Odin uttered the superlative compliment to a nobody whom he hadn't known a few hours before.

"Right, right! Grandpa Odin is indeed very knowledgeable☆It's not like a guy who can only say some ambiguous words." Serafru also felt better when he heard him praise her younger sister's family, but then said The last sentence seems to mean something.

In this regard, Long Cheng could only bear it silently, because after all, Suzeks and Seraphulus were two ultimate sister-in-laws, and he couldn't afford to offend them.

"Sona Sidi's "soldier" Sajimoto Shiro.After this competition, his evaluation may become higher than Ise's.

After all, this game broadcast by the whole underworld might make an unknown dragon artifact holder more famous than Chiryuutei. "Asachel expressed his thoughts.

"After all Saji put his life on the line for Canna's victory.

And Frido seems to be waking up. "Long Cheng said.

"Although we [Son of God Monitor] implanted all the artifacts of the [Frido] series that we could find into Shao-kun's body, after all [Black Evil Dragon King] Frido is different from [Red Dragon Emperor] Draig.

When he sealed Frido back then, he divided his soul into several parts. To be honest, the probability of Frido's awakening is very low. I didn't expect Mr. Shao to do it, although it was only for a moment. "

"It is probably Saji's belief and will that awakened Frido's soul.

A strong will is the key to the evolution of artifacts, perhaps because of this, Frido was briefly awakened. "Long Cheng analyzed.

"Maybe. But, anyway, it's not a bad thing."


Not long after that, Rias, Xenovia, and Cang Na came to the box. (Others are receiving treatment in medical institutions dedicated to [ranking games].) There are also many new generation demons accompanying them.

Everyone greeted everyone in the box one by one, and then started their conversations. It was a small party, and there would be another party before the official match of the new generation of demons.

215. After the war

"Hahaha, Rias, your luck is really bad this time, and congratulations to Sidi for being the next boss." Sairaorg said to the two with a smile.

"Hmph, next time, I won't lose to Cang Na again."

"Then let's wait and see, Rias."

"You two had a wonderful match. But Rias didn't show her true strength this time.

On the other hand, Cang Na used all the advantages she could use in the game, and defeated the strong with the weak, and defeated Rias. "Long Cheng said to the two of them.

"This... all thanks to the help of Mr. Long Cheng. Without Master Rudiger's teaching, I don't think I would be able to make such a plan." Cang Na said with a blushing face.

"Cang Na-chan☆—! Elder sister knew that you would definitely win." At this moment, Serafulu hugged Cang Na and kept rubbing her face.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Cheng. I let you down..." Lias said with some disappointment, "Obviously you gave me so much help..."

Before Rias finished speaking, a hand appeared on her head.Long Cheng smiled and touched Lias' head, and said: "It's okay, failure is not terrible. No one can't fail, as long as you can learn from it and grow up."

"Well, next time, I won't lose again." Rias regained her energy and said energetically.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Cang Na, who was being hugged by Serafulu, showed a hint of envy in her eyes.

Then the party ended very quickly, after all, all the senior executives were very busy.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Long Cheng, Orpheus, Rias, and Cang Na are going to go to the medical institution where the supernatural research department and the student union are located to visit everyone.

After arriving at the medical institution, everyone planned to visit Saji first, after all, he was brilliant in this game.

"Take this." Suzeks' voice came from Saji's ward.Then Hyoudou Issei also came over, and he was fine after receiving the blood transfusion.

Then everyone pushed open the door and walked in, only to see Shao seemed to have received something from Suzeks, holding a small box that looked expensive in his hand.

"Hey! President, senior sister Lias, Long Cheng-jun, and Hyoudou?"

"Shao, we're here to see you." Cang Na said with a smile, although Cang Na is an iceberg beauty, she is very satisfied with Shao's performance, and to her, Shao is like her younger brother.

"Cang Na, Rias, and Long Cheng-jun are here too."

"My lord, it's what we as masters have to do to visit our injured family members." Rias replied.

"Please, may I ask...is this...?" Saji said in a trembling voice.

"Anyone who fights well in ranked games and impresses gets this."

"But, but I... lost to Hyoudou... I, I'm not qualified to accept this."

"That's right. But in terms of the result, you defeated Ise—the legendary Sekiryuutei. When we watched your battle in the spectator room, we were all very excited. Even Odin from Northern Europe praised you."

"That's right, Saji, just accept it. You defeated me as the Sekiryuutei, and everyone in the underworld has seen your strong faith."


Suzeks took out the medal from the box, hung it on Shao's chest and said, "Mr. Shao, don't feel so inferior, you are also a devil who wants to climb up. I am very happy to see the new generation with unlimited future." Demon. Practice well, I am looking forward to your performance."

"Yes, my dream is to be a ranking game teacher in the school built by the president."

Then Suzeks touched the key's head: "Even if it takes years, decades - you have to aim for the teacher of the ranking game."

These words from Suzeks - made Saji cry silently.This speaks to Suzeks' confession of his dream.

"... Shao, you let many people see your heroic appearance. You fought a beautiful battle." Cang Na also said with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Sato touched the medal on his chest, wiped his tears with his hand, nodded vigorously and said, "...Yes... Thank you!"

Suzeks didn't stay for long. Next, he will hold a meeting with the angels, fallen angels, Odin from Northern Europe, Zeus from Greece, and Indra from Mount Sumeru to discuss how to deal with [The Brigade of Misfortune]. Longcheng and Orpheus now acquiesce They are people from the mythological side of the Bible, and the two of them are not interested in this kind of fact, so they didn't participate. Anyway, just listen to Asachel later.

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