Just as Maki was about to take out the test tube, an electronic door attracted her attention, or something behind the door attracted her.

Using Finaru's ability, the electronic door was quickly opened.

This room was extremely dim, surrounded by various equipment, and in the center of the room was a culture tank emitting blue-silver light.

A man soaked in an unknown liquid caught Uki's eyes.

"Remember, you are [you]..." The figure of the other party appeared in his mind, and Mo Qi couldn't help approaching the man.

When she came to the training tank, the man inside also opened his eyes, his plume-colored pupils met his wine-red beautiful eyes.

The next moment, the glass of the cultivation tank began to shatter without warning, and the nutrient solution began to flow out.

Mo Qi took a few steps back and looked at the man inside with a blank expression.

The man knocked lightly on the shattered glass, and then a crack the size of a person appeared, and a naked man walked out of the cultivation tank.

"Who are you...?" The throbbing in his heart made Mo Qi unable to help asking.

"My name is Long Cheng, you can call me whatever you want, I am a god." Long Cheng conjured up a suit of wet feather-colored clothes and put them on himself.

"...Ya." Mu Qi said to Fei Nalu.

"Longcheng, I don't care if you are a god or anything, if you don't want to die, follow up with Qi's actions now." Chou Shenya's voice came from the robot. Together, they must be an important person.

"Qi, the battle continues." Chou Shenya ordered to Qi.

Miao Qi glanced at Long Cheng, then walked out of the room, ready to continue the battle.

The drawer containing the genome was closed without incident.Finaru reset the drawer's weight sensor, disguising it as if the cylinder hadn't been taken out yet.

Qi held the cylinder in her hand and Long Cheng, who followed her, walked out of the laboratory and returned to the sterilization room.However, the warning light did not change from red to green.Finaru's information processing ability has reached its limit, no matter how good its control ability is, it will still be inferior to tools after all.

"—I'm sorry, Xiaoqi. Carry out the second plan.

Boy, if you want to survive, follow Xiaoqi, but if it becomes a burden, we will abandon you without hesitation. "

What came out of the wireless earphones was the [-]-year-old genius hacker Thrush, who is in charge of intelligence warfare at the Undertaker.She doesn't use honorifics for anyone, and certainly not for Ki, who is two years older.But no one cares about that.

"Oh, I see."

As Qi replied, he took off his protective suit, revealing the orange goldfish suit inside.

"Do you want to eliminate this alarm?" Long Cheng pointed to the red signal light and said.

"Yes, but Fei Nalu has reached the limit." Mu Qi said lightly.

"Then leave it to me." Saying that, Long Cheng stepped forward.

"Hey, kid, don't mess around!" A girl's voice came from within Fei Nalu.

Ignoring the other party, Long Cheng came to the siren and put his palm on it, a slight electric arc flickered a few times, and then the red light turned green.

"You're kidding!" Tsugumi said incredulously.

"Let's go." Long Cheng waved to Qi, and walked out of the sterilization room.

Long Cheng followed behind Mo Qi, and when he stepped out of the room, a louder alarm sounded.Unlike previous alerts, this is a biohazard alert.The guards who were attracted by Yai's feint turned back immediately.

[Experimental sample, code-named 777 escaped.Repeat, experimental sample, codename 777 escaped...]

In the next moment, Miao Qi dragged the bewildered Long Cheng to run in one direction.

Fei Nalu moved quickly in front, Qi's other hand held the cylinder tightly and followed Fei Nalu out of the corridor.

I was catching up at full speed for fear of losing track.

In order to block the virus, the partition walls have been lowered one after another.However, there was a certain time delay for the wall's descent, and Qi led Long Cheng to break through the only gap, running at full speed in the corridor at almost the limit.

The corner of the skirt of the flying invisibility cloak exudes a light that despises these partition walls.

"Ya, it worked."

In the midst of the loud explosion, the sound from the earphones was intermittent, while Ya fired rockets into the sky with the rocket launcher on her shoulders, while covering her ears with her hands to make herself hear more clearly.

"is it?"

"But here comes the problem."

A bullet shattered Ya's hair, causing Ya to be annoyed.He pulled the large-caliber pistol from his waist and pulled the trigger at the firing point.The soldier's white clothes were immediately dyed bright red.There were explosions in the vicinity, and Ya's face was bathed in blood-red flames for a while.

"what happened?"

"We're exposed."

"As I expected.——Ayase!"

Switching radio channels, Ya called another person's name.The night was getting dark, and there was nothing to be seen in the industrial area except the flames rising from the chimney mouth, but now the figure of the remote-operated tank—ENDRAVE appeared like a mirage.This is the first generation of the unit with the nickname "Jumong".Because the driver is not inside the fuselage, it once caused people to discuss what is inside it.

"Please go and answer the prayer. Those guys must have invested in the GOCE machine, but tools are just tools."

"I see, leave it to me."

With a "bang", Ju Mong's figure disappeared again, leaving a cloud of dust all around.Ya didn't even look at it, and took off the automatic rifle from the fallen man in black beside him. This man still had red and black eyes open. He must have believed until his death that Japan would be liberated from now on. .

"...I'm such a monster.

Ya laughed self-deprecatingly, and after clearing the bullets in the rifle, gave the order to retreat to the still alive troops.

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