"I obey, my lord. Marquis of Vauban, the name of the god you killed is Usir, and the more well-known name is Osiris, the godhead of Egypt." Liliana saluted Long Cheng first, and then Open your mouth and say.

"Clap clap clap..."

The Marquis of Vauban clapped his hands, looking satisfied.

"It's really amazing. It's really correct to choose you."

291. Playing with the Marquis

"Okay, then I will accept Liliana Krannichar and Wanliya Yuri." Marquis Vauban said to Long Cheng and Kusanagi Godou.

"Hey! Old man, I made it very clear, Lily is my knight."

"Sorry, Yuri is my friend. I can't leave it to you."

Faced with the answers of the two, the Marquis of Vauban was not unhappy at all. To be precise, this was exactly what he expected.

"You are... the God of Disobedience?

Hahaha, I didn't expect you to even give me a big gift. "

The Marquis of Vauban laughed wildly.

Then several servants of death appeared in the banquet hall.

After hearing what the Marquis of Vauban said, Long Cheng directly transferred everyone to a different space.

"Oh? This is a different space? Is it the power obtained by killing which god?" Marquis Vauban asked curiously looking at the different space like the real world.

"Don't worry about it, old man.

The old man needs to have the old man's son, learn from the martial arts king next door, and don't run out if you have nothing to do. "

"Little ghost, it seems that as a senior, I should teach you how to speak."

Green light flickered in the Marquis of Vauban's eyes. Although Long Cheng's tone was not too rude, as a godslayer, no one would flatter him after seeing the Marquis of Vauban. Besides, he and the King of Martial Arts were deadly enemies.

"Cut, can you do it?" Long Cheng said indifferently.

Seeing that the two were at war, Liliana and the others were not worried about Long Cheng at all. After all, the other party had killed five primitive gods.

The Marquis of Vauban stopped talking, and a dark gray shadow filled his body.

Then the shadows condensed, and thirty or forty giant wolves slowly appeared.

Each wolf has dark gray fur that resembles that of a mouse, and a huge body that can be mistaken for a horse.

Then the Marquis of Vauban was shrouded in shadow and turned into a huge werewolf.

"Forget it, just play with the old man."

Long Cheng shook his head, and then summoned a giant black dog—Blade.

"Thousands of weeping, cutting off the common sense of the world—"

A pitch-black mist filled the space, gradually covering Long Cheng and the black dog.

"Extremely praise, cut off the ominous omen of reincarnation—"

Long Cheng's limbs were stained with dark mist, and transformed into strange limbs that were different from human beings.

"My name is passed on to the abyss of the nether world, and I will eventually become a hypocritical god who deceives the polar night and the white night—"

The black dog—the blade sank into the darkness spreading around Long Cheng's feet.

"You, become my pitch-black magic blade and annihilate everything—"

The black mist gradually enveloped Long Cheng's whole body, and the darkness attached to his body and gradually assimilated.

His form maintains a human form, but gradually changes into something different from a human being.The head, the face, turned into a dog-like appearance.

Diablo bulged up beside Longcheng, and gradually took shape.The darkness turned into front feet, back feet, tail, and finally a wide-open jaw.

"Become a vain thing, supernatural creator [God]!!!"

The darkness condensed around Longcheng, and then a large group of black dogs appeared. The black dogs were covered with blood-red magic lines, and dark red flames spewed out from their mouths.

Although their size is not as huge as the wolves of the Marquis of Vauban, their aura is stronger.

"AXA—the Beast Demon of the Dark Desert of the Abyss, become the Evernight Blade Dog God of the Hero!!!"

[AbyssSide——PerfectusTenebraeLykaonEtFortisDensLaliaps! ! ! 】

"This is the same as the old man, from the power of the sun god Apollo Lyceus?"

"Well, more or less. The source of this power is Lycaon and Tian Zhiwei Zhang.

Lycaon and Lyceus have the same origin in mythology.

Stop talking nonsense, just let the horse come over, old man! "

"Hmph, so what if it's a similar power, the old man won't lose.

Dogs cannot defeat wolves! "

After all, the Marquis of Vauban commanded the pack of wolves to rush towards Long Cheng's pack of dogs.


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