
"Listen to me, Yicheng. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself about Aisha.

Just beat Diodora so hard that his mother doesn't recognize him during the game. "Long Cheng patted his shoulder and said.

"Yes, I must beat up that bastard." Hyoudou Issei said while clenching his fists.

"Okay, let's go when the time comes." At this moment, Rias came over.

Then everyone in the Supernatural Research Department jumped to the underworld through the teleportation array.


"So the underworld looks like this, purple sky, moist air~"

Having just arrived in the underworld, Tosca said excitedly looking at the surrounding environment.

"By the way, this is the first time Tosca has come to the Underworld." Rias said.

"Well, during the summer vacation, I learned the use of artifacts from [The Fallen] and found a few friends." Tosca said happily.

"So, have you made any progress regarding the artifact?" Kiba asked.

"Well, it has reached the forbidden hand now. It is said that it was achieved when everyone was fighting Kabile, but because the body couldn't bear it, it didn't awaken."

"So, what ability do you have?"

"According to Mr. Asachel, the ability after the forbidden hand is to create faults from the time-space level, protecting the host in different time and space.

What's more, the time of my body can be stagnated by my consciousness after reaching the forbidden hand. Isaiah, we will never be separated in this life. "Tosca said happily to Kiba, after all, as a human being, its lifespan cannot be compared with that of a demon.

"Well! Tosca, me too."

"Ah, by the way, Asachel-sensei said, 'Probably because of your feelings for Kiba-kun, that's why your artifact changed into that state. In that case, your artifact name is [Avalon], and the forbidden hand Let’s call it [Avalon].’” Tosca summoned a black and white scabbard.

"Sword scabbard? It really matches Kiba-kun." Hyoudou Issei said.

"Indeed." Everyone echoed, causing Tosca and Kiba to turn red.

"Congratulations, Lord Lias Gremory, and all the adults. Come, this way please." At this time, everyone walked to the place where the program was recorded, and the other staff greeted everyone.

At this time, a familiar face led about ten people, came from the other end of the corridor

"Sairaorg, you're here too." Rias said.

"It's Rias. You are also here to record the interview?"

"That's right. Sairaorg has finished recording?"

"The recording is just starting now, so it should be in a different studio from yours. Your game - I have seen it.

Both of them knew at a glance that they were inexperienced and obviously still newbies, and so was I. "

Then Sairaorg turned his attention to Hyoudou Issei: "No matter how strong the strength is, the style of play remains the same and you will still lose.

Because the opponent will aim at the momentary opportunity to attack with all their strength.

Artifacts in particular have so many unknown parts that no one knows what will happen or what will trigger it.

The principle that one thing overcomes one thing is also very important in games.

Your battle with Canna Siddi made me relearn this.


I really want to have a power showdown with you without talking about any theory. "

"Me too, Sairaorg-san! Master told me that if you want to defeat you, you can't do it without the determination to fight for your life." Hyoudou Issei said.

"Oh? Didn't you expect my rating to be so high in the eyes of adults?" Sairaorg looked at Long Cheng and said.

"Yes, you are able to endure arduous exercise to obtain such a degree of strength, I have not denied your qualifications.

You and Yicheng are the same type of person, and you are stronger than him now, I hope you can use your full strength when the time comes. "After that, Long Cheng glanced at a masked soldier in Sairaorg and said.

"Is that okay?" Sairaorg said seriously.

"If you don't use all your strength at that time, you will regret it. You have what Yicheng lacks, and Yicheng also has what you lack."

"I understand.

Then, I will go to record the show first.

Looking forward to the match between us, Rias and Sekiryuutei. "

"At that time, I won't lose." Rias said.

"Hahaha, let me look forward to it." Sairaorg laughed and left.

Then everyone started recording the program under the leadership of the staff.

The host asked everyone in the supernatural research department about their ideals, as well as their views on the next ranking game.

Everyone answered one by one.

"By the way, what is Mr. Hideteng's opinion on the title of Rulongdi?"

"The Milk Dragon Emperor?"

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