"Hey, hey, you're a vampire, right?" Sasuke Motoshiro complained.

"A good-for-nothing vampire." After hearing the kitten's words, Xenovia and Orpheus nodded in agreement.

"Wow—! Everyone bullies me——!"

"Then... can we only use the first method? But will this be troublesome, you still have a task."

"But it's okay to leave him alone. Gasper's ability is too dangerous, and he must be controlled as soon as possible. Let's put the president's mission on hold for now. It's definitely not because he's tired of doing chores."

"Uh... Sato-kun, leave Gasper to me. You can continue to finish the work."

"That's right. The master also has evil eyes, so he should have a lot of experience on how to train Gaspar. Then, I won't trouble you here, Shao."

"No! I've been weeding for a week, let me help! I can do anything, please don't make me weed."

"Okay, Saji-kun. Issei and the others will help you. I only need me to train Gaspar."

165. The title girl ran away from home

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng teleported away from the school with Orpheus and Gaspar, and came to the open space where Long Cheng trained Hyoudou Issei.After all, Gaspar's ability is too dangerous for Yicheng and the others. If they go berserk, only Yicheng and the kitten will survive.

"Well, if you are here, you don't have to worry about making too much noise and attracting others. Gasper."

"Hi, hi, huh!" Hearing Long Cheng call his name, Gaspar replied nervously.

"You also know what disaster will happen if your artifact goes berserk."

"Yes, yes. So, just let me stay in that room all the time, so that I can't hurt anyone, especially the ministers. If possible, I... I don't want this kind of artifact! Because 、Because, everyone will stop! Everyone will be afraid! Everyone will hate! I don’t want to do this either! ..." Gaspar said through tears.

"Alas—you can't do this. You should be able to understand the saying that blocking is worse than sparse. If you just blindly suppress your ability, one day it will hurt the person you care about. Only by completely controlling it can you guarantee it." Safety."

"But, but, can I do it?"

"As long as you can complete my training, it is not easy to control the power of the evil eye. I have said that I also have the evil eye."

"Hi! For the sake of the minister, I will definitely work hard. Gaspar, believe in yourself, you can do it." Gaspar encouraged himself.

"Hehe, then you have to work hard." Long Cheng condensed a lot of energy balls and said, "Your task is to stop the energy bullets attacking you in time. Ah, and in this area, the speed of time flow is Ten times normal, so we have enough time to train, don't die." Long Cheng smiled and said terrifying words.

"That, that, can I go back and use the first training plan of the Governor of the Fallen Angel?" Gaspar said with a dull face.

"No way! Well, don't waste time, I'm going." Long Cheng replied with a smile.

"Eh——! No, don't come here, who will save me, Minister Rias, Akeno-san, Xiao...Kiba-senpai——!" Gaspar ran away with tears welling up from the corners of his eyes, but It's a pity that Long Cheng had already surrounded Gaspar with energy balls.

"Gaspar, I'm going. Remember to use all your strength, or you will die." After finishing speaking, Longcheng controlled an energy ball to attack Gaspar, and the speed of the energy ball was getting faster and faster. faster.

"Yeah!" Gaspar yelled in fear, with golden-red lights shining in his eyes.

As the light in Gaspar's eyes flickered, the speed of Longcheng's energy ball immediately weakened a bit, making Gaspar react and dodge it narrowly.

"Boom!" A violent explosion came from behind Gaspar.

"Yo, not bad, you actually dodged it. It's much better than Yicheng at the beginning, but your power is too scattered, try to concentrate your attention within a certain range." Long Cheng pointed out After Spa's two sentences, before he could recover, he launched an attack faster than before.


real world, an hour later

Department of Paranormal Research

"We're back." Long Cheng dragged the burned out Gaspar and Orpheus back to the Department of Supernatural Research.

"Ah, you're back. Gaspar, why did you become like this?" Rias said to the three of them.

"Wow——! Minister, save me. I will listen to you, so please save me..." Gaspar cried and told her about Longcheng's devil training when he saw Rias .

"...How come there is a feeling of deja vu in this scene?" Hyoudou Issei said with a frown on the side.

"Ah, ah, isn't this the performance of you, Yicheng, after receiving training from Mr. Long Cheng for the first time after you just became a demon?" Zhu Nai reminded with a smile.

"Hiss~ Yes. I, I remembered. The first few days of training were real hell. Gaspar, how pathetic." Hyoudou Issei couldn't help shaking when he said that.

"Okay, Ise, Yuto, go and comfort Gaspar first." Rias said to the two.

After that, Hyoudou Issei and Kiba took Gaspar to the sofa next to them to rest.Hyoudou Issei kept encouraging Gaspar as someone who had experienced it, while Kiba occasionally interjected a few words.Well, it's worth mentioning that Gaspar was hiding in the cardboard box again, but this time he didn't close the lid.

"So, Long Cheng-jun, how is the training of Gaspar's artifact going?"

"Although there is still a long way to go to fully control the power of Xieyan, but now he can barely control the activation and range of influence of Xieyan. However, this can only be achieved when he concentrates."

"I am very satisfied to have achieved such a result in such a short period of time. I know this child's life experience, and I really can't be cruel to him, so I will leave it to you."

"Well. Gasper's training can only be done slowly. Although there is a way for him to quickly control the artifact, Gasper himself is very resistant, so I don't want to force him."

"Well, I'm bothering you again."

"Okay, let's talk about whether it's troublesome or not."

After speaking, Long Cheng walked over to Yi Cheng.

"That, that..."

"Huh? Just say what you want to say, Gasper."

"Yes. Well, I'm sorry, I said bad things about you just now. I didn't mean that, it's just..." Gaspar's explanation was a little confusing, which made him confused too.

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