"I'm sorry, I'm not here, the host I hate."

The contemptuous look of the increasingly humanized system made Zeng Xiaoxian a little uncomfortable, but now he had to lower his tone to ask for help from others.

"Mr. System, can you help me learn to swim immediately?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked cautiously.

He was able to agree to Chen Jianzhou and the others so easily because he planned to rely on the help of the system to a large extent.

He is not a fool, there is an elevator but not the stairs?People who have shortcuts and don't take detours.

As a young man in the [-]st century, he is not the stubborn old man who has to make money on his own.

"It seems there is, but you have to pay a big price." The system said after searching.

"It's a big deal, isn't it just points, you can ask me to do whatever you want."

There are still [-] points in Zeng Xiaoxian's system account, so there is no need to worry about running out of money.

"This time is different, I advise you to think carefully."

"What's the difference, just say, as long as there is something, I will give it to you."

Zeng Xiaoxian was full of pride, once he had spoken, it was like an arrow on the string that could not be taken back.

"I want your backyard flower this time."


"I just need your flower."


Zeng Xiaoxian's chrysanthemum tightened, and he almost couldn't hold back the sip of water he just drank.

"Teacher Zeng, are you okay?" Zhao Liying, who was sitting next to him in reality, asked with concern.

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head again and again, and then entered the system space again.

"Mr. System, you are not mistaken, I am a man, I like men, I am not good at what you say."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Zeng Xiaoxian hid far away, fearing that the system would attack if there was a disagreement.

"What are you thinking? I don't like you." The system glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian in disgust.

Zeng Xiaoxian was not happy anymore, why did he change his mind about the backyard flower that he said just now.

"Didn't you say you want my backyard flower? Isn't this backyard flower just a chrysanthemum? Why do you still despise me?"


"The backyard flower is equal to the chrysanthemum? Host, I didn't expect you to be so filthy! What I'm talking about is only the one in your backyard."

The system looked at Zeng Xiaoxian contemptuously, and then took a few steps back.

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback, standing on the ground a little embarrassed, he didn't expect the meaning of the backyard flower to be so simple.

"Mr. System, in fact, things are not what you think."

Zeng Xiaoxian still wanted to explain, but the system had already kicked him out.

"I've used [-] points to redeem advanced swimming for you, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do in the future! I'd rather see Teacher Cang than see you, an old pervert!"

After finishing speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian lost his voice in his mind, leaving only the helpless Zeng Xiaoxian doubting his life. .

34. Plastic Brotherhood

Hangzhou University swimming pool!

A group of members of the men's running team changed into swimsuits.

The moment they stepped out, the swimsuits framed the most prominent parts of their bodies.

"Hey, baby! Li Ying!"

The two beauties came towards each other, Zeng Xiaoxian had been waiting here for a long time.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't pay attention to the clothes just now, but now after changing into swimsuits, the figures of the two of them are stunned.

Under the outline of the swimsuits, the original pair of bs of the two "five-two-three" people achieved a qualitative leap in an instant, becoming high-level, pair d.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't hide his eyes, his wolf-like eyes kept flicking across the two girls.

But the two women didn't seem to be angry about this, but a little happy instead.

Following the two women came out Wang Zunan, seeing the swollen fat on his abdomen, Zeng Xiaoxian almost couldn't laugh out loud.

He originally thought that Wang Zunan was just being funny in his bones, but he didn't expect that even his stomach smelled funny.

Under the swimsuit is a smooth belly, and Wang Zunan also has a smooth belly.

At this moment, the flesh of the belly was revealed without any concealment, which made Zeng Xiaoxian a little dumbfounded.

The third round of the competition is divided into two rounds. The first round is a battle on floating boards on the water. Everyone stands on the floating boards and fights until they push all the opponents into the water to win.

The second round is a swimming competition, a swimming relay race, and the fastest one wins.

The first round of the game started, and both teams stood on the floating board.

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