"Then let's make a bet. If you win, I will do whatever you want. If I win, I will wear this underwear when I have sex with me after "[-]"."

As he said that, Zeng Xiaoxian pulled out a corner of the sexy lingerie he bought earlier, making Chen Meijia's face flushed.

"Die, there are so many people here!" Chen Meijia quickly put back her underwear, her eyes full of hesitation.

"Don't be afraid of Meijia, we'll just bet with him, I don't believe these paparazzi are gods!" Tang Youyou feared that the world would not be chaotic, and encouraged Chen Meijia to agree.

And her words also made Chen Meijia feel a little loose in her heart, and finally gritted her teeth and agreed.

Isn't it sexy underwear?Anyway, Zeng Xiaoxian has seen all of them, do you still care about this?

Chen Meijia thought so, and blurted out: "Okay, I promise you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was overjoyed, the plot succeeded and the next step was to get those paparazzi out.

"Okay, then we'll go to the lobby of the Golden Dragon Hotel for dinner later!" Zeng Xiaoxian deliberately raised his voice so that everyone around could hear him clearly.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the "passers-by" on the side lit up, and they quickly disappeared into Wanda Plaza.

After that, Zeng Xiaoxian was not in a hurry to go, because the protagonist is always the last one to appear on stage.

He is not afraid of not having a place, he believes that those who can be paparazzi are smart people, so there is no place left?That doesn't exist!

Then Zeng Xiaoxian dragged the girls to Wanda again, but at this time Ouyang Nana sneaked up to grab Chen Meijia.

"Meijia, why are you so impulsive? I know the entertainment circle very well. The energy of this paparazzi is beyond your imagination!"

Ouyang said earnestly and earnestly, that even though she was just a little actor who didn't change her name, she could still see clearly the ugliness of the entertainment industry.

In fact, Chen Meijia regretted a little after agreeing, and now Jing Ouyang said so, even more regretful.

"Then what should I do? I won't really wear that embarrassing thing."

Chen Meijia asked with a blushing face, the last few battles were group battles, how embarrassing it would be if she was the only one wearing it.

"I can't help it. Who told you that you have already agreed." Ouyang shook his head helplessly.

She knew that Zeng Xiaoxian had never missed anything, and it was impossible to go back on his word.

Chen Meijia's face collapsed in an instant, she didn't want to be laughed at by her sisters, and after a few glances at Ou Yang's body, her mind suddenly lit up.

"Hee hee, then why don't you wear it with me, anyway, we are all Xiaoxian's women."

Ouyang was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head, "No, I don't want to wear that embarrassing thing!"

Talking about Ouyang, then he ran away and rushed to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Ouyang Nana's escape did not make Chen Meijia downcast, but instead looked at the other girls with a smile.

They had an agreement when they were defeated by Zeng Xiaoxian one by one.

As long as it is against Zeng Xiaoxian, they must advance and retreat together, and cannot back down.

It has always been like this before, especially when fighting Zeng Xiaoxian, they were very united.

This time Chen Meijia didn't want to fight alone, with the covenant in hand, she was going to die together!

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know that an alliance was quietly rising, which made him painful and happy.

After another lap, the bags in Zeng Xiaoxian's hands increased a lot. He looked at the time, and when he felt that it was almost the same, he took the girls to the Golden Dragon Hotel.

Just as Zeng Xiaoxian thought, the lobby was already full of people, but the middle table was empty.

"This is too dedicated. A meal at the Golden Dragon Hotel is very expensive..." Chen Meijia couldn't believe it.

Even an ordinary meal at the Golden Dragon Hotel costs tens of thousands of dollars, not counting the cost of drinks.

"Professionalism? You should know that the income from first-hand revelations is dozens of times that of this meal. If there is no high return, do you think they will secretly take pictures?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled noncommittally, no matter how dedicated the paparazzi is, they are just people who harm others and benefit themselves, and there is no need to respect them.

These words not only made Chen Meijia thoughtful, but also made the other girls nod in agreement.

Zeng Xiaoxian is everything to them, and they will not have the slightest affection for anyone who dares to be unfavorable to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Glancing at the paparazzi around him, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly had a plan in mind, since the paparazzi are here, we must give them a different experience.

Immediately after Zeng Xiaoxian said a few words to the girls in a low voice, he suddenly softened to the table.

Chen Meijia and Qu Xiaoxiao looked at each other and smiled, then suddenly shouted.

"Xiaoxian, what's the matter with you, wake up!"

"Brother Xian, don't scare me, wake up!"

The acting skills of the two are exquisite, it's really a pity not to be actors with this posture.

Not only the two women, but the rest of the women also became panicked and kept calling for help nearby.

This sudden scene startled the paparazzi, and then excited smiles appeared on their faces.

Here comes the headlines!

3.6 A thought arose, and the paparazzi put it into action, taking out the cameras under the table in unison.

Those who don't have a camera take out their mobile phones, or even pinhole cameras. All in all, there are all kinds of sneak shooting equipment, which opened the eyes of all the girls.

"My friend, hurry up and help, Xiaoxian fainted, hurry up and send him to the hospital!"

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