"Oh, do you mean that you can wear it like this at home? Also, please close your eyes, they are about to fall out." Zhu Nai squinted and said to the two with a smile.

Here's the kitten coming up, "Hey!"

"Bang—" "It hurts—"

"Senior Yicheng, dirty, don't watch!"


"That... that, Ah Cheng, you... don't stare at me..."

"Eh... this is force majeure, I can't control myself."

I saw the kitten kicking Yicheng away, and then found Longcheng staring at her, so he said shyly while grabbing the hem of his sportswear.

"Uuuuuuu~ Treat them differently." Hyoudou Issei said while enjoying Aisha's knee pillow, crying.

"Okay, okay, everyone, are you ready? We are going to participate in the club competition." It was Rias who said.

"Hi—" the crowd replied.

"Okay, then we're ready, ready, and off we go."


"Well, everyone, I made this, please accept it." At this time, Yicheng took out a scarf and handed it to everyone, with the words [Supernatural Research Department·Bi Sheng] sewn on the scarf.

Everyone didn't reject Yicheng's kindness, they took it from his hand with a smile, and tied it on their foreheads.

"Kiba... here." Ise handed the hair tie to the dazed Kiba.

"……well, thanks."

"...Really, just focus on the game."

"...Competition. That's right...competition is very important."

"Hey, Kiba, are you sick? You haven't been very energetic recently."

[Everyone from the Paranormal Research Department and everyone from the Baseball Department, please gather at the playground. ] At this time, a voice calling for everyone came from the radio.

"Yoxi, the radio has called us. Everyone, our battle has begun, we must not lose." Rias said.



"Aim! Aim at Hyoudou and the new transfer student!"

"Which transfer student?"

"Nonsense, of course it's that boy!"

"Damn two life winners."

After getting the ball, the members of the baseball club frantically attacked Long Cheng and the other two.

Long Cheng and the two were frantically targeted by the opponent when they first entered the field.

The reason is very simple and very easy to understand.Let's sort out the personnel composition of the Paranormal Research Department.

The minister——Rias Gremory, one of the two elder sisters of Juwang Academy, the super popular idol of the academy, cannot be smashed.

The deputy director——Himejima Akeno, like Rias, one of the two big sisters of the academy, has the same popularity as Rias, and cannot be smashed.

Member——Aisha Arget, the first-ranked natural beautiful girl in the healing department among the second-year students, and she is still blond, so she can't be smashed.

Member - Tacheng kitten (Baiyin), a loli girl who is like the mascot of the academy, if it hits her, she will be very pitiful.

Member - Orpheus, a new transfer student, has the same mouthless loli attribute as the kitten. She and the kitten have been called the two mascots of the college by good people, and they form a black and white loli Li combination, can not be smashed.

Member - Kiba Yuto, the enemy of all boys, but if you hit him, you will be resented by all the girls in the school, so you can't hit him.

Member——Houdou Issei, one of the famous pervert trio in the academy, for some reason, in the supernatural research department full of handsome men and beautiful women, he used some method to get Aisha, and he was also devoted to him .Well, this one has to be smashed hard, aiming for the head.

Member——Long Cheng, a transfer student from Huaxia, handsome in appearance and personable in his work, has a lot of popularity in Juwang Academy, but it is said that he won Orpheus and Kitten, the two academy mascots.At the same time, according to gossip, he also has an unclear relationship with the two big sisters of the academy.This one will also be smashed to death.

122. The end of the ball skills meeting

After using the ultimate elimination method, everyone's malice was concentrated on Long Cheng and the two, and it came from all the boys in the school.

"Oh—kill Ise!"

"Down with the transfer students, Kitten-chan and Orpheus-chan belong to everyone. And my sis!"

"Damn it! It's really enviable to have all the girls in the Supernatural Research Department wear sports shorts... Oh, no, it's really too creepy. Yicheng, die! Transfer students, die!"

"Please, Hyoudou, fall down! For Aisha-chan, let her return to the normal world!"

"Kill the transfer student,...Go to hell! As long as Lolicon has me!"

"Let's go, transfer student, my sister's smile belongs to me."

Speaking of the people in the baseball club, it was as if they were on drugs, and they were crazy about outputting to the two of them.

"Hahahahaha, you weak chickens, you can't beat them."

"Hahaha, yell, yell hard, this is just the wailing of the weak."

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