Zeng Xiaoxian laughed lightly, which made Hao Mei furious, and there was a blazing fire in his eyes.

Just when he was about to disregard the rules of the system and act, Xiao Nai suddenly stopped him.

"You know us?"

When Zeng Xiaoxian mentioned Hao Mei's nickname just now, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.


Zeng Xiaoxian's half smile is not a smile, which makes Xiao Nai feel more mysterious.

"who are you!"

It's not scary to meet acquaintances in the game world, but what's scary is that Xiao Nai didn't disclose his game account number, only a few of them know about it.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Bei Weiwei with tenderness in his eyes, and everyone knew what he meant.

The audience was in an uproar, everyone had expected this result before, but now Zeng Xiaoxian took the initiative to admit it, which surprised them even more.

The strength list, the boss list, and the top two gods actually had a dispute over a Lu Weiwei, which made everyone speculate on Lu Weiwei's identity.

Some people say that Lu Weiwei is a beautiful woman, some people say that she is the daughter of a rich family, and some people say that this is a play directed and acted by herself, just in response to Zhen Shui Wu Xiang.

For a while, there were different opinions in the world, and Bei Weiwei just ran out of the toilet at this moment.


Bei Weiwei yelled, and when she felt comfortable, she remembered that she was still standing at the bridgehead.


When she looked at the computer, she realized that what everyone was paying attention to at this time was not a luxury wedding that was pure water without fragrance.

On the contrary, there were two men arguing in front of her, and these two men were the two big men in the top two of the strength list.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"Wei Wei, I didn't expect that you actually knew two great gods in private. What's your relationship, please introduce me when you have time."

Just when Bei Weiwei was puzzled, Thunder God Nini sent several private messages.

Only then did she realize that these two great gods were fighting for her.

Bei slightly shakes the mouse, and Reed Weiwei on the screen comes alive again.


"I don't know what the two great gods are doing to find the little girl? If there is nothing else, I will go to clear the mission."

Bei Weiwei is neither humble nor overbearing in the face of the great god, and she is happy and not afraid.

"I'm here to marry you!"

Before Xiao Nai could speak, Zeng Xiaoxian spoke first.

"Married? Brother Weiaiyiyiyi, you must have been hacked, right?"

Bei chuckled slightly, she didn't think she had such a great charm to make a stranger fall in love with her.

"A Chinese Ghost Story's official website's Heroes PK Competition, you should know about it. You are the top ten female players on the national server strength list, and you are enough to win this competition with me."

Zeng Xiaoxian directly learned the routine of Weixiao.

"Are you just for the Heroes PK final? Then let's go to the notary office to verify it."

56. Propose! (Second more outbreak) [Running men's entertainment cool article begging for subscription]

Bei Weiwei is also very casual, it's just a game, she doesn't intend to be so serious.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't keep up with her pace, standing there couldn't help laughing.

"Wei Wei, the wedding banquet of my love life will not be so casual, I will prepare a grand wedding."

Zeng Xiaoxian's words were so loud that Bei Weiwei couldn't help but think of the person he met a few days ago.

"It's just a wedding, whatever you want."

Wei "[-]" Wei doesn't want to be the focus of everyone again, she would rather find happiness in the game in obscurity.

"I have the final say on this wedding, you just need to be prepared."

What Zeng Xiaoxian said made Bei Weiwei feel unquestionable, and finally had no choice but to agree.


A kingly aura emerged spontaneously, making Bei Weiwei feel that his arrogance was leaking.

"Hey, this is our third sister-in-law, when is it your turn to hook up, hurry up and play in the mud."

"That's right, this person is either an old man in his seventies, or a kid who hasn't even grown his hair yet."

"Don't, people will cry when you say that, shut up quickly!"

The three of them interrupted their chat, and pulled Xiao Nai over.

Bei Weiwei frowned, since the relationship between the couple has been confirmed, even if he is a child of a certain age, she will maintain it to the end.

"Who are you and why are you here!"

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