Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian sighed, and walked outside the door dejectedly, not forgetting to observe the girls from the corners of his eyes as he walked.

Sure enough, the girls still softened their hearts, and after everyone gave him a symbolic kiss, he left contentedly.

When he arrived at the airport, everyone had been waiting here for a long time.

".Xiaoxian, what's wrong with your face? Don't you want to wipe off the traces of last night's battle?"

Yu Quan was the first to notice that something was wrong on Zeng Xiaoxian's face, and before Zeng Xiaoxian could react, they spread the word.

"Xiaoxian, how can you do this! The last time you showed your love to Wang Ou, it's fine, and now you have a different way? Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't show off for a day?" Ren Xianqi shook his head and said.

"Teacher Zeng, you are almost Chen Duxiu, what do you want me to do with Li Dazhao (Zhao's)?" Chen Yixun has become numb, and he no longer feels overwhelmed with pain as he is still single.

Zeng Xiaoxian was confused, Na Ying quickly took out a mirror and put it in front of his face.

I saw that there were still a few red lip marks left by the girls on their faces that had not been wiped off.

Seeing that the people nearby were all looking over, Zeng Xiaoxian quickly wiped off the marks of red lips on his face.

When the red lips were wiped off, Qu Xiaoxiao, who was far away at home, suddenly smiled as if she had a psychological reaction. .

43. Classic grandiosity! (The third outbreak broke out) [Running men's entertainment cool article begging for subscription]

The time came to Saturday. In the past few days, Zeng Xiaoxian and others have completed the final adjustment and mastered the essence of their respective songs. They have full confidence in this concert.

Magic Stadium.

"Teacher Zeng, the last rehearsal is about to start, please prepare." The rehearsal staff stepped forward to remind.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded in agreement.

This is the last rehearsal, and the end of the rehearsal means that the official concert will officially begin.

After all, it was the first time to hold a concert, and Zeng Xiaoxian hoped that everything would be safe this time, so he paid more than anyone else.

367 "Teacher Zeng, why don't we take a break first."

Although Wang Ou likes Zeng Xiaoxian's serious work, he is still worried about him, and doesn't want him to forget to eat and sleep because of being busy.

Zeng Xiaoxian dismissed the makeup artist and looked at Wang Ou meaningfully.

"Hey! I'm lonely, so I have to use work to numb myself. Of course, I can stop if you want, but you have to pay some pain."

Zeng Xiaoxian's beastly eyes swept over Wang Ou, making the latter feel cold.

"Can't you be serious, I'm talking to you seriously!"

Wang Ou pouted, and his alluring red lips always attracted Zeng Xiaoxian.

Wang Ou knew Zeng Xiaoxian's intentions without guessing. As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After hanging around with Zeng Xiaoxian for a long time, he still learned something.

"Where am I not serious? I am also very serious!" Zeng Xiaoxian expressed his injustice, but what he said was true and innocent.

Wang Ou's face darkened, knowing that Zeng Xiaoxian still planned to continue working, so he had to step aside.


A Chinese Ghost Story.

"Wuxiang, when will you divorce Lu Weiwei, you made an agreement with me."

Xiaoyu Yaoyao kept coquettish, and the characters in the game held Zhenshui Wuxiang's arm and shook it non-stop.

Zhenshui Wuxiang looked at the somewhat unreasonable Xiaoyu Yaoyao, and felt a little irritable. Looking at the concert tickets in his hand (bgbg), he couldn't help but look forward to the encounter tonight.

"Are you there Qiushui, are you listening to me?"

Seeing the other party's silence, Xiao Yu Yaoyao stopped her nonsense, thinking that Zhen Shui Wu Xiang was angry.

As the number one beauty in the whole server, Xiao Yu Yaoyao has some understanding of Zhenshui Wuxiang's strong financial resources, otherwise she wouldn't take the initiative to come to her.

It would be a big mistake to say that the boss fight was really a chance encounter. As a scheming girl, she has all the skills of a scheming girl.

"Yaoyao, don't be angry, don't you like a magic costume, I'll buy it for you tomorrow." Zhenshui Wuxiang said perfunctorily.

If he never met Bei Weiwei, then Xiaoyu Yaoyao would be his next target

"Really? No Fragrance! I love you to death!"

Xiao Yu Yaoyao jumped up excitedly, knowing that the set of equipment she wanted cost several thousand dollars at least.

While thanking, Xiaoyu Yaoyao has decided to hold Zhenshui Wuxiang in her hands and never separate, at least not when she has money.

Having dealt with Xiaoyu Yaoyao, Zhenshui Wushuang Zhen Shaoxiang set off for the Modu Gymnasium after getting everything ready.

It took a lot of money to find her this time, and as a playboy, he had to invest a lot of money in it.

At the same time, Bei Weiwei had already set off. In order to avoid crowds, they had no choice but to set off early.

The time came to seven in the evening, and the concert started on time. .

43. Classic grandiosity! (Fourth more outbreak) [Running men's entertainment cool article begging for subscription]

"Next, let's invite the first guest singer to appear on stage!"


Under the warm applause of the audience, the first one to appear on stage was Chen~Yixun.

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