"Conditions?" Liliana asked.

"Yes, to break Monkey King's seal, three conditions must be met at the same time.

[-]. The Dragon Snake that can make the Hero of Steel appear.

[-]. The divine blade that kills dragons and snakes.

[-]. Miko who possesses the ability of [Corruption]. "

"The curse?"

"Simply put, it is the ability to eliminate supernatural powers such as spell power and magic power.

Of course, this ability can at most weaken the power of the godslayer or the disobedient god in a very short period of time. " Lu Yinghua replied respectfully.

After all, unlike when they first met, Liliana was already the ninth godslayer in this world.

The four of them came to the inside of the shrine. Coincidentally, Kusanagi Godou was also inside the shrine, and Erika, Mariya Yuri and Mariya Mitsuru were beside him.

However, the atmosphere between the four of them does not seem to be harmonious.

"Godou, I told you, Yuri is the last one.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Huina of Qingqiuyuan came. This time, even such a little girl will not be spared? "

Erica pointed at Wanli Guguang and said, with the expression of a wife catching her husband's private meeting with the mistress.

"You misunderstood, Erica! Besides, her sister Wanligu also came with me!

Besides, I'm only a junior high school student, no matter what I do, I won't do anything to children. "

"Godou, there is indeed some justification for your claim.

But I know very well that people in Japan have been interested in young girls since the Heian period.

Like that Guangyuan, he also tricked young girls into wives. "

Erica said seriously.

"You guys are really lively, Godou." Long Cheng said to the four of them.

"Ah? Mr. Long Cheng, why did you come here?"

"Well, the culprit is here." Long Cheng pointed at Lu Yinghua helplessly.

"Long time no see, Miss Erika, what a coincidence to meet in a place like this.

Also, Lu Yinghua paid a visit to King Kusanagi. "

Lu Ying said with a half-faced smile, three godslayers and one god ancestor on his side, he is not worthy of the opponent at all.

"Long time no see, Lu Shaoxia. But, can this be called an adventure? The young master of the Lu family in Hong Kong came with the Dragon King. There should be a reason other than accident."

Erica narrowed her eyes and gave a small smile.

For a moment, due to the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, the atmosphere became a little stiff.

"Ah, is this the Dragon King and Liliana sister Elektra mentioned?"

At this moment, the lively Wanli Guguang jumped out and said to Long Cheng and Liliana.

"Hikari, don't be rude." Mariya Yuri said to his sister.

"It doesn't matter. I am the eighth godslayer. This is my knight, the ninth godslayer, Liliana."

"Then, is Sister Liliana the real wife of Brother Long Cheng?"

"Hey! Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"Because Erika-san is my brother's wife, so I think Liliana-sister, whom Erica calls her best friend, should also have the same status?"

"This, this..." Liliana's face turned red, and she began to be at a loss.

"No." Long Cheng said bluntly.

"Then who is brother Long Cheng's wife?"

Long Cheng didn't answer Wanli Guguang's question, but subconsciously touched the godhead of Orpheus on his neck.

"This question is a secret.

By the way, Godou, why are you here? "

"Uh... it's because of the light. She was chosen as the Priestess Priestess here because she possesses the ability called [Sorrow], and this time she came here as an intern." Kusanagi Godou directly told Long Cheng about the matter.

"A priestess with the ability of [Borrowing]...seems to be in line with our purpose.

Let's follow you for now. "

"no problem."

Then, under the leadership of Mariya Yuri, everyone walked towards the inside of the shrine.

Nikko Toshogu Shrine is a mausoleum built to worship the deified Tokugawa Ieyasu——Tosho Daikonen. People often come to do off-campus trips. It is a splendid and luxurious shrine. Watching the five-storied pagoda climb the stone steps and pass the torii gate, It is the regular route to enter the hall of worship through the famous Yomeimon, then the main hall, and then enter the Okusha.

However, when Yuri was halfway there, he walked towards a simple building.

This is a small and undecorated house, which is quite different from the five-storied pagodas and watch doors seen so far.However, there are many tourists, so it is unexpectedly a popular attraction.

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