"Ah Cheng, don't talk about it. It's not because of the parent visit day, the elder brother's father is here." Lias said, holding her forehead.

"Ah, Minister. You are here too." At this moment, Kiba took Tosca's hand and walked over.

"Oh, Yuuto. Are you here to buy tea?"

Hearing Rias's question, Kiba pointed to the front of the corridor and said, "No, we heard that a witch is holding a photo session, so we plan to go and have a look."

After hearing Kiba's words, everyone became interested and planned to go to see the so-called witch together.

"Click, click!" With the flashes on and off, a group of boys with cameras gathered in the corner of the corridor, not knowing what they were shooting.

Everyone struggled through the human wall and saw the so-called witch.

"Ah, I remember, that character should be from "Magical Girl Silver Spiral 7Alternative".It's my regular customer, Mi Lutan's favorite character. "Hyoto Issei said.

It was a beautiful girl with a lively twin ponytail hairstyle and a pink magical girl costume. The girl was walking around with a magic wand.The guy with the camera on the side is excited to take pictures, and the panties are looming under the short skirt...

"This—!" Rias panicked after seeing the girl.

"Hey hey hey! You guys are so bold to hold a photo session in such a crowded place!" At this time, as everyone's acquaintance in the student union, Shiro Sajimoto also rushed into the crowd, still saying so .

A girl who looks like a member of the student council also followed Saji to the shooting scene in the center of the crowd.

"Okay, okay, disband! Today is the day for public viewing! Don't cause commotion in this kind of place!" Facing Sao's words, the boys could only leave reluctantly.

Only Long Cheng and the others, Sao from the student union, and the cosplay girl remained.

"Also, please don't dress like that, please? Wait, you are not the parent of the student, are you? If so, there should be more suitable clothing. It will be very troublesome for us." Sasuke Moto Shiro said.

"Huh—but this is my formal attire☆" Faced with Saji's persuasion, the girl just put on a cute pose and didn't listen at all.

Saji gritted his teeth, but when he found Rias was there, he bowed to her and said, "Ah, Rias-senpai came just in time. We are showing His Majesty the Demon King and senior sister's father around the school."

Shao looked to the back of the corridor, and President Cang Na happened to be walking with two red-haired men.

"What's the matter? Shao, didn't I always tell you to solve problems concisely—" President Cang Na, who was always serious, was speechless after seeing the girl.

"Cang Na-chan! I found you☆" The girl excitedly hugged Cang Na after seeing her.

"Oh, it's Seraflu. You're here too." Suzeks and the two greeted the girl.

"It's His Majesty Levitan?" At this moment, Yicheng also realized.

"Yes, this is one of the current Four Great Demon Kings, His Majesty Serafru Levitan. She is also Cang Na's older sister." Zhu Nai said.

"Huh!" After being confirmed, Hyoudou Issei shouted excitedly, after all Serafulu is Issei's idol.

"Your Majesty Seraph, long time no see."

"Oh, it's Rias☆Long time no see~~☆How are you doing recently?"

"Yes, yes, thanks to you." Because her tone was too cute, even Rias was a little troubled.

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"Are you here to visit Canna's class today?" Rias continued to ask.

"Hmm☆Cangna-chan is too good, she didn't tell me the news about the parent visit day! Really! My sister was so shocked that she was almost about to attack the heavens☆" Sarafulu pouted, pointing her wand at The sky said with full momentum.

"Everyone, greet Your Majesty." Rias said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Long Cheng, Rias Gremory's boyfriend. Please give me your advice." Long Cheng said with a smile.

"Opheus." Orpheus said lightly.

"Fortunately, I am Hyoudou Issei! I am Rias Gremory-sama's servant "Soldier"! Please give me your advice!" Issei seemed a little nervous.

Then everyone said to Seraflu in turn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you☆I'm the demon king Seraphro Levitan☆You can call me "Levi-chan"☆" COSPLAY girl—oh no, it's the demon king Seraphro Levitan who made a sideways comparison V sign said.

"This, this is too frivolous—" This was the voice of everyone present.

"Hey, Suzeks-chan, these two boys are rumored to be the Sekiryuutei from another world and his apprentice Ddraig?"

"Yes, Ryusei-kun is not only the Sekiryuutei of another world, but also inherited the Holy Spear. Hyoudou Issei is the Sekiryuutei of this generation." Faced with Seraful's frivolous performance, Sazeks Just answer with a smile.

"Ah, ah, Uncle Gremory."

"Hmm. Your Majesty Seraflu, your outfit is really strange. I think it's a bit inappropriate for you to be dressed like this for a demon king..."

"Oh, uncle☆ Don't you know? This country is popular now?" Seraphro spread the wrong knowledge in a serious manner.

"Oh, that's right. It seems that I am ignorant." Rias' father replied with a smile.

"Hahahaha, Father. Please don't believe this kind of talk. This is just Seraflu's joke."

Gremory and his son and Seraphro chatted like this.

"Minister, Minister, His Majesty Levitan seems to be quite frivolous, far beyond my imagination..." Hyoudou Issei said.

"I forgot to tell you——no, actually, I don't want to tell you. The current Four Demon Kings, each of them is like her, very frivolous in private, even to the point of exaggeration." Lias sighed Said.

"Cang Na-chan, what's wrong with you? You're blushing? It's a rare reunion with my sister, you should be happier? My sister thinks we should shout "Sister!" !" Seraph said with emotion.

The corner of Cang Na's eyes twitched and she said regretfully, "...Sister, sister. This is my school, and I am the student council president here...Even if she is one of my own, my sister's actions are still too much...I Can't stand that kind of clothing."

"Why is this, Cang Na! My sister is so sad to hear Cang Na say such words! Cang Na also knows that my sister really wants to become a magical girl! My sister wants to wipe out angels and fallen angels in one fell swoop with a gleaming magic wand☆" Sera Fulu said serious words that were both shameful and dangerous.

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