Vali turned sideways slightly to avoid Yicheng's attack, he turned his head and said, "I can't control my soaring power..."

"Bang!!!" Vali turned his head halfway, and before he could finish speaking, he was punched and flew out.

"Hmph, if I couldn't control the soaring power, I would have died a long time ago. Did you play tricks during the master's training?" It turned out that Yicheng's punch just now was just a feint, and the second punch was the real attack.

"Cough, cough cough. Hahaha, have fun. Issei Hyoudou underestimated you, and I will fight you seriously next time."

Compared with the original book, Hyoudou Issei's strength is far from the present, not only the basic physical fitness, but even the fighting skills Longcheng has specially trained him.Although Long Cheng himself is not a skilled fighter, but his brother is, after getting along for so many years, he still has a good understanding of fighting skills.

In this way, Hyoudou Issei and Vali Lucifer were temporarily stuck in a stalemate.


"Zheng——!!!" Countless holy magic swords mixed with sacred and evil aura pierced out from the ground, and attacked a beautiful girl with long golden hair, Joan of Arc.

With a flexible posture, Joan dodged the holy magic sword that was constantly stabbing out, and occasionally blocked it with the holy sword in her hand when she couldn't dodge a few times.

"Clang!" At this time, Kiba rushed out from a hidden place created by a holy magic sword, and he slashed at Joan with a holy magic sword in each hand.And Joan blocked Kiba's attack with amazing reaction speed.

"You are very strong." Kiba immediately distanced himself from Jeandra after missing a hit.

"Hehehe, Holy Demon Swordsman, you are also very strong. But it's time for the battle between us to come to an end." With that said, Joan stuck the holy sword in her hand on the ground.


"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of violent explosions continued to ring out on the battlefield.

"Hahaha, Genovia Quarta, as the holder of the holy sword Durandal, I have heard of your reputation in the church."

"I am honored to be praised by the top fighter of the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, and the Orthodox Church—"Chaosedge Zig".

Although I am not qualified to say you, but I still want to ask.Zig!Have you betrayed the Church—have you betrayed Heaven! "

"It should be considered a betrayal. I am now a member of the "Band of Misfortune"."


"It doesn't matter. Even without me, the church still has the strongest fighter. He alone can fill the gap between me and you, the holder of Durandal. Well, let's continue, I don't know You have a few percent of the strength of the previous generation of Durandal holders."

"The previous generation of Durandal holder, Vasco Strada, is beyond my comparison." Genovia replied seriously.

"Hahaha, yes. After all, that guy is what the devil calls [the devil].

From the shock just now, I guess the battle between Cao Cao and the other world's Red Dragon Emperor is coming to an end, so let's end the battle as soon as possible. "Siegfried said with a smile, and then he took out three magic swords from the different space.


"Cang Na, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Rias. But that guy's purple inflammation is really troublesome, even your [destruction] magic power and our attacks are hard to work."

"What now? We can't last much longer."

"We can only wait for Lord Long Cheng to defeat Cao Cao. The battle between them should be over soon, we just need to last until then."

"Okay. I understand. Aisha, I'll leave the treatment for Sakai and everyone to you. Gasper, if we have an inadvertent attack, we will need your help at that time." Rias told the two of them. ordered.

"Tsubakihime, the attack we neglected is also entrusted to you, and you and Gaspar will work together.

Yisha, Xun, close combat is left to you.

Reiya, Momo, Liuruko, Gasper from the Aisha Classmates Association will be entrusted to you for protection.Everyone stick to it, and you are not allowed to die! "


176. The Battle of the 5-blade Dog Team Appears


[Truth Edea]

"Okay, let's start the second round! Long Cheng!" Cao Cao said with a big laugh.

After Cao Cao finished reading Ba Hui's words, he exuded a fiery golden holy light all over his body.

Regarding Cao Cao's words, Long Cheng did not express anything.He turned around and walked towards Rias and the others.

"There is no need to fight with you anymore. The outcome has been decided."

As soon as Long Cheng finished speaking, the golden holy light covering Cao Cao suddenly dissipated, and a pale golden light flew out of his holy spear and merged into Long Cheng's holy spear.However, Cao Cao didn't notice it because the light was too weak and his mood was complicated.Long Cheng didn't see it because his back was facing Cao Cao.

"..., hehehe, that's how it is." Cao Cao said with a wry smile after Longcheng left.

"Compared to my [overbearing], do you recognize his [kingly way] more? Longcheng, I won't lose again next time." Cao Cao looked at the direction Longcheng was leaving, and said with firm eyes. "Georg, take me away."

As soon as the words fell, Cao Cao left the different space of [Juewu].


"Ahem, Issei Hyoudou, I admit that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to take my power. I don't know whether you are bold or stupid."

〖impossible!There can be no such thing!Draig and I are completely opposite existences, how is this possible! 〗

[Hahaha, Albion, I met this host—after meeting Hyoudou Issei, I learned one thing!That is - some things can become impossible as long as they are completely stupid! 】

"So what if I'm stupid! Anyway, I can't win in terms of talent, so it's better to be stupid and use this to win!"

"Hahaha, Hyoudou Issei, you are qualified to see the power of my [Balong]."

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