The memory that came back unintentionally was the face of his mother apologizing to him when Valli himself ate light pasta...

'At that time, she looked at me with such a sad expression.

But, looking through the binoculars, she... looked very happy, very happy. '

Just looking at it like this, a warm, tender emotion surged in Vali's heart.

For a moment, he saw the little boy as himself.He couldn't help imagining that it was himself who was smiling and talking to his mother.

'...If I was born in an ordinary family, would I be able to live with my mother laughing like that...? '

Valli gently lowered the binoculars.

"Let's go back."

Valli decided not to see his mother and left here.He knew he couldn't see his mother.It is even more impossible to see younger siblings.I belong to the non-human side.Once you see them, it will only spoil that happy life.

Turning around without looking back, Valli took one step after another, away from the small town.

Wally Lucifer has a lofty goal.That is to become stronger than anyone else, reach DXD to become "Zhen o White Dragon Emperor", and then surpass it to reach EXE or even higher.

Become stronger than my abusive grandfather, stronger than my father, stronger than anyone else.Use your innate talent to its fullest limit.

But now, that goal has an additional clause.

'Only the safety of their mother and child must be guarded!I will do my best to protect them until they enjoy their peaceful lives.

No, even their children, and their children's children, must be protected.

I'm not like Issei Hyoudou, who can say things that are too much to save many residents.I am not that kind of person.

However, there is only one family, and I must protect it. '

Valli swore in his heart.


When Vali opened his eyes, he saw a strange room.

He knew he was lying on the bed, and the next moment he felt a weight on his body.Someone is sitting on top of himself lying down.

He looked over and saw a little boy sitting on top of him.He is a little boy who looks a little like Valli.

The little boy was very happy to see Valli woke up, and looked down at him with a smile.

"Brother is awake."

The little boy chattered happily.Then another little girl came into the room.She is also a little girl who looks like Valli.

"Really, don't wake up brother!" The little girl said angrily.

"Brother! It's time to eat! You have to get up quickly!"

Vali nodded in confusion, and casually responded "Okay...", and then, led by the little boy, came to the living room.

There was the sound of water in the kitchen.At this time, the people staying in the kitchen noticed that Vali was coming, so they came to the living room.

Vali was so nervous that he could hardly breathe after seeing the visitor.

"Oh, Vali, are you waking up? You seemed to be studying until late yesterday to prepare for the exam. High school students really worked hard." Standing there was the smiling mother.


He already knew.

The little boy and the little girl who woke him up were his brother and sister.

However, he had already seen through that it was an illusion.

However, when he saw his mother's face, something inside Valli nearly collapsed.

When my mother talked to myself, even though she knew it was an illusion, she couldn't help but lose her mind.

"I'm going to cook." Saying that, Wally's mother started to prepare lunch.

Wally took his seat.His younger brother and younger sister sat down on either side of him.

What was brought to the table was an extremely ordinary home-cooked dish.Hot soup and bread, steamed potatoes, a little salad, all the dishes Wally had seen on TV.

"I'm starting." After the mother, brother, and sister finished, they began to eat lunch.

Wally was a little confused.

"Brother, don't you want to eat?"

"Oh, don't you have any appetite?" Wali's mother asked with concern.

"No, no, I'm going to start." As he said, Vali picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup.

After tasting the soup, Vali realized that his emotion was not how delicious the soup was, but something else.

Just as Valli continued to eat, he heard Rizevim's voice.

"There is a temporary world created by me referring to the magic source forbidden dragon - Azi Dahaka's spell.

It is a magic barrier that can create the world you wish for with all your heart.

The scene that appears there is the world you really want~

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