"Oh~ it's the leader of the [Hero faction], I remembered."

"Ms. Asachel, [Hero faction]... who the hell are they?" Hyoudou Issei asked.

"The full-fledged members of the Hero faction are descendants of legendary brave men and heroes.

In terms of physical fitness, I am afraid that it is not inferior to angels and demons.Plus they all hold artifacts or legendary equipment.

In addition, their artifacts not only reach forbidden hands, but if they are powerful enough to defeat gods, their strength will not only be multiplied.

The report shows that the hero faction seems to have a strong tendency not to use Orpheus' snake, and the part about the enhancement method is not very clear. "Asachel said to the crowd.

"Well, the brief battle during the three-party talks should have let you know the gap between you.

In order to defeat them, let's practice hard.At present, you are probably not Cao Cao's opponents. "Long Cheng said to everyone in the Supernatural Research Department.


"The question is what they want to do with so many people who can reach the forbidden hand." Odin said while drinking tea.

"This is still under investigation, and it's not something we can discuss here. Old man, is there any place you want to go?"

"I want to go to Opie Bar!"

"Haha, your point of view is really extraordinary, Boss Lord God! Okay, then let's go and have fun! A few young girls from our side have recently opened a shop in this town that only accepts VIPs, and I will entertain you Go there!"

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! You're the one who is sensible! Remember to help me prepare a girl who is big enough for Oupai! I want to rub her enough!"

"Just follow me, old man! Welcome to Japan, the kingdom of Yamato! Do you want to play the kimono belt-drawing game? Since you are in Japan, you should play it once! Let me teach you the Japanese spirit!"

"Great, great~~ By the way, isn't Mr. Long Cheng coming?"

"No!!!" x3

"Okay~" Seeing the angry three girls, Odin closed his mouth wisely.

"Master Odin! I, I will go with you too!" Roseweather said hastily.

"You can stay here. There is no problem with Asachel. You are on standby at this home." Odin immediately refused, jokingly, if he let her follow, how could he play with the young lady?

"No! I'm going!"

They seemed to have negotiated a few words in the corridor, but she seemed to follow.

"Junai, I want to talk to you." Seeing the three of Odin leaving, Balakile said directly.

"Don't call me by my name."

"...What happened to your tryst with Sekiryuutei?"

"That's my freedom, why do I have to listen to your lectures?"

"I've heard the rumors. I heard that the shameless dragon lives on women's... Ou, Oupai for food. Isn't the alias the Rulongdi."

"That's a misunderstanding, I'm not, I haven't." Hyoudou Issei explained.

【...WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooAi Bo, please forgive me~~ How much do you have to torture me before you are willing...] Draig burst into tears.

"Don't talk about him like that. Yicheng...Although he is lustful, he is a gentle and reliable man. It is too bad to judge a person only by wind and rumors. Sure enough, for a person like you... there is no need to talk about forgiveness... ..."

"As a father—"

"Why are you putting on airs like a father! If that's the case, why didn't you come at that time? Aren't you the one who refused to save mother!" After speaking, Zhu Nai ran out crying.

"Junai..." Balakile also chased after him.

"Go, Yicheng. It's up to you whether their father and daughter can reconcile this time. Milk language translator..." Long Cheng said so.

"Yes, leave it to me! Akeno..." Hyoudou Issei replied, and then chased him out.

Although everyone in Rias wanted to catch up, they were stopped by Long Cheng.

242. Gaspar's True Body

The next day, everyone from the Supernatural Research Department participated in an event hosted by the Gremory family in the underworld as the protagonists.

It is the handshake meeting and autograph meeting of the special drama [Oupailong].

Everyone in the supernatural research department has their own role in [Opalon]. Before the autograph session, Asachel and others made everyone's personal PV, so everyone's popularity is very good.

Of course, Hyoudou Issei and Aisha who are the protagonists of [Oupailong] are the most popular.

The children happily accepted Issei Hyoudou's signature in ugly devil characters, and after shaking hands with him, they showed bright smiles...

And of course everyone else in the Paranormal Research Department.

After the autograph session was over, everyone returned to the human world after the special [Opalon] stage play performed by everyone in the Supernatural Research Department.


After finishing the activities in the underworld and accompanying Odin on his sightseeing trip in Japan, Longcheng conducted combat training with three boys, Issei Hyoudou, Kiba and Gaspar.

In the underground practice field of the apartment.Long Cheng stood in the center of the field, and his body erupted with real red energy ripples at a certain frequency, impacting the Yicheng and the three who surrounded him.

Hyoudou Issei entered [Shin-O Queen Mode], and the magic jet behind him ejected a large amount of arrogance, rushing forward against Longcheng's ripples, and there were bursts of sonic booms along the way.

Kiba summoned the holy magic sword to pay attention to the battlefield, ready to support Ise at any time.

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