[He is right.Did I say it before?You are the one who talks to me most often among the hosts of the past generations-at the same time, you will not be overconfident and indulge in the power of Sekiryuutei, but try to understand it. 】

〖Indeed, although Long Cheng often communicates with me, it is still a little less compared to you, especially recently. 〗

"Ah...sorry." Long Cheng said awkwardly, it seemed that he hadn't chatted with Draig much since he double cultivated with Orpheus.

Valli went on to say: "The previous hosts of the Red Dragon Emperor all just used the powerful and ferocious power indiscriminately according to their own interests, and finally indulged in Ddraig's power and died in the battle."

【You are the most talented Sekiryuutei in history.It’s weak in terms of power and everything, but——]

"It is also the Chiryuutei who is most determined to learn how to use power in the past. To be honest, you have worked harder than me at that time." Long Cheng continued.

"This type of person is the most difficult, and the opponent who will show the least weakness. 』

Valli nodded in agreement with Albion's words: "That's right. And I just thought of a very interesting thing - if my team and your team can have a battle like a ranking game in the future, it might be very interesting. "

"Oh—this is good! I will find a group of the strongest and best subordinates? And all of them are beauties and beautiful girls!" Hyoudou Issei replied excitedly.

"Heh heh heh, then I'm looking forward to that day. Before that, I might fight with the Gremory family—but one day, we must fight until one side falls down."

"The family of Rias Gremory will not lose to you. But don't attack in a way that is no different from a terrorist attack."

"Heh heh heh. I can't guarantee this. This is authorized by Mr. Long Cheng."

"Eh—! Really, Master?"

"Ah~ I seem to have said something similar. But it's okay, I trust you."

"Yeah, not bad. You are really young." At this moment, Odin suddenly appeared in the hall.

"This time the red dragon and white dragon are really different.

It used to be all rough guys, making troubles all over the world, launching red and white duels without authorization, razing the surrounding scenery to the ground, and then dying.

"Tyrannosaurus" is also activated whenever it likes.They don't even know how many mountains and islands have disappeared in their hands.

The change of Infinite Dragon God is also shocking. "Odin looked at Long Cheng and said with a smile.

Powerful dragons will attract powerful forces, demons, fallen angels, angels, dragon kings, two heavenly dragons, gods and infinite dragon gods, these existences are constantly moving closer to Longcheng.

249. Pre-war preparations

"This time it's an obscene dragon on one side and a terrorist on the other, it's indeed an extremely dangerous combination, but it's also surprisingly calm.

I always thought that Sekiryuutei and Hakuryuou would fight immediately when they met each other. "

Roseweather looked at Hyoudou Issei and Vali, and couldn't help complaining.

"By the way, White Dragon Emperor. What place do you... like?" Old Man Odin said abruptly.

"What do you mean?" Wally asked puzzled.

"I'm asking what part of a woman you like. Sekiryuutei likes Oupai, so I was wondering if you have similar preferences."

"I didn't expect you to look at me like this. I'm not Opalon."

"Don't say that, you are also a man. You always have a preference for a certain part of a woman."

"...I've never paid much attention to that aspect. To put it bluntly, it should be the buttocks. I think the curve from the waist to the buttocks is the most representative feature of a woman." Valli thought for a while, then said .

"So that's it...then you are the Hip Dragon Emperor."


"...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Albion cried.

〖Hahaha, I really hit the spot.Milk Dragon Emperor and Hip Dragon Emperor~〗

【Woooooo... Albion, can you understand my crying? 】

"Oh oh oh oh--!I'm sorry, Ddraig~』

In this way, Longcheng's Draig has been piercing the hearts of Chilongdi and Bailonghuang, but in the midst of crying bitterly, the hostility between the two Tianlongs gradually decreased, and they began to understand each other.

"Old man, don't be like this. Now is a very sensitive period for Ertianlong." Hyoudou Issei said.

"Albion, don't cry. If you need to talk, you can come to me at any time." Vali also comforted Albion gently.

"What a poor dragon. Well, this should make up a fairy tale called 'Poor Dragon'." Odin said unscrupulously.

〖Ah~ You must show me when the time comes. 〗

"Okay, okay, Draig. Why are you acting like a child." Long Cheng scolded with a smile.

"Sure enough, it's better to be a young man." Odin looked at the three of them and said.

"how do I say this?"

"It's nothing—it's just that I've lived to an age where I've always believed that there's nothing that my old man's wisdom can't solve.

But this is just the arrogance of my old man!

What really matters is the possibility of young people.

Hehehe, I didn't understand until now how ignorant I am...

Loki was also born out of my arrogance.At the same time, my previous arrogance has caused trouble for young people this time. "Odin's eyes were full of sadness.

After hearing Odin's words, Long Cheng was thoughtful, did he do something wrong?

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