At the moment when the three of Long Cheng disappeared, the seven Gods of Disobedience, Athena and Liliana all reacted at the same time.

The connection between Long Cheng and the two became negligible, but he could still know that the other party's life was not in danger.

As for the seven disobedient gods, they knew that the King of the End had been wiped out.

Losing the maintenance of the [Heroes Invited] power of the Last King, they began to weaken rapidly, and then were killed by the seven godslayers.

As for Mrs. Aisha... paddling all the way, lying down and winning.


Here is a piece of pure white space, maybe it is not accurate to say that space, because any concept of space and time is meaningless here.

Countless light spheres like soap bubbles float here.

This place, which was originally quiet, suddenly changed at this time.

Among the endless balls of light, a very small hole appeared in a certain ball of light, and a figure wearing a black dragon-shaped armor, only the left hand armor was bright gold and wet feathers, was spit out by the hole.

The hole healed completely in the next instant, and the pitch-black armor turned into fragments and scattered, entering one by one balls of light.

The shattering of the armor also revealed the existence inside, which was Long Cheng.

At this moment, Long Cheng couldn't control his body at all, his soul felt a tingling pain, and endless information flowed into his brain.

Those are the messages of the world, of the source.

There is a root in every world, and the root contains all the information of the world. If you can enter the root, you can get endless benefits.

Of course, not to mention how difficult it is to go to the root, it is the root of successful arrival, and whether you will come back with your life is a problem.

Endless information will flow into the soul of life that exists at the root, and the huge amount of information will make the soul be washed and lose itself.

Nether World—the realm of life and immortality, is actually the root of the Godslayer world, or the place connected to the root.

And here, besides the root of the godslayer world, is the omnipotent root that contains the roots of countless worlds.

Although it may not be appropriate, but if the omnipotent source is compared to the universe, then the ordinary source is the galaxy, and the worlds inside are planets, and what is contained here is the information of the endless source.

Of course, just like parallel universes, there is not only one universe, nor is there only one source of omnipotence. They exist in superspace and are independent of each other but also have some connections.

Almost instantly, Long Cheng lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

If one could observe Long Cheng's soul, then one would be able to see that the nine-colored soul light of the opponent turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after Jiebai arrived at... um, from a physical point of view, it was the dantian, she was swallowed by a pitch-black dot, and her soul became nine-colored again.

In this way, after losing consciousness, Long Cheng wandered for an unknown amount of time, and finally came to a ball of light, and was swallowed by it.

When Long Cheng disappeared here, the [Supernova] in his body finally collapsed and completed, forming a celestial body with infinite gravitational force, and outside the source of omnipotence, a small point quietly appeared.


Countless pieces of AXA's armor wandered in the Almighty Root, and then entered countless worlds, causing various deeds.

Some of these worlds exist with extraordinary powers, while others are technological worlds like the real world.

In a world with extraordinary power, it is easier to say, the fragments of AXA are good materials at best, but in the ordinary world, it is indeed enough to change the course of the entire world.

And happy to hear, after finding the AXA fragment, most of the technology world has made a lot of stuff with it.

For example, a certain world developed an existence called [Blaze].

In some worlds, existences called [Blazers] (Blazers) appeared.

Some of the fragments fell into the soil of an African part of a world, and wonderfully large plants of the Compositae family grew.

Some fragments turned into meteors, bringing an unknown element called [Mana] and aura called [Prana] to the world.

Others have traveled to the supernatural world where they came from with some lucky people, or gained some superpowers.


A black piece of precious jade fell into the world that Long Cheng entered, but it arrived a little earlier than Long Cheng... Probably only a few thousand years...

Then the time came to 2022 AD, on a certain island on the earth, a plume-colored fragment descended again, and at the same time as it arrived... there was also a young man.

Long Cheng and the fragment lay quietly in a huge crater.

I don't know how long it took, maybe tens of minutes, a girl in a white dress with long pink hair, about five or six years old, peeled off the grass in front of her and came to the edge of the crater.

The girl looked at Long Cheng curiously, she didn't understand that no one would be here, and the clothes were still in tatters.

Walking to Long Cheng's side, she wiped off the blood from the corner of the other's mouth with a handkerchief. After confirming that Long Cheng's life was not in danger, the girl was going to find the adults, but when she was about to leave...a feather-colored stone attracted her attention. Notice.

The girl slowly stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the fragments.

"It's so hot, it hurts." The high temperature emitted by the fragments that came to the earth from outside the atmosphere has not dissipated, and the sharp fragments cut the girl's fingers, causing her to retract her arms.

Then the girl immediately went to find her parents.

After briefly telling what happened, two men in chemical protective suits came here.

The two moved the lying corpse of Long Cheng to the car, and then took out the instrument to analyze the black fragments.

"Look, Shuichiro, amino acids are attached to this."

"Also, isn't this a genome resonance response!?"

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