
At this moment, Asachel said: "Speaking of Rias and Sairaorg, as the 'kings', you like to fight one-on-one too much.

In principle, the "king" should not act, just send the pieces forward to defeat the enemies one by one.

The game is over as long as the "king" is eaten.Is it true that the blood relatives of the Baal family are so vigorous? "

The teacher said while sighing, and Rias blushed in embarrassment.Indeed, Rias really likes to rush forward by herself...

"By the way, how strong is that demon that kills Mat?" Hyoudou Issei asked.

"If the comparison is not limited to the six families this time, he is not considered weak. Having said that, he will participate in this game as an agent because of the accidental death of the previous suzerain..." Rias replied .

Zhu Nai went on to say: "Before this new generation confrontation, the rankings ranked by the game operation committee are: the first Baal, the second Agares, the third Gremory, and the fourth Aspen. Tati, fifth Sidi, sixth Gracia Labos.

This is the average strength ranking calculated by adding the "King" and his dependents.However, after each of the six teams played against each other once, some of the results were overturned. "

"But only Theraorg Baal's power stands out—isn't it, Minister."

"Yeah, he's a monster.

"Once you officially join the game, you can quickly rise in a short period of time, right? 』

You can often hear other people make such evaluations of him.

Conversely, as long as we can defeat him, our reputation will soar in one go. "

"Rias, your ambition is not small." Long Cheng heard what Rias meant.

"That's because I have confidence in everyone, and I also have confidence in you. After all, everyone was trained by you." Lias said with a smile.

"Hey...I also contribute to the training..." Asachel complained on the side.

"Okay, let's continue the topic of ranking games." Long Cheng said.

"Come on, let me show you a chart. This is the information sent to various forces." As he spoke, Asachel took out a form.

The headshots of six new-generation demons, including Rias, Canna, and Sairaorg, appear on the chart, and various parameters are displayed below the headshots, which are constantly changing and climbing upwards.

There are various parameters on the chart.The parameters are divided into power, skills, support, and spells. This part is the same as the type of game player.Another one says "King".

This item is probably to show the qualifications of being a "king".Miss Rias, Cang Na, and Agares are all good, and Cang Na is currently taller than Rias.Sairaorg is the highest.Kill Matt is the lowest.

Among the parameters of Rias, spells—magic power is the highest, and the power is not bad.The remaining two items of skills and support are in the upper middle, which can be regarded as a very average position.

And then Sairaorg.

His support and spells are the lowest among the new generation, the problem is power.

The graph representing power continued to rise upwards, reaching the ceiling of the department room.Although the parameters are extremely excessive, it also shows that his strength is so amazing.

Sairaorg's strength was several times higher than that of Jefadel, who was the most powerful among the five other than him.

"Siraorg didn't show his true skills when he was singled out with Jefadel." Asachel said.

"Obviously, as shown in the data, that killer left the stage when Sairaorg threw his first punch." Long Cheng said.

After all, Sairaorg's strength is too foul, Long Cheng estimates that Sairaorg's physical strength can be ranked among the top ten in the underworld.

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The plot of "The Red Dragon Emperor Starting from the Douluo Continent" is full of ups and downs and thrilling. It is a fantasy novel with excellent plot and writing style.

All novels on this site are reprinted works, and all chapters are uploaded by netizens. The reposting to this site is just to promote the book for more readers to appreciate.

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224. Annoying Diodora

"It seems that Sairaorg is indeed a genius." Hyoudou Issei couldn't help sighing.

"No, Sairaorg is the most incompetent pure-blood demon in the history of the Baal family.

One of the traits passed down from generation to generation in the Baal family is the magic of destruction, but he has not been given this gift.

Instead, it was his cousins, Sazeks and Rias, who apparently inherited the magic power of destruction. "Long Cheng said.

"But he is the strongest in the new generation?"

"Because he did something that a pure-blooded demon who inherited his family's talents would not do, he was able to surpass other geniuses."

"Something you wouldn't do otherwise?"

"It's an extremely harsh practice.

Sairaorg gained power through extraordinary training.

What he did was very rare for a pure blood demon.

That guy has exercised his only physical body step by step to the current state. "

"Okay, that's amazing." Hyoudou Issei exclaimed in admiration.

After hearing Long Cheng's words, Lias looked at the information more seriously, and then she spoke.

"Siraorg has been defeated again and again at critical moments since he was born, and has tasted defeat. In the glamorous world of high-level demons and pure-bloods, he is the only one who is facing the bloody, full-blooded world. Muddy world marches."

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