The moment Li Cheng turned around, the bulky looking Sun Yang suddenly jumped up and shot straight at Li Cheng's name tag.


With a crisp sound, a name tag fell to the ground.

"Li Cheng is out, Li Cheng is out!"

When the broadcast sounded, Li Cheng looked at the nameplate on the ground in bewilderment.

"Sneak attack by the world champion?" Li Cheng couldn't believe it.

Facing Li Cheng's questioning, Sun Yang looked very free and easy.

"It's not called a sneak attack, it's called a soldier who never tires of cheating, hehe! Who told you to underestimate the enemy so much?"

Sun Yang spread out his hands, looking like a villain.

While Li Cheng was sent off by the men in black, he left the game field and went to his little black room. .

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"Li Cheng was out? This is too fast!" Deng Chao and Zheng Kai looked at each other, and they could see the inconceivable in each other's eyes.

Also surprised were the Wang brothers who were hiding somewhere in the art gallery, and they were more fortunate at this time.

Fortunately for their cleverness, they found a place to hide in advance.

"It's still wise for us to let those people fight outside, and we will hide here."

Having tasted the sweetness for the first time, Wang Zunan decided to make it to the finals, and then made a strong debut.

Baby agrees with Wang Zunan's decision, although he is a bit timid, but at least there can be more scenes for them to perform.

Just when they decided on a plan, the door was suddenly opened, and a bright light flashed in.

"What a coincidence, baby grandpa."

It was Zeng Xiaoxian who spoke, and he happened to be nearby when the Wang brothers spoke, and with his amazing hearing, it was easy to identify the positions of the two.

"What a coincidence, Xiaoxian." Wang Zunan forced a smile on his face. At this time, not only Zeng Xiaoxian was blocking the door, but also the two sister flowers.

Zeng Xiaoxian hooked his fingers at the two, "Come out, it's a bit narrow inside, let's go out and tear it up."

Wang Baobao and Wang Baobao agreed so easily, shook their heads and refused, and finally just stayed in that small house.

Just when the two teams were at a stalemate, Zheng Kai and Deng Chao joined the battlefield.

"Hey, what are you doing?" They were newcomers, and they didn't quite understand what happened.

Looking at the bewildered two, Zhao Liying suddenly had an idea and looked to the baby for advice.

Yang Ying nodded, expressing her willingness to cooperate with her actions.

"Brother Chao, why don't we form an alliance."

The two girls jumped up and down in front of Deng Chao and the others, their big eyes blinked, they were extremely cute.

Deng Chao was somewhat skeptical of the two women's initiative to show affection, and was unwilling to form an alliance with them.

But Zheng Kai doesn't think so, Zheng Kai's IQ will instantly drop to zero in front of women.

"Yes, we can form an alliance." Zheng Kai said first, making Deng Chao a little confused.

Seeing this, the two women smiled slyly, took Zheng Kai's hand and acted coquettishly, making Zheng Kai feel full of happiness.

After Zheng Kai was upgraded to a flower protector, Wang Baobao and Wang Zunan were not so scared anymore.

He took the initiative to come out and asked Zeng Xiaoxian to single out!

Of course, this so-called heads-up was Zeng Xiaoxian's one-on-one fight against the two of them. Although it was a bit unfair, Zeng Xiaoxian still readily agreed.

With Zeng Xiaoxian's strength, let alone one Zeng Xiaoxian and one Wang Zunan, even ten of them would still be vulnerable.

The most important thing for tearing off a famous brand is to keep your lower limbs stable, and you must be able to remain calm under one impact after another.

So Zeng Xiaoxian bent his knees slightly downwards, and a simple horse stance was formed in this way.

"Let the horses come!"

Zeng Xiaoxian yelled at the two of them, so frightened that they almost couldn't stand still.

After the two settled down, they rushed towards Zeng Xiaoxian. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to react.

But is Zeng Xiaoxian comparable to ordinary people? One in each hand, the two of them were easily lifted by him.

"What are you doing? You don't have enough strength and speed? It's a pity that these little tricks of yours are useless in the face of absolute strength."

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the two with a smile, making them wish they could find a hole in the ground and turn in.

"Xiaoxian, let us go if we sing a song." Being overwhelmed by strength, Wang Zulan used the trick of showing pity.

But will Zeng Xiaoxian let them get their wish?The answer is of course no.

The result of the last issue, Zeng Xiaoxian, is still vivid in his memory. At that time, it was because of Wang Zulan's poor performance that he was finally eliminated under the absolute advantage.

Hiss!Tear it!

Zeng Xiaoxian no longer hesitated, and when he was about to tear off the name tags of the two, a new situation appeared behind Zheng Kai.

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