Just as Yicheng was talking about his goals for the future, a burst of space fluctuations suddenly came.

"What is this..."

"Seems to be……"

"Terrorist attack." Asachel said.

"Ah, ah, it seems that some people don't want to see peace among our three parties." Asachel stood up, smiling and looking out the window, but his eyes were shining with a dangerous light.

"Can you look outside?" Asachel pointed to the window.

"Open—!" A strong flash erupted outside, and then the whole new school building shook violently...

"Someone is attacking us. No matter which era, as long as the powers are ready to conclude a peace agreement, there will be people who hate this situation and try to hinder it."

Everyone looked out, and dense figures appeared on the playground and in the air.The group of people were wearing black robes and looked like magicians, and they were launching attacks like magic bullets towards the new school building where they were.

However, since Michael, Sazeks and Asachel have reacted immediately and installed a powerful defensive barrier on the new school building, their attacks seem to be unable to deal an effective blow to the new school building, but it seems that there is no sign of giving up .

Asachel observed them for a while, then laughed wildly and said: "Those are the so-called magicians. The so-called magic and magic are the legendary magician "Melin Ambrosius" who transformed the devil's The magic power system has been independently interpreted and reconstructed... Judging from the magic power they emit, each of them has the magic power of an intermediate demon level.

Since Sergex and Michael and I have created an extremely powerful barrier, their attacks cannot harm the school building.It's just that we can't leave here... so they are handed over to you. "

"There seemed to be a strange fluctuation just now, what is it..."

"That's space fluctuations. The other party probably has a powerful space barrier artifact that isolates us from the outside world." Long Cheng frowned and said, things began to exceed his expectations.

"Yeah, it's probably the same as Long Chengjun's judgment. And I think that guy has already reached the forbidden hand, otherwise it would be impossible for him to transfer us to the barrier." The spear of condensed light was thrown towards the magicians outside.

The terrorists immediately launched a defensive barrier, but the spear of light easily pierced through it, killing those magicians in one fell swoop.

Then magic circles appeared all over the playground, emitting a strange light.A group of guys dressed like the magicians that Asachel dealt with just now appeared from the magic circle.

"Tsk, it's endless. This situation has been repeated since just now, no matter how many people we defeat. However, whether it is the timing or the way of terrorist attacks, it can be seen that one of the enemies should know our inside information The guy exists. Maybe there is a traitor among us?"

"As the strongest fighting force now, we can't act rashly until the enemy's leader is clear. I can only ask you first, Rias." Suzeks said with a serious face.


"Walli, I'm sorry for your inconvenience too."

"Hmph, just treat it as a pastime. The enemy magician, don't be so vulnerable in the end."

After finishing speaking, Rias Gremory, her family and the Valico were ready to go outside to fight.

170. Troop of Disaster

"Wait, little brother Chiryuutei still has that vampire." At this moment Asachel stopped the two of them.

Then he threw two things like bracelets to them, engraved with lines of words that he had never seen before.

"The bracelet has the ability to enhance the control of artifacts. That little vampire can't completely control the evil eye. There is also a bracelet that can reduce the consumption of forbidden hands to a certain extent. It can be used as your trump card. But remember, The bracelet is a consumable item when you lock your hands, and it will run out of strength immediately."

"I, I know."

"I, I will control myself."

After the two finished speaking, they walked outside with the crowd.

"Asachel, how deep have you researched the artifact?" Michael sighed.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the god who created the artifact is gone. It would be better to have someone who can analyze the artifact as much as possible. I heard that even you don't know a lot about the artifact, right?" Sachel just showed a hearty smile.

"The problem is that you are the guy who loves research... But it's not difficult to understand, you were obsessed with artifacts before you fell into the sky. I remember you designed an artifact yourself, called [Flash and Black... "

"Shut up!" Azazel interrupted Michael angrily.

In this regard, Michael showed a warm (fu) warm (hei) smile.

"Azachel, continue the topic just now." Suzeks said at this time.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"What exactly do you want to do when you collect artifacts? I heard that you even found a few holders of the "God Extinguisher Tool". The god is no longer there, so what do you want to do, do you want to kill the god?"

"It's called being prepared."

"Preparation? You just denied the war, and now you say such uneasy words." Michael said dissatisfied.

"Didn't I say that? I won't fight with you, and I won't start a war by myself, but... still need means of self-defense. But this is not to guard against your attack?"

"if not?"

Hearing what Michael and Suzeks said, Asachel couldn't help but look at Long Cheng and Orpheus.

"..."Khaos Bragade" (Khaos Bragade)"

"...The Brigade of Misfortune?"

After hearing what the three of them said, Long Cheng couldn't help showing a wry smile. After all, Orpheus created the Disaster Group, although she has nothing to do with them now.

"The name and background of the organization was actually only recently known, but before that our deputy governor, Shemuhesa, was eyeing that suspicious group. They gathered dangerous elements from the three major forces, including artifacts that have reached the realm of forbidden hands Holders. And it has been confirmed that several of them are humans who hold the "God Extinguisher Tool"."

"What is their purpose?"

"Destruction and chaos. Simple, right? They don't like the peace of this world—a group of terrorists. And it's extremely bad.

And the leader of the organization is another dragon family that is stronger and more vicious than the "Red Dragon" and "White Dragon". "

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