First time meeting, Dad, Mother Aisha, Mother Xenovia, Mother Akeno, Aunt Rias, Aunt Baiyin, Uncle Kiba and Uncle Gaspar. Hyoudou Airi said to everyone with a smile.

"Father (mother, aunt, uncle)!?" Everyone said in surprise.

"Hey, Elder Sister Airi, is it alright if you just say that?" Himejima Hong asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't Uncle Gasper say that it's okay to disclose a little information appropriately." Hyoudou Airi said with a smile.

"We come from the future thirty years later, and the reason why we came here is because the enemies of the future came to this time and space.

As for more detailed matters, we cannot disclose, and we have already contacted Asachel, and he will seal most of everyone's memories after the battle. "

"The future enemy is [Rahu Qiyao]?" Rias asked.

"Yes, Aunt Rias. Those who came to this time and space are the men of the evil god of the EXE world [Rahu Qiyao], and a large number of [UL].

We are also accompanied by Uncle Longcheng's children, but they are on the battlefield at [Rahu Qiyao]. "Jian o Quarta replied.

"Let's not talk about this, Ai, Airi, let's save Aisha first." Hyoudou Issei said.

"That device is an inherent enchantment created by the holder of the God Exterminator. The solid enchantment that surrounds this field is also created by him.

"Extreme Mist" - the strongest enchantment artifact.A mist that expands infinitely around the holder.It can block all objects that enter the fog, and even send them to another dimension.

When it reaches the realm of forbidden hands, the ability changes into a device that can create a barrier with the fog of the holder's consciousness - "Utopia in the Fog" (dimensioncreate). The created barrier cannot be stopped unless it is officially activated. "

"Then what should we do?"

"Father, you just need to use the most powerful [Houkai Honkai]." Hyoudou Airi said.

"Hey, you want to use this trick in front of your own children?"

"What's the matter, Dad. After thirty years, you still yell [Oupai, Oupai] all the time." Hyoudou Airi complained, Himejima Beni and Zeno Quarta nodded in agreement.

"Hey~~Okay. Aisha, I apologize to you first."


"Draig, I trust you."

【Do not!Albert!What do you want to use my power for—! 】

"Let's get high, my desire! My trouble! ——The foreign clothes are broken! Forbidden hand doubled version!"

【WelshDragonBlanceBreaker——! 】

[No——!Butterfly -! 】Draig sound.


The jewels on the armor glowed ocher red, and the power flowed into Issei Hyoudou's hand that touched the shackles.

Hyoudou Issei used all his brain cpu to imagine some indescribable pictures.


"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

There was the sound of fragile metal shattering—and the sound of clothes popping open.

The shackles that fixed Aisha's limbs turned into smoke powder, and the nun's clothes on Aisha also disappeared at the same time.

"Yeah!" Aisha called out in surprise, and fell into Hyoudou Issei's arms.

Then Zhu Nai used magic power to make Aisha put on the clothes.

"Aisha, let's go back. How about you, Airi?"

"Our task has also been completed, and we should go back.

Well, see you in the future, father, mother and everyone. "

"Although there are a lot of things I want to tell you, but... let's save this for after you are born." Himejima Juno, Xenovia, and Aisha said.

"Let's go then, Elsa."

"Yes! Ah, I'll pray before that."

"Aisha, what are you praying for?"

"It's a secret."

Suddenly, a dazzling light came from Aisha.

Aisha was wrapped in a beam of light, and then disappeared with the beam of light.

234. Juggernaut Drive

"...Aisha?" Hyoudou Issei said absentmindedly, looking at the empty eyes.

"Mother Elsa!?" The three of Airi also shouted in surprise.

...Aisha's prayer...

"Lord, can you hear my wish?

I hope I can protect Yicheng forever.

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