With this gift, Bai Baihe left the stage and gave them a smile before leaving.

Seeing the two people's hearts fluttering, they almost couldn't extricate themselves.

Zeng Xiaoxian could see the appearance of the two of them, he finally knew how powerful Bai Baihe was.

Afterwards, the two left in a hurry, returned to the dressing room, picked up their mobile phones, and started chatting for nothing for various reasons.

". Hey, poor baby, it seems that I have to find some time to help them." Zeng Xiaoxian sighed (may the money be good), you must know that he has taken a fancy to them and wants to keep them in his pocket.

He couldn't and wouldn't allow Yuquan and Yuquan to be played between the hands of each other in vain like this, thus losing control over him.

Zeng Xiaoxian thought so, the third guest singer came on stage, he will sing "Conquer", obviously this person expressed Naying's doubts.

Naying, she knows most of the people in the entertainment industry, and has more or less cooperated with her, so she is no stranger to the audience. .

45. Baibaihe (eight more outbreaks) [running men's entertainment cool text begging for subscription]

Conquest can be said to be the most shocking of these new songs, a disagreement can make people kneel down and sing Conquer.

"Na Ying! Na Ying!"

Na Ying slowly appeared on the stage, and her fans were also shouting loudly, covering up the voices of others.

Na Ying's appeal is not to say that the entertainment circle is the highest and most powerful one, but there are still some under twenty.

Singing a song of conquest, how many people worshiped under her pomegranate skirt, and how many people turned this song into a divine comedy.

conquered by you like this!

One sentence makes everyone remember this song.

One sentence makes this song a classic and a cross-century song.

Because of such a sentence, everyone was conquered by Na Ying.

After that, Na Ying had an intimate encounter with the audience as before, and fulfilled the other party's wish.

After Naying, it was Ren Xianqi's turn. His song "So Soft Hearted" was a classic song from Zeng Xiaoxian's previous life.

"Look, Ren Xianqi! Finally it's his turn."

Ren Xianqi's fans are only a little less than Zeng Xiaoxian's, but even so, there are many people who shouted.

"The next thing I want to sing is, my heart is too soft! It proves that my heart to you will always be soft."

As expected of an old singer, (bgfa) did not forget to mobilize the emotional changes on the scene and let them enter the most suitable state.

Sometimes the emotions of the audience can affect the performance of the singer, so the singer must also have the ability to control the scene.

You are always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted, crying until dawn alone...

You love that person without complaint or regret, I know you are not that strong at all...

The bitter voice, paired with the almost perfect singing skills, makes people feel that their hearts are about to melt involuntarily.

Heart Too Soft is a love song, and he packs an extra punch for those who have been hit before.

"It's all because of my soft heart that I lost him and let him become someone else's brain."

"It's all my fault for being too soft-hearted. Otherwise, I would have found a tall, rich, handsome, and brainy guy. What's wrong with being short and poor?"

"Why did you have to buy candy for him in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't have to leave me and this world."

Everyone has a soft heart, and there are also times when the soft heart leads to serious consequences.

They all buried these in the deepest part of their hearts, but now Ren Xianqi has dug them out, making them uncomfortable.

This song also made Zhao Erxi, who has always been lively and cheerful, suddenly buried his head in pain, which directly shocked Bei Weiwei.

"Why are you Erxi, are you okay? Is something wrong?"

Bei Weiwei asked with concern, while Zhao Erxi, who was in her arms, kept shaking his head.

Just when she was so confused and wanted to give up guessing, Er Xi quietly revealed the truth.

"It's all because I'm too soft-hearted, otherwise my potato chips wouldn't have expired." As he spoke, regret appeared in front of his eyes.

Bei Weiwei was taken aback when he heard this, and then he picked up the stick at the side and hit it with a hammer...

People's sad things are naturally strong because of the depth of love, and no one can understand the pain of separation.

But Zhao Erxi's pain was not as simple as eating a bag of potato chips.

Oh, forget it, just forget it, and let it go.

It's useless to think about it, and he won't come back if you wait foolishly...

You should always think about the future for yourself.

After Ren Xianqi finished singing, he cried louder, but Zhao Erxi stopped.

Bei was slightly puzzled, and stepped forward to ask him why, but he replied that let him pass the past, and look to the future. .

46. ​​The Little Apple of the Divine Comedy (Breakout in the Eighth Watch)

"The next thing is tonight's grand finale, I believe everyone knows who it is."

The host was smiling, even though he didn't say anything, the audience could guess it because they were all coming for him.

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