"Considering my current physical strength, it can be used six or seven times to reach the limit. No, the fifth time is almost at the limit, and maybe I will fall to the ground by the sixth time, so let's count it as five times. "Obviously Yicheng who has been trained by Longcheng is not comparable to him at this time in the original book.

"Really? In this case, we are more confident."

Then Rias and Junai spread their demon wings and flew into the sky.

"Hooooooooooooooooo!" Cerberus threatened, and then rushed over in one breath!

"Boom!" One of its heads spit out flames at Rias flying in the air!

"It's too weak." Zhu Nai stood in front of Rias wearing a priestess costume, and instantly froze the flames.

"Accept it!" Then Rias flew out from Junai's back, and sent a huge red and black magic power condensate towards Cerberus, which was extremely concentrated and destructive magic power.

"Boom!" Facing Rias' attack, Cerberus's other head sprayed out a fireball and collided with it.

At this moment, the remaining head spat out a fireball again, suppressing the destructive magic power that was about to overwhelm the fireball.

Moreover, the mouth of the first head of Cerberus flashed fire again, it seemed that it was not satisfied, and wanted to pursue the victory.

"There is a loophole!" Obviously, everyone in the supernatural research department will not let it succeed.

"Boom!" The kitten aimed at the right moment and rushed into the battle from the side, punching Cerberus hard on the head!Then he immediately returned to Long Cheng's place.

"I'll reward you again." Then Zhu Nai also stretched out his hand towards the sky, and the night sky produced thunder, and then the thunder and lightning pointed at Cerberus.

"Zheng!" After the instant flash, Cerberus was surrounded by violent electric shocks and fell into a state of paralysis!

At this time, Rias fired another highly compressed destructive magic power, but it only hit his flank, and his body was not destroyed.

After a round of attacks, although Cerberus was smoking and sprayed black blood from his side, his eyes were still sharp.

"Oh. The guy with the power of Balakile!" Kekabil said to Junai with great interest.

"...Don't compare me with that guy!" Zhu Nai said with a murderous expression, eyes widening.

"You actually degenerated into a demon! Hahaha! Your family is really more interesting than the other, Rias Gremory! Chiryuutei, the survivors of the Holy Sword Project, and Balakile's daughter! It seems that you are The fact that you like strange things is not inferior to your brother!"

"I forbid you to speak ill of my brother, our Demon King! Especially for insulting my servant, you deserve death!"

"Before then, let's talk about it after you survive!"

"Gululu—!" Then everyone heard a dangerous murmur.

"There's another one!" Hyoudou Issei turned his head tremblingly, and another Cerberus appeared in the darkness.

"Gah-ah!" The second one roared loudly, rushing towards Long Cheng and the others who were on the edge of the OB!

Just when Longcheng was about to stop fishing and make a move——

"Swish!" Cerberus rushed towards the four of them with his head flying into the air.

"I'm here to help." The person who appeared in front of everyone was the girl wielding the [Holy Sword of Destruction] - Xenovia.The head of the magic dog flying in the sky also turned into dust under the power of the holy sword, and disappeared with the wind.

As soon as the words fell, the girl rushed out, and chopped off Cerberus who was missing a head and screaming loudly.

"Ga—ah—!" Cerberus was seriously injured by the destructive sword.As the smoke filled, a chunk of its body disappeared.

"The slash of the holy sword can cause incomparable damage to monsters—" Saying so, Xenovia slashed at the fallen magic dog again, and the long sword pierced deeply into its chest, giving it the last one strike.

Cerberus' body instantly turned into dust and scattered in the air.

Then Ise's gauntlet began to flicker.

"What's going on, it's clearly not at the limit yet."

[This is to tell you that the power has been raised to the stage where Cerberus can be defeated by transferring it to Rias Gremory or Himejima Akeno. 】

"Really? When will there be such a convenient function? Why didn't you have it during training?"

[This means that you and the artifact are constantly evolving and changing every day.Artifact lived up to your expectations.Weren't you unable to determine what intensity to double to complete the training and save energy as much as possible?That's why I'm notifying you like this now. 】

"That's true, master's super-Spartan training, if you can't carefully calculate your physical exertion, you will die."

"Hey, I can hear you!" Long Cheng said with a dark face.

"Huh? That means the artifact has evolved in response to my weakness? And I even know the difference in strength between my partners and enemies.

Great!minister!Zhu Nai-senpai!The power is enough to deal with Cerberus! " Hyoudou Issei resolutely ignored Longcheng's black face, and shouted to Rias.

Hearing Ise's words, Rias and Junai looked at each other and nodded, and they landed in the direction of the four of them at the same time.

"Well, who should I strengthen?"

"Ise, what can be strengthened at the same time is that the power will be a little less." Just as Hyoudou Issei was struggling with who to [transfer] his power to, Long Cheng reminded him.

145. The King's Sword of the Moonlight Campus: The Final Battle 4

"Hey! Is this still possible?"

【Okay, it can be transferred to at most two objects at the same time.But both sides can only get [-]% to [-]% of the doubled power. 】Draig also said aloud.

"Such strength is enough."

"Yes, enough."

"Please, Yicheng!"

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