shook her head, "No, we are just friends!"

"Oh." The strange old man grumbled, and said, "Don't worry, he won't be so easy to get into trouble! Come with me!"

The strange old man brought a few people to a control room with a large screen and computer embedded in the wall, turned on the power, took a few buttons, and the screen of the secret room where Zeng Xiaoxian was located was transmitted to the large screen in real time.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian sitting in the vat with his eyes closed and resting his mind, Ye Cunxin finally felt relieved.

Xia Rutie was very curious, looking around, "I said old pervert, I didn't expect such a modern place to exist in your shabby place!"

"I asked those little bastards from the military to pretend for me." The strange old man said, and sat down to watch the computer screen.

Yan Huai and Li also watched curiously. After a long time, he couldn't bear the loneliness, and said curiously: "I think this kid seems very comfortable inside, isn't the danger you said before, old pervert? It's all fake, right?"

The strange old man gave Yan Huai Li a blank look, and said with a strange smile: "My marrow washing soup is changed according to the Taiji gossip, how can it be simple! With the change of time, there will be alternating cold and hot, water and fire in the tank, The dragon and the tiger will work together, and the pressure on the body will increase layer by layer, and the best show is yet to come!"

Yan Huai and Li blushed, "Hey, it turned out to be like this, no wonder the six in front couldn't come out alive!"

Hearing this, Ye Cunxin's face turned pale, "Old Yan, you... what did you just say?".

502. Ye Cunxin Is Excited (Eighth Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Yan Huaili also knew that he had slipped his tongue, so he quickly covered his mouth~ Ye Cunxin looked at the strange old man again, and the latter smiled calmly, "The six in front are half-baked, and the military insisted on sending them over. You can’t blame me for trying, but this time it’s different, I’m fully confident that he can come through!”

But Ye Cunxin was still worried, after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said, "No, I want to stop strengthening!"

Xia Rutie frowned upon hearing this, "Cun Xin, don't make trouble!"

"I didn't make trouble!" Ye Cunxin was a little emotional, "He came to receive the reinforcement because of me, I can't let him lose his life here!"

When she heard that the six people who had been strengthened before could not come out without exception, Ye Cunxin suddenly felt endless fear. ~Mao's life is in danger!

Ye Cunxin's furious behavior made Yan Huaili and Xia Rutie very embarrassed, but the strange old man still had a calm expression, looked at Ye Cunxin and said: "Little girl, didn't you say that you are not his girlfriend? Then-why?" so worried?"

Ye Cunxin was stunned by the question, yes, she didn't seem to have anything to do with Zeng Xiaoxian, and Zeng Xiaoxian's resources were also strengthened, but why is she so scared and anxious now?

"Am I really in love with this man?"

This idea flashed through Ye Cunxin's mind, but she immediately rejected it. The Prince Charming in Ye Cunxin's heart is a heroic soldier with a steel gun in his hand. How could it be Zeng Xiaoxian who is cynical and rolling around in the entertainment circle? ?

"I...Although I'm not his girlfriend, he should at least have the right to know, but you didn't tell him how dangerous this enhancement would be!" Ye Cunxin stammered to find a reason.

The strange old man chuckled, "That's why you think too much, this young man is very smart, he has long understood that this strengthening will not be an easy journey, but he didn't ask specific questions about it, which means that he has already made up his mind Idea, accept this strengthening, or, he is full of confidence in himself!"

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