After a while, Lias blushed and looked at Long Cheng, then ran out of the room.

Long Cheng was also a little dazed, he touched his lips, his face turned reddish.He looked at Rias who ran out, and reached out his hand to grab her, but he put it down as soon as he reached out.

He touched his lips, smiled and shook his head.

When Long Cheng walked out of the room, Lias had already changed and sat on the sofa in the living room.

The two looked at each other, and their faces became a little rosy.

"Let's go, Yicheng and the others are still waiting for us." Long Cheng said.

"...Yes." Lias replied softly, then walked to Long Cheng's side and held his hand.

Feeling the softness in his hands, Long Cheng squeezed subconsciously, and looked down, Lias lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly. The only thing she could see was her bright red hair and her soon-to-be-friendly hair. Hair a color over the ears.

"Ahem, let's go."


With a flash of light, Long Cheng and the two appeared in the open space of the Supernatural Research Department.

The appearance of the two quickly attracted everyone's attention. Lias blushed and walked to Junai's side, while Long Cheng walked between Orpheus and the kitten.

After seeing Lias, Zhu Nai smiled and said something in her ear, which made her blush even more, and she was about to burst into steam.

The kitten sniffled and muttered in a voice only he could hear: "Fortunately, I'm fast."

As for Orpheus, he didn't say anything, just holding Long Cheng's hands with the kitten.

Lias noticed the little cat's movements, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Okay, little cat, you actually sneaked away. Obviously I was the first, and it's good to know each other... I shouldn't have arranged Long Chengjun with you at that time." of."

Sensing Rias's resentment at this moment, the kitten turned to look at Rias, and their gaze sparked sparks in the air.

Zhu Nai looked at the two of them, smiled and said, "Ah, ah, oh, kawaii button beans."

At the same time, the battle between the four was over.

In the end, Ise did win, but the process...

"Hmph, you despicable devil, to use such an obscene move."

"That's right, Ise-kun. I didn't expect you to develop such an obscene and shameless move. If you don't want to be punished by the heavens, you should quickly seal this perverted move."

At this time, Xenovia and Wisteria Irina were wearing the school uniforms of Kuoh Academy, and said with reddish eyes.

The lively Irina jumped on Yicheng's back and kept hitting Yicheng's head.

"Ah, it hurts, Irina, come down quickly... I, I don't want to... This is a move that I developed with almost exhaustion of my magic power... I want to strip off more, more girls' clothes... ...I decided to abandon the move of making girls' clothes transparent after serious troubles at the beginning..." Hyoudou Issei said to Irina while holding his head.

"I will continue to fight until I improve this move to the point where I can destroy clothes with just a glance!" Hyoudou Issei said passionately.

"You can hit this level with only the desire of eroticism! There is something wrong with you!"

"Wisteria Irina! Erogue is power! It's justice!"

"Amen! Lord, please grant me the power to punish this eroge!" Irina held the holy sword and couldn't help but want to rush forward.

134. The end of the battle

Seeing Irina who was about to run away, Genovia hugged her from behind, eliminating the risk of the two of them having their clothes exploded again.

Then Xenovia walked towards Kiba who was kneeling beside her.Beside him are fragments of various magic swords, but just from the shape of the fragments, it can be seen that it must be a giant sword.

"Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice. Your weapon is a variety of magic swords and speed. Taking out a huge sword will only show your lack of muscle strength, and it will hinder your proudest action. Want to pursue Destructive power? With your characteristics, you don’t need destructive power at all, right? Don’t you even understand this?”

After speaking, Xenovia turned to Rias.

"Wait, wait..." Kiba stretched out his hand and said.

"'Senior', wait until you calm down next time. Rias Gremory, I will trouble you with the request I made just now."

Kiba glared at Xenovia angrily.

Then Genovia turned her head to look at Issei Hyoudou who was fighting with Irina, "I'll tell you one thing—"Vanishing Dragon" has awakened."

"What... what?" Hyoudou Issei said.

"You guys will meet one day. With your current situation, you will definitely not be able to defeat him. It is said that he is the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history."

Genovia left only this sentence, and left with her things.

"Wait a minute, Xenovia. Let's do this first, Ise. If you want me to punish you, you can tell me anytime, Amen?" Irina blinked at Ise while making the sign of the cross on her chest, and then Followed Genovia and left.

"Wait a minute! Yuto!" After the two left, Kiba stood up with a gloomy expression, ready to leave.

"I don't allow you to leave my side! You are the "knight" of the Gremory family, and it will be troublesome if you become a "rogue demon". Stop!" Rias said worriedly.

"...Thanks to the other companions, I was able to escape from that place. So I must pour their hatred into the magic sword..." After a while, Kiba left this sentence and left the scene.

"Yuto...why..." Rias looked at Kiba's departure with a disappointed expression on her face.

"Okay, Rias. I won't let anything happen to Kiba, just let him do it." Long Cheng patted Rias on the shoulder.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Longcheng." Lias wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes after hearing Longcheng's words, and said, "Akunai, let's continue to investigate the holy sword. Since we can't stop Yudou, then we will Give him a hand."

"Hi, Minister." Seeing Rias returning to her normal state, Himejima Akeno agreed with a smile, and then the two disappeared in the bright red magic circle.

"Let's go too! We agreed to help Kiba." Hyoudou Issei said to everyone.

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