"Is it really worth it to give up my long-standing goal because of my words without any guarantee..." Long Cheng knelt down on the ground and said guiltily.

Believe in yourself without strength, give up your strength in Reincarnation Douluo Dalu, and finally sacrifice your own life. Orpheus has paid too much for himself.

For this, Orpheus just hugged Long Cheng's head gently, and stroked it lightly. She looked at Long Cheng and shook her head with a smile, then she put her lips together silently.

Without Orpheus' words, Long Cheng could understand what she wanted to say and what she wanted to express.

'Yes, you are Orpheus! ! !The strongest and most pure dragon god.From then on, there is only tender and tolerant love in your heart...'

The guilt that has always existed in my heart for changing the trajectory of Orpheus' life disappeared, replaced by a stronger and purer love.

The two people hugging and kissing in the colorful space erupted with bright light.

The divine light burst out, and the time that stopped in the Netherworld void flowed again.

With a slight force in his arm, Long Cheng knocked Rama's savior Lei and Lakshmana's black flame aside. .


A netherworld space in the distance was hit by divine lightning, and it immediately turned into space fragments and dissipated into the void.

316. Lost Christmas

Facing the countless stabbing spears, Long Cheng didn't even have the intention of dodging. This kind of attack, he couldn't even break through his own spiritual defense.

"Huh!?" Just as he was about to explode his spiritual power, Long Cheng found that he could hardly mobilize the infinite energy in the [black hole] in his body.

The only trace of power that could be used turned into a blue-silver radiant airflow rising from Long Cheng's feet.

"Tsk... the suppression and assimilation of the world? My [root] is just a nascent state, and I can't guarantee that I won't be suppressed in other worlds."

In an instant, Long Cheng realized the truth about his abnormality.

The Godly Salvation Saber usurped from Rama in his hand turned into a knight sword and crushed the incoming crystal spears one by one.

At this moment, a huge purple beam of light pierced the sky in the distance, and then a huge crystal pillar rose up.

"Has the Lost Christmas started yet..." Long Cheng and the blond boy You fought towards the beam of light.


On the road, Longcheng could often see some pictures and sounds.

It was...a battle between a man in a red trench coat, a blue-haired girl, and a metal monster covered in crystals—Past.

The man in red stretched his right hand into the chest of the blue-haired girl, and white light shone from the place where the two touched.

[—And a pawn,

pierced his ribs with his spear, from which flowed blood and water...]

The blue-haired girl lost her mind and recited a passage from the [Bible].

Then the holy spear in Long Cheng's body burst into endless brilliance, and what appeared in the hands of the man in red was a blue and silver long spear.

[The world is the womb...]

The man's arm holding the spear crystallized.

The spear pierced the metal monster's body, destroying, polluting, and defiled its inner being.

"...Don't cry anymore..." The metal monster looked at the purple beam of light and said softly.

[The womb is death...]

"My, most important..."

[Everything decays before it is born]

"……real name……"


"Damn it!" Long Cheng cursed secretly, then quickened his pace and rushed towards the beam of light.

At this time, Long Cheng's body was already covered with the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor, and the edge of the armor exuded a blue-silver airflow that rose and circled in the form of a double helix.

The blond boy You flew in the air, chasing Long Cheng.


When the two of Long Cheng came near the beam of light, the image reappeared, and at the same time, the [Universal Holy Grail] in Long Cheng's body emitted a dazzling light.

[You and others should all drink from this cup.This is the blood of my contract.

Shed for the forgiveness of the sins of all the people in the world.

You and everyone eat, this is my flesh and blood. ]

The man in red pulled out a golden holy grail from the blue-haired girl's chest, and endless locusts spewed out from it, devouring the enemies.

"Why... I just... this time..." the blond girl who was eaten by the locusts murmured in pain.

[It's useless, Plazait (Present)

——The future did not choose you. ]

"..." The blond girl named Plazet fell silent, before being devoured by endless locusts.

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