"—You killed my companions and took away their holy sword fitness factor?" Kiba exuded a shocking murderous look and asked Balpa.

"That's right. This crystal is what was completed at that time, right? But three of them were used on Freed and the others. This is the last one."

"Ahahahaha! All the guys except me died during the process because their bodies couldn't cooperate with the factors! Hmm~~ It seems that I am really special!" At this moment, Fried said.

'If what Freed said is true, it means that the other two users of the Sword of the King who were snatched by them are dead.Tsk!If you die, Freed must die first!What a disaster! Hyoudou Issei kept cursing this perverted priest in his heart.

"Are you thinking about harming Yicheng for thousands of years, Yicheng-chan? No, no, no, I don't die that easily." Then Fried said to Yicheng who obviously had a wrong expression.

"Don't guess what I'm thinking, stinky priest!" Yicheng said angrily.

"Ha~~ Your thoughts are so easy to guess, it's all written on your face."

"Tsk! Damn perverted priest!"

"...Balpa Galileo. For your own research and your own desires, how many lives have you taken carelessly..." Kiba's hands were trembling, and the magic flames generated by his anger surrounded his whole body, full of astonishing shock force.

"Hmph. Since you said that, why don't I crystallize this factor to you. My research has progressed to the stage where it can be mass-produced. As long as the production environment is prepared, it can be carried out at any time. I will first destroy it with Mr. Cocabille. In this town, after that, the legendary holy swords kept around the world were collected everywhere. Then the holy swordsmen were mass-produced, and they used the unified king's sword to launch a war against Michael and the Vatican. Let the foolishness of making me a sinner Angels and believers have seen and seen my research." Balpa threw the factor crystal in his hand without interest.Crystal rolled a few times on the ground and stopped at Kiba's feet.

Kiba knelt down lightly and picked up the crystal.He touched the crystal, feeling sad, distressed, and nostalgic.

"...Everyone..." Tears ran across Kiba's face and dripped onto the crystal, his expression was full of sadness and anger.

At this moment, the crystal in Kiba's hand began to emit a faint light.The light slowly spread, and finally expanded enough to cover the entire playground, and then balls of light appeared on the ground of the playground, gradually condensing and forming.

Shapes became more and more distinct—eventually becoming one human figure after another.

Around Kiba appeared many young men and women emitting a faint blue-white light.

"The various forces permeating this battlefield have liberated the soul from the crystallization of the holy factor," Zhu Nai said.It is not surprising that this kind of thing happened in this state where the magic sword, the holy sword, the devil, the fallen angel, and the dragon were all mixed together.

Kiba looked at them with a nostalgic and sad expression, "Everyone! I...I..."

Everyone present already understood that these figures were Kiba's former partners.

"...I've been... always thinking. Can I survive, and only I can live... Some of you have bigger dreams than me, and some of you want to live more than me. Only I live a peaceful life alone Is life really good..."

One of the boy's spirits was smiling, as if confiding something to Kiba.

"Leave us alone.Even if it's just you, I have to live.』

Obviously there was no sound, but the voice of a young man sounded in the hearts of everyone present.

Then a girl's soul smiled and took Kiba's hand.

"that's enough"

"yes!This is exactly what we want! 』

The words of his former comrades reached Kiba's heart, and tears welled up in his eyes.

The movements of the souls of the boys and girls opening and closing their mouths began to unify, depicting a certain rhythm.

"—it's a hymn." Aisha whispered aside.

They were singing hymns... Kiba also wept as he sang hymns along with them.

That is the only thing they have obtained in order to keep their hopes and dreams in the difficult human experiments!

That is the only food that can support them to survive in their difficult life!

They and Kiba sang the hymn, with innocent smiles like those of young children.

Their souls glow blue and white.The radiance centered on Kiba and became more and more dazzling.

"If we're alone, none of us will be of much use—"

『The factors we have are not enough to control the holy sword.but--"

"If we combine everyone's strength, we will be able to—"

Maybe it's because in the current playground, there are various forces intricately forming a special force field, and the hymn didn't make Hyoudou Issei and the others feel pain.Instead, everyone felt the warmth, the warmth of missing friends and companions——

Everyone's eyes also shed tears unknowingly, Long Cheng was no exception, even Orpheus had tears in his eyes.

"Accept the holy sword—"

"There's nothing to be afraid of—"

"Even without God—"

"Even if God doesn't favor us—"

"At any time, we-"


Then their souls flew into the sky, turned into a huge ball of light, and landed on Kiba.

Gentle and divine light surrounded Kiba.

"Finally, we have reached it." Looking at Kiba shrouded in light, Long Cheng said.

"What's wrong?" Yicheng asked.

"I told you. The artifact will use the owner's thoughts as food to gradually change, evolve, and become stronger. But there is another field besides this. When the holder's thoughts and wishes produce violent Artifacts reach that level when shifted enough to defy the "flow" that pervades the world.That's right, it's—"

"The ultimate power that belongs to the artifact—Balance Breaker!"

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