The General originally planned to cooperate with the Biblical Theology in the near future. Tengu relaxed his vigilance after seeing the coat of arms, and then explained to the blond girl Kunou.

"Yes, I'm sorry...because my mother...I..." Jiuzhong grabbed the hem of her skirt and apologized to everyone.

"It doesn't matter, we will inform the higher-ups when we go back, and everyone will come to help you find the general."

"Thank you, thank you... My name is Kunou, and I am the daughter of Nine-Tailed Fox Yasaka, the general of Kyoto monsters."

"My name is Longcheng, this is Orpheus, and next to me is my apprentice, Sekiryuutei Houtou Issei."

Then Kunou took the tengus back to continue looking for his mother, and Long Cheng and the others went down the mountain to tell Rias what happened.


Everyone from the Supernatural Research Department and the Student Union left the restaurant at night, and under the leadership of Asachel, they came to Wucuomian, a restaurant located at the corner of the city street.

"The restaurant "Da Le"...His Majesty Levitan is here."

That's right, Seraflu, came to Kyoto as a high-ranking member of the meeting with the youkai general.

The staff at the kiosk led us in, and through the aisle full of Japanese flavor, a box appeared.

When the door opened, Serafluu in a pink kimono was sitting inside.

"Hello! Little Red Dragon Tei, all of Lia-chan's family members, Orpheus, and... Canna-chan~~ I haven't seen you for a while☆" I don't know if it was intentional, Serafru He didn't say hello to Long Cheng at all.

"That... I am also..."


"My lord, it's too rude."

"Hey~(* ̄m ̄), long time no see Mr. Long Cheng~"

"Well, Sera-chan, the kimono is very nice." Looking at the child-like Demon King Levitan, Long Cheng said with a smile.

"Right, right. But Cang Na also said——

[Sister, if you are talking to the General, you, the Demon Lord, should dress more solemnly. ]

So sad☆”

"My lord..." Cang Na held her forehead, feeling a bit unbearable.

"The food here is delicious. Especially the chicken dishes are superb☆

Long Cheng-kun, Orpheus-chan, everyone eat more☆”

As soon as everyone sat down at their seats, Serafulo ordered a lot of dishes, and kept helping Cang Na with the dishes.

After eating for a while, Seraflu's expression became serious, "According to the report from the local youkai in Kyoto, the general of youkai who commanded this place, Nine-Tailed Fox Yasaka, disappeared not long ago.

According to the clues, the opponent has a large number of artifact holders. "

"Shouldn't it be..."

"Yeah, I heard little Asachel mentioned your report. I think that should be the case."

Asachel drank the wine in the glass and said, "It means that the monster who ruled this place has been taken away. The one who did it—"

"Nine times out of ten, it's the 'Band of Misfortune'.

And it is basically certain that it is the [Hero faction]. "Seraflu answered.

"Really, we are very busy just taking care of the students on the school trip. Those terrorists are really looking for trouble." Asachel scolded.

Seraflu said while pouring wine for the teacher: "In any case, this matter cannot be made public. It must be resolved by the few of us. I plan to directly deal with this matter with the youkai who assist us. "

"Understood. I will do it in my own way. Really, they are bothering us when they come to Kyoto. Those guys are really annoying." Asachel said.

"Please, may I ask, what about us...?" Hyoudou Issei asked.

"Anyway, have fun first."

"Eh, but..."

"Ise, enjoy the school trip.

Asachel will come to us if there is anything to do.

And school trips are precious to you, right? "Long Cheng said.

"That's it, we adults will try our best to solve this matter, so you can have fun in Kyoto first.

Mr. Long Cheng, Lord Orpheus, I will leave them to you. "

"I know, but if the other party comes to the door..."

"Then let's make a fuss."



"—then, brothers! Let's go!"

"Whoa whoa--!"

Kiryu, whose glasses were shining brightly, pointed at the bus stop, while the boys yelled at the top of their throats!

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