"Isn't it just that he is tall and muscular? Let's see how Brother Xian can play with him!"


"Right bro!"

The camera was bobbed up and down.

"You're a boss, everything you say is right!"

Zhao Qiang couldn't complain anymore, so he decided to follow up with other people after recording this episode.

No, I just resigned and quit. Instead of being dumped here, it is better to go home and become a fat house. At least I can live for a few more years that way.

"Welcome the eighth player, Chen Jianzhou!"

After the introduction, Chen Jianzhou entered the art museum with steady steps, making the atmosphere in the museum instantly terrifying.

The most important thing is that he is worth 900R coins, which can be said to be the most valuable athlete at present.

Dangers and opportunities coexist, and if Chen Jianzhou is resolved, more gifts can be exchanged.

After the eighth athlete passed, the broadcast did not seem to stop.

"The ninth athlete enters!"

"She has a cute and sweet shape, but the power she bursts out in an instant is more terrifying than anyone else!"

After the broadcast introduction, a thought flashed through the minds of the running boys.

"There is a woman! Finally a woman is here."

Zeng Xiaoxian was so excited that he almost didn't jump up, how fun is it to tear off the name tag and only have the baby alone.

The ones in the bowl are not as good as the ones in the pot, and the ones in the pot are not as good as wild ones!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Zeng Xiaoxian has already understood this truth. As a man who is about to possess the Heart Sutra of Yu Nu, the more women he has, the happier he will be.

"Let us welcome Zhao Liying to join us."

100R coins, when the amount is posted, all Running Man members know.

As soon as the news came out, everyone in the men's running team almost laughed out loud. Wang Zunan's money was 50R, while Zhao Liying, a weak woman, reached a high score of 100R.

With the ninth guest, the tenth guest also arrived as scheduled, and unlike before, this one was an even more important guest.

"The tenth guest, Sun Yang!"

This broadcast didn't introduce much about it, just kidding, if anyone doesn't even know this world champion, then he is not a fool.


As the current strongest player, Sun Yang's value instantly became number one, 1000R!

The guests are here, the game officially begins!

"Li Ying, let's form an alliance."

Zeng Xiaoxian ran out from nowhere and came to Zhao Liying who was alone.

"An alliance? Will you protect me?" Zhao Liying looked at Zeng Xiaoxian innocently.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded quickly, "Of course, you are a female guest. If I don't protect you, who will protect you?"

Zhao Liying nodded in a daze, and thanked Zeng Xiaoxian repeatedly.Little did she know that she had already fallen into the trap of the latter.

With a little complacency, Zeng Xiaoxian wandered around with Zhao Liying.

Different from Zeng Xiaoxian's friendly stroll, Wang Zunan has already met the muscular man Chen Jianzhou first.

"Black man, it's the first time you participate in the show, please give me some face, let me go."

Wang Zunan used his signature moves to act like Voldemort, no matter how much he pulls, he can't hold back.

"Zu Nan, you are tired of being shameless, you are all men, let us have a duel between men."

How could Chen Jianzhou let go of the prey he had finally met, he was so hungry that he was ready to go.

"Black man, you are so bold, you actually say that about me, believe it or not... perfect!"

As soon as Wang Zunan's voice changed, Teacher Jin got on his body in an instant.

Chen Jianzhou almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Brother, you... I am convinced!".

27. Soldiers are not tired of cheating 【Please subscribe, please order in full】

"Then let me go, I'm worthless anyway, right, 50R is easy for you."

Wang Zunan didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, he finished his words calmly, as if the shameless person before was not himself.

"It's fine to let you go, but you have to express it to me, just take it as a thank you."

After much deliberation, Chen Jianzhou finally came up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

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