"Ha, I was taken aback, Hyoudou. These are all the artifacts of the [Frido] series that I got from [Kamiko Watcher].

Today, Hyoudou, I will surpass you! "

"I want to win for Rias-senpai, and the master is watching too, so I can't let you beat me! Come on! Spoon!"

"Senior Xenovia, let me be your opponent!" Nishimura Ryuko said, and then a device appeared on each of his feet.

"Oh! I wish for it!" Genovia pulled out a sword from the different space, not Durandal, but a knight sword.

"I have suffered countless injuries in order to use it smoothly, let the opponent witness our achievements, Ascalon—!"

Just as the four were about to rush towards each other, a broadcast came.

"A "monk" of Lord Rias Gremory, eliminated. "

"Gasper is probably the one who is out." Genovia said, after all, Aisha is in the base camp.

"Gasper fell for it." Genovia continued. As a former church fighter, she has some experience in various battles, but she just likes to be reckless.

Sato said proudly: "According to the regulations, Gaspar's artifact was sealed, and we have also been contacted about this. If so, he must use the ability of a vampire. Most likely he turned into a bat and wandered around the room to collect Information. So the president thought of a trick, which is to make full use of our base camp.

First of all, some of our family members took suspicious actions in the Sidi base camp, so that Gasper, who came to monitor, will pay attention, and he will catch up, right?Then let him see more suspicious actions, he will call bats from other places, and several bats will watch together.We can get enough bats to come together and we win.There are enough bats gathered together, and once they encounter any danger, they will subconsciously turn into their own bodies.After getting the bats to gather nearby - use the garlic that vampires fear the most.Our base camp is the supermarket on the west side of the first floor, where there are a lot of garlic.It couldn't be easier to catch Gaspar. "

"How could this happen! Is there still such a way!" Hyoudou Issei said in disbelief.

"It's very simple, right? And there is no more practical method than this. The president analyzed that even after training, he probably didn't think of overcoming the weakness of garlic. After all, which enemy will deliberately carry this thing during the game. Although it is only because The location of the base camp happened to be the idea, but when it was resolved, it was resolved."

"But, damn it, there is still such a method. Xiaojia! You have to practice overcoming garlic in the future! Your staple food will be replaced by garlic fried rice and garlic toast!" Hyoudou Issei complained.

"Okay, Hyoudou, come on! Today I must surpass you."

209. A game where life is at stake

"I don't need you to tell me. Since our combat strength is one less, it's enough to let your dependents leave the field. Xenovia, let's go."

"it is good."

Then Hyoudou Issei and Xenovia rushed towards their respective opponents.

Just when Hyoudou Issei was about to activate the artifact, Draig stopped him, [Partner, doubling will be dangerous.As long as that guy's artifact is connected, doubling just lets him take away the increased power. 】

"By the way, the ability of Saji's artifact can absorb the energy of the connected object. Now that my artifact is connected to his, there is a danger that the power will be absorbed by the opponent!"

[To cut off this dragon vein, the only way to break it is by the shock wave that reaches the forbidden hand. 】

"Okay then! Forbidden hand -!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker! 】

The crimson dragon-shaped armor appeared on Hyoudou Issei's body.

"Nimura! The sunglasses I got in the store just now!" Just as Hyoudou Issei was about to attack Sajimoto Shiro, he took out a black sunglasses and put them on his eyes.

At the same time, the artificial artifacts [Jade Rabbit and Chang'e] are used to gain strong speed and jumping power. Ruko Nimura, who is fighting guerrillas with Xenovia, also wears sunglasses.

"Pa-pa-pa-!" In an instant, the blinding light from the lamp made Ise and Xenovia temporarily lose their vision.

[It's counted.He connected the lamp with a dragon vein, and transmitted magic power to instantly increase the brightness. 】

"Bang!" Hyoudou Issei's abdomen received a strong magical attack, and its power was close to that of a superior demon.

Then Shiro Sajimoto didn't respond to Ise, and directly threw another set of combined punches, knocking him to the ground.

At this time, a trace of blood overflowed from Yicheng's mask, but his vision also began to recover slowly.

Sato raised his hand and aimed at Yicheng, ready to fire the magic bullet again!Yicheng quickly rolled over and dodged the attack.

"Boom!" The magic power fired by the key blasted a big hole in the floor!

"...You're good, Satoshi."

"Hyoudou, I'm serious. I'm serious about defeating you, known as Sekiryuutei."

Saji raised his hand again, ready to unleash a magical attack.Although the power of Saji's magic bullet is close to that of a high-level demon, but in order not to cause huge damage, he condenses the magic bullet relatively small.

"Saji, when did you have such strong magic power?"

Satoshi didn't reply to this, but pointed to his chest - there was a dragon's vein connected there.

"Saji! You bastard! Are you converting your life... into magic power!"

"That's right. As I don't have much magical power, the only way I can use a powerful attack is to use the power of a divine weapon to convert my life into magic power. As you can see, this is the real 'gamble your life'."

"Are you willing to die...!"

"Yes, for the president's dream, I have bet my life as a dependent!"

"Bang!" At this moment, the sound of an object falling to the ground came from the side. It was Nimura Liuliuzi, and there was a sword wound on his back, and the flame of the Holy Spirit was still burning on the scar.

"Sorry, Saji-kun..." Nimura Ryuko said, and then disappeared into light particles.

"Master Cangna Sidi, one [soldier], leave the field."

"During this period of time, I learned how to attach the flames of Durandal to Ascalon without using it. By the way, Mr. Asachel's eyes are really tricky." Xenovia carried Ascalon Caron said.

Hyoudou Issei kept dodging Saji's magic bullets, and even if the magic bullets just grazed his armor, it would shatter.What is hidden in that magical power is quite extraordinary.

"Yicheng, let me help you."

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