Do you really know what it means to propose? "

Rias asked back with a bold smile.Despite the utmost care in the choice of words, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is very angry now.

Theodora still had a smile on her face.

"—I see. I'm saying goodbye here today, but I won't give up." Diodora stood up and walked towards Aisha.

As soon as he stood still in front of the confused Aisha, he knelt down and took her hand: "Aisha, I love you. Don't worry, fate will not betray us. Even if everything in this world will deny our connection Department, and I'll get over it all."

Saying that, Diodora was about to kiss the back of her hand lightly.


Diodora flew out and hit the wall of the department house.

"Sorry, master, minister, I can't help it anymore." Hyoudou Issei said with his fists clenched.

"Ahem, bastard, damn dirty dragon——!

Rias, how do you teach your servants! "Diodora lost the smile on his face and looked at Yicheng angrily. He really didn't expect the other party to make a move.

"This..." Lias was in a dilemma for a moment. Although she was also very upset with the other party, it was fine to verbally attack the other party as before, but it was a big deal for Yicheng to attack the other party.

"Theodora, don't be too presumptuous.

My apprentice, my woman is also what you can blame?

roll--! "

Long Cheng shouted in a deep voice, and the shout with spiritual power directly blew it away, hitting the wall again.

Then Diodora didn't dare to stay for long, and immediately deployed the magic circle for teleportation.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the Great Red, Long Cheng would have killed the other party to the brim and recovered the [snake] of Orpheus he used, so there would be no time to watch this clown act.

"Sorry, Mr. Diodora, I already have someone I like, please don't bother us in the future." Aisha summoned up her courage and said to Diodora.

"So that's it, I know. Then—that's good. In the next game, I will defeat Sekiryuutei Hyoudou Issei. At that time, I hope that Aisha can respond to my love—" Diodora seemed not to give up , Said to Aisha.

Then Diodora was about to leave the Supernatural Research Department as the magic circle flickered.

"I won't lose to you!" Hyoudou Issei shouted.

"Sekiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei. I will defeat you in the next game."

"Theodora Astarte, I will show you the power of the dirty dragon you mentioned!"

As the two stared at each other, Diodora disappeared into the magic circle.

At this time Asachel's cell phone rang.After a few words with the other party, Asachel said to everyone: "Rias, the date of the game has been decided—just five days later."


"Well, not bad, Yicheng. You have completed ten hours of dodgeball." Long Cheng looked at Yicheng who was still standing despite his head being sweated profusely, and said with a smile.

"Yeah~hahaha, after all, half a month of playing hide-and-seek with Uncle Tenny in the underworld is not for nothing."

"Then, you can also start the second stage of training."

"The second phase of training?"

"Nonsense, do you think you can become a teacher after completing this level of training?

You're still too young, and dodgeball is nothing more than a hors d'oeuvres compared to Phase [-] training. "

"No, it's not." Yicheng swallowed, and then asked: "Then, what is the second stage of training?"

"It's simple, fight.

Now your basic quality is enough, although it is still a bit worse than Valli and Sairaorg, but this can only rely on the accumulation of time.

Then, if you want to grow quickly in a short period of time, fighting is a good way. "Long Cheng said that after knowing that he hadn't participated in the war in thirty years, he also started to speed up the training of the supernatural research department. Of course, all of this is within everyone's tolerance.

"So, who is my opponent? A stray demon?"

"Hehe, you are so naive. Yicheng, your opponent is me." Long Cheng said jokingly.

"Don't, don't be joking, master. I'm afraid."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I don't know how to use my full strength. Just let the horse come here as much as you can."

"Yes, I, I got it. Forbidden--!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker! 】

Looking at Yicheng who was covered in crimson dragon-shaped armor and did not have the dragon arrogance that burned when he was in the forbidden hand before, Longcheng said with a smile:

"Yicheng, haven't you spent this summer vacation in vain. Now you have completely controlled the forbidden hand state, without any energy leakage.

In the past, you were like Goku who just turned into a Super Saiyan. Although you are strong, you can’t last long, and your power will keep losing. Now, if you don’t fight, you can probably maintain this state for at least three days. " (DXD has Dragon Ball's NETA)

"However, whether it's Vali or Sairaorg, I'm still far behind, let alone a master."

"How long have you been practicing, and how long have they been practicing? It's pretty good that you can grow so much in such a short period of time.

Then, I'm here too, forbidden--! "

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker! 】

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