Even the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television allowed New Entertainment to open at this time, allowing New Entertainment to be reborn.

Unlike ordinary people, those smart people get a lot of information from these simple things.

The most important and crucial one is, don't underestimate the newcomers in the entertainment industry, let alone Zeng Xiaoxian, Su Mang is their example.

Not long after the incident ended, many entertainment magazines saw this opportunity and wanted to cooperate with New Entertainment, and China Entertainment was one of them.

"Xiaoxian, you have handled this matter very well. The company's senior management has already decided to book the concert for next Saturday. At the same time, the company has also decided to increase investment!"

After Huang Xiaohua got the news, he immediately called Zeng Xiaoxian to tell him the good news.

However, unlike what she expected, Zeng Xiaoxian's reaction was a little indifferent, even a little resistant.

"Increase investment? Sister Xiaohua, please tell me your request. I believe that China Entertainment will not let me do nothing."

"China Entertainment does have some requirements, but they just want you to sign a long-term contract with the company."

"How long? Wouldn't it be ten years?"

Zeng Xiaoxian sneered, he was well aware of the black history of China Entertainment, news of forcing newcomers to sign long-term contracts abounded.

"No, China Entertainment plans to sign a [-]-year contract with you. I have also read the contract. It is very beneficial to you~ˇ."

When Huang Xiaohua said this, even she herself lacked confidence.

"Twenty years? Sister Xiaohua, how many twenty years do you think there will be in life? Will I give the most precious twenty years to Huayu?"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't expect Huayu to open his mouth, trying to trap his twenty years of youth.

Zeng Xiaoxian might still agree if China Entertainment provided charcoal in a timely manner, but now China Entertainment is just here to add icing on the cake.The two are incomparable!

"Xiao Xian, although twenty years may be a long time, you can also benefit from it."

Huang Xiaohua said, she has read the contract, and it is indeed beneficial to Zeng Xiaoxian, of course, the premise is before he loses popularity.

"Sister Xiaohua, you know that I won't let [-] years be wasted on Huayu, not to mention I have my own company, why bother with Huayu?"

"Actually, you can let New Entertainment act as your studio and serve you."

"Oh? Then why don't I be my own boss? Work with a capitalist company like China Entertainment? I don't have the courage yet."

Zeng Xiaoxian flashed coldly, he didn't want the new entertainment he just acquired to be assimilated by China Entertainment and become a subsidiary of China Entertainment.

Now that the words have been said, Huang Xiaohua knows that the signing of the contract is basically over.

Although it was a pity, it was more fortunate that Zeng Xiaoxian had also cooperated with her anyway, and she didn't want Zeng Xiaoxian to sign a contract.

"Xiaoxian, since you don't want to sign the contract, will the concert you cooperate with China Entertainment continue?"

This time Huang Xiaohua's purpose is not only to sign a contract, but also to cooperate with the concert.

China Entertainment has invested funds for the concert, even if it is only a small part, but this also means that the partner must have China Entertainment.

"Cooperation? Of course cooperation!" Zeng Xiaoxian said quickly.

Just kidding!Idiots don't want the money sent in vain. With this money, Zeng Xiaoxian doesn't need to contribute at all.

And the price paid for this is nothing more than the trivial addition of a name to the partner column.

Zeng Xiaoxian's confirmation of cooperation made Huang Xiaohua heave a sigh of relief. Even if only one task assigned by the company is completed, it is considered an explanation.

"Sister Xiaohua, have you ever thought about leaving China Entertainment? I feel that there is nothing good about a company like China Entertainment that only pursues profits."

Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to recruit Huang Xiaohua for a long time, but he just suffered from no chance.

"Leave China Entertainment?"

It's not that this idea has never appeared in Huang Xiaohua's mind, but it passed by in a flash.

China Entertainment is one of the largest companies in China's entertainment industry. It is regarded as the pinnacle of China's entertainment industry. Without it, Huang Xiaohua doesn't know what else is suitable for her.

"That's right! Leave China Entertainment! Sister Xiaohua, I think you are so capable, why don't you come to my company."

Zeng Xiaoxian took the initiative to throw an olive branch, which moved Huang Xiaohua's heart.

One is a new company that has experienced twists and turns, and the other is the pinnacle of the smooth sailing entertainment industry.

Huang Xiaohua is still young, and young people always have some momentum in their hearts, but that comfort prevents her from taking the last step.

". Let me think about it."

"Okay, sister Xiaohua, I'll wait for your news!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled, but with just a few words, he knew that the company still had a chance, and Huang Xiaohua's departure might only be a matter of time.

After hanging up the phone, the voice of the system in my head came as expected.

The new entertainment incident has been resolved. Even if Su Mang has not declared bankruptcy, her new entertainment has already belonged to Zeng Xiaoxian.

"The task is completed, and 3000 points are obtained. At this time, the remaining points are 3000."

The task is completed, and three thousand points are in hand, which makes the points that were originally cleared (acquired) more abundant.

"Mr. System, can I exchange [-] points for one-third of the Royal Girl's Heart Sutra?"

Looking at the points in front of him, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't bear it anymore, because he was one step closer to turning himself into a master.

"Mr. System recommends not to exchange in parts. Of course, if the host enforces it, Mr. System can also agree."

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