Seeing that Luo Hao refused to change his mind at all, Long Cheng decided to return to Japan, maybe he would get better if he met less.

Then... yesterday, the Holy Church of the Five Prisons sent out information about the newly promoted Demon King, Long Cheng and the leader of the Holy Church, etc., which made Liliana ignore Long Cheng all day, and could not eat three meals a day.


[In the early [-]th century, compiled by the naturalist Saya Gongweidao who was studying in London, a selection of reports on the meeting of sages]

Dragons have nine likenesses, with heads like camels, horns like deer, eyes like ghosts, ears like oxen, necks like snakes, bellies like mirages, scales like carp, claws like eagles, and palms like tigers.

This is the description of "dragon" that can be seen in Han Shu.

After all, it's just a vivid description in the article, a strange synthetic creature like a combined beast.

But at the same time, the biggest characteristic of the dragon is that it is very similar in appearance to the "snake".

Whether in the East or the West, dragons are spirit beasts with slender snake bodies and other biological parts. Depending on the time and region, the way of expression is also different. The biggest difference between this kind of spirit beast What has changed is the essence of possessing the part of "snake".

【Essay about the Perseus Andromeda-type myth, the witch Luculkia Zora】

The monsters (mostly big snakes, dragons, etc.) that live near the water need to enshrine young girls as sacrifices to them.

At this time, the hero who appeared in real time knocked down the monster and married the rescued girl.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that in Japan, the far eastern end, there are also stories very similar to Perseus Andromeda. The most famous example in this area is the legend about the Yamato no Orochi.

The god named Susanoo defeated Yamata no Orochi and married Ki Inada Hime.

Then he got the Amacongyun sword from the tail of the big snake he killed.

Here, Susanoo got the "sword" from the "snake".

It has almost the same structure as the formula that we European witches are familiar with.

For example, Siegfried who killed the dragon Fafnir and became immortal, or Sir Lancelot who was protected by the spirit of the lake and got the spirit sword.

In other words - this is the hidden symbiotic relationship between the heroes of steel and the dragons who are the gods of the earth and water.


It is now the end of July when the moon is about to change

For some reason, Kusanagi Godou suggested that everyone go to Sardinia for fun, to which everyone except Erica naturally agreed.

So Liliana Krannichar checking her swimsuit in front of the mirror in her room shouldn't be gossiped by others.

It was supposed to be like this.

"...If, it really doesn't work, how could I appear in front of everyone dressed like this!"

Liliana blushed, looked at herself in the mirror, and said that she couldn't dress like this.

Wrapping the slender limbs is a two-piece white bikini with blue stripes.

Although her figure is very slender, her slender breasts, feminine waist curve, and very soft, slender feet like fine glass products are all as cute as a fairy, brewing a kind of beauty with Girly charm with a dangerous balance.

'No, it's too revealing and obscene.

This attire might help him create some opportunities, but what doesn't work just doesn't work.

...the midsummer sun, the scorching heat of the beach. .

...At this time, Liliana is walking shyly in a swimsuit, and the king is staring at her...'

Liliana shook her head vigorously, and said to the smiling maid behind her, "What the hell am I thinking, really...compared to this, Kallen!"

295. Summer vacation

"What are your orders, Miss Liliana? Do you still like that swimsuit?"

The exclusive maid standing behind Liliana—Karen Yanglovsky, she replied in a calm voice.

"Although it is a rare item to buy, I feel that this swimsuit is not suitable for me. It seems a bit too fancy." Liliana said with a blushing face.

"That's not the case, I think it's very suitable for you." Karen narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

"No! Yes, for a lady, just wearing a swimsuit with such a thin fabric is already a problem!"

"I'm a knight and not a lady. Don't you always emphasize that?"

"Well, it's true, then, then be a girl! That's right, as a pure girl, you shouldn't wear such shameless clothes." Liliana declared in a loud voice.

"Lily, what's the matter? It's a bit noisy." Long Cheng's voice came from the living room.

"No, no nothing."

"That's good, be a little quieter." Long Cheng responded, and then closed his eyes in the living room to comprehend the law with Draig.

"Is that so? Since Miss Liliana said so, then I have prepared another swimsuit... But do you care too much about other people's opinions?" Karen looked at the door, and then looked at "willful" Looking at Liliana with childlike eyes, she whispered.

Then Karen said in a teasing tone: "Since it's a swimsuit, it's only natural that the fabric should be less. If you pay so much attention to these small details, it means that your size is also very small... Ah, I'm so sorry. If you accidentally wear it Please forgive me for speaking out what was in my mind."

Liliana couldn't help but frowned after listening to these lines that didn't feel apologetic at all.

That level of sarcasm alone wasn't enough to change her mind, though.

"So, what do you think of this swimsuit?

I have another set on hand just in case.

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