In a town in Milan three days later.

Seeing the silver-haired girl in blue and black clothes half kneeling in front of him on the street, Long Cheng scratched his head in distress.

"you are?"

"Below is Liliana Krannichar of the Bronze Black Cross, see the eighth [king], it is rude to come to see you three days after you came to Italy, please forgive me!"

"I don't care about that, but we can talk about it later if you can get up." Long Cheng looked at others pointing at himself and said a little embarrassedly.

"Obey!" Liliana stood up upon hearing the words, and then followed Long Cheng to show him her intention.

After all, the Bronze Black Cross knew that his old opponent Erica Brauntree of the Red Bronze Black Cross had successfully become the seventh Godslayer knight, so in order not to be overtaken by the opponent, he sent Liliana is loyal to herself.

"Okay. I accept the allegiance of the bronze black cross." Long Cheng did not refuse the other party's allegiance, and with the assistance of the bronze black cross, he would have less trouble.

And Long Cheng will not be played around by Susanoo like Kusanagi Godou.

"Then, I give you the first order."


"Don't call me [Wang], and don't kneel down when you see me."

"Obey." Even though she couldn't understand, Liliana accepted Long Cheng's order as a somewhat stubborn person.

"And then the second order."


"Take me to the Vatican, and then give me an evacuation order to the residents there." Long Cheng's eyes showed a hint of madness.

"Of-obey." Liliana swallowed, and then answered bravely.

'Just now I felt that the other party looked like an ordinary person, my brain must be broken.

That expression, that kind of arrogance is even better than that of the King of Swords. '


Three months later

"The disasters that broke out in the Vatican, Greece, and Northern Europe in the past three months have finally subsided recently.

In addition, large-scale landslides and fire accidents occurred in mainland Japan yesterday, all of which occurred in inaccessible places with no casualties. The cause of the formation is unknown at present, and it is suspected that an underground gas explosion occurred. "A TV news anchor read the script.

Kusanagi Godou felt like he was sitting on pins and needles at this moment, and there was no other reason, because a beautiful blond woman was holding his arm, and his sister was directly opposite him.

After being teased by Erika and his younger sister Shizuka for half an hour, Kusanagi Godou finally escaped and came to the school.

First-year private Seongnan College

"What's wrong?" Seeing Kusanagi Godou slumped on the table, his friend Takagi asked.

"In the morning, the devil came to my house and completely shattered the brother-sister relationship."


"That's right, that's right, have you heard about the transfer students?"

"Not interested." Kusanagi Godou did not turn his head, still lying on the table.

"It is said that I came back today, as if I came directly from Italy."


"No, no response..."

After a while, Kusanagi Godou realized something, he stood up abruptly, and said to Takagi, "You said just now that you are a transfer student from Italy again, right?"

"You are too slow."

At this time, the head teacher walked into the classroom, "Okay, everyone, pay attention, now let me introduce the transfer students."

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Long Cheng. I'm a transfer student from Huaxia. I was in Italy before."

"Hi everyone, I'm Liliana Krannichar."

"Hello, everyone, I'm Erica Brauntree. Let me tell you in advance that I have a lifetime commitment, and he is Kusanagi Godou."

Then Erica boldly walked up to Kusanagi Godou and drove away the classmate on the right.

Long Cheng and Liliana found a random seat and sat down.

Long Cheng didn't attend the class at all, but sank his consciousness into his body, constantly observing his power.

In the past three months, Long Cheng used his God Destroyer Tool to attract many gods who did not obey.

Jehovah who does not obey (holy relics such as the holy spear at dusk, note: the Holy Trinity of Jehovah, Jesus, and Mary)

Balor the Disobedient (Evil Eye King Dominated by Time and Space)

Jormungandr the Disobedient (Ouroboros)

Hercules the Disobedient (Battle Ax of the Lion King)

Typhon of Not Conforming (Warcraft Creation + Battle Ax of the Lion King)

The Pangu of Disobedience (Blue Revolutionary Hakoniwa + Ultimate Karma)

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