Roseweather said dejectedly.

"Hehehe, we need to look at this plan at a time like this." Rias took out a document and placed it in front of Rossweisse.

"No way! The insurance payout is so high... This one will be taken back at the expiration date!" Roseweather said in surprise as she flipped through the documents.

"Exactly. It's also a good deal with this kind of service and this system, don't you think?

If you come to the underworld now, you will have this kind of benefit and that kind of benefit~" Rias said with a smile in Rossweisse's ear.

"Is this the whisper of the devil?" Long Cheng looked at the two and said.

"It should be, right?" Wisteria Irina said uncertainly.

Afterwards, a red light was emitted from the supernatural research department, and Rossweisse also spread out a pair of demon wings behind his back.

"Oh~ this is the process of reincarnating into a demon." Kiryu Lanhua blinked and said curiously.

Since then, Rias has also collected all her dependents.

Rossweisse's class is [Chariot].

"By the way, according to Miss Rossweisse's ability, is one chess piece enough?" Hyoudou Issei asked curiously.

"According to the recently announced news, the unused "Demon Chess Pieces" will respond to the growth of the holder and change accordingly.

Because the most famous point of His Majesty Ajeka Beelzebub, the demon king who led the production of this aspect, is that he likes to add hidden elements to the magic formula. "Kiba explained.

"Everyone, I am Roseweather, the former Valkyrie of the Reincarnated Demon.

Since the annuity and health insurance in the underworld are more attractive than the homeland, and considering the financial aspects of the Gremory family, the future seems to be very secure, so I tried to become a demon.

Please give me your advice in the future. Roseweather bowed to everyone and said.

Although her expression seems to be very happy, does it look like she has been brainwashed...

"That's the thing, everyone, I—Rias Gremory's last "chariot" is her, Roseweather."

Rias re-introduced to everyone with a smile on her face... As expected of a demon, she is really strong in dealing with desire.

In this regard, everyone is also very happy to accept new partners.

"Hehehe...Master Odin, I will never let you off easily when we meet next time." Rossweisse let out a creepy laugh.


"Cao Cao, they should have noticed it."

"Yeah, I think so too. Maybe the Red Dragon Sage Emperor and the Infinite Dragon God have already discovered it, but they didn't care.

However, this is also good.Talent is almost recruited.Then it's time to move on to the next stage. "

"That's right. The conditions are almost met. It's time."

"...Then who should be the first negotiating partner?"

"Let's weaken their cooperation system little by little from the periphery.

I don't know if the other party will listen to us. "

"Yes. All-out war is out of fashion now, that's why the old Demon King faction collapsed. First, let's start with negotiations. We must fight steadily, Siegfried."

"I know. Demon kings, monsters, and dragons, who can repel them—"

"In any era, he is a hero and a brave man!" The young man with a spear said arrogantly.

258.AXA The Beast Demon of the Dark Desert of the Abyss, the Evernight Blade Dog God as a Hero

The school trip is getting closer and closer. During this period, everyone enjoyed a peaceful and leisurely campus time.

During this period of time, Asachel also made some fools from time to time.

Like the one time he used a sex-changing beam on everyone in the Paranormal Research Department, and then...

After the incident, Long Cheng said that fortunately, the terrible light had no effect on the dragon and the fake mother.

Except for Long Cheng, Orpheus, Gaspar, and Valli, all members of the Supernatural Research Department lost their memory of that incident, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Long Cheng would give special training to the members of the supernatural research department every once in a while.

Now Hyoudou Issei has been able to skillfully use [Zheno Queen Mode], and the local dragon deification can be used for about [-] seconds.

Vali's [Silver Extreme Tyrannosaurus] can persist for ten minutes, and the blood of Lucifer in his body has also shown signs of awakening, and there is only one chance left.

Gaspar is also about to become [Evil Eye King of Time and Space Control], and Balor's consciousness in his body occasionally appears, but he still lacks an opportunity to fully awaken.

Kiba's holy magic sword now has half of its blade turned into chaotic gray.

The kitten can now enter the [Baiyin mode] anytime and anywhere. Under Heige's stalking, Long Cheng also taught her the holy scriptures and let the two sisters practice together.

Rias has completely completed the transformation of [Final Yan] magic power, and is now trying to comprehend the power of [Life].

Long Cheng gave the book of heaven to Lanhua Tongsheng, which made her practice magic faster, and at the same time gave her a good fighting power.

The cultivation of Longcheng and Orpheus has become faster due to the addition of the great red.

The ability between the three of them is similar to the martial soul fusion technique, making the three of them complement each other in their cultivation.

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